February Activities Newsletter
- [登録者]City of Sunnyvale
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Sunnyvale, CA
- 登録日 : 2025/02/01
- 掲載日 : 2025/02/01
- 変更日 : 2025/02/01
- 総閲覧数 : 66 人
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*February 2025 Activities Newsletter*
Camp Sunnyvale Splash Registration Opens Soon
With summer around the corner, Sunnyvale Recreation is excited to share a new season of fun and exciting camp options and a diverse swim lesson schedule. Families who participated in camps/swim lessons last year, look in your mailbox the week of Feb. 3 for a copy of the Camp Sunnyvale Splash Brochure. New families to our programs can look at the online version of the Camp Sunnyvale Splash Brochure here [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/recreation-and-community/classes-and-activities ]. Mark these dates on your calendar now:
* *Feb. 3 at 9 a.m.* - Camp registration opens
* *March 3 at 9 a.m.* - Swim lesson registration opens
Note: Our policies have changed. Take a moment to review our changes including camp billing, recreation credit and refund/transfer and cancellation policies. Read the next article to find out more about how our new camp billing works.
Questions? 408-730-7350.
NEW Camp Installment Billing Change
This year, you have two options to pay for camp. You can either pay in full at the time of registration OR pay a $15 nonrefundable deposit. If you choose to pay the deposit, you will be automatically charged three weeks before the beginning of camp. Plus, if you want to make small increment payments before the deadline, just give us a call and we would be happy to assist you.
Questions? 408-730-7350 or email recreation@sunnyvale.ca.gov.
Teen Resource Fair
*Saturday, Feb. 1, Noon to 3 p.m. - Sunnyvale City Hall*
Teenagers in grades 9 to 12 are invited to this free event, planned by two high school leaders from each school in the Fremont Union High School district. Come learn about wellness, volunteer and employment opportunities and resources. During your visit, stop by the Sunnyvale Recreation table for some free giveaways and learn about our job openings.
Questions? 408-730-7800 or email CNC@Sunnyvale.ca.gov.
Babies in Bloom - Community Baby Shower
*Saturday, Feb. 15, 2 to 4 p.m. - Sunnyvale Library Program Room*
Join us for a free event honoring expectant mothers and fathers! Enjoy baby shower games, prize drawings, refreshments and childcare information and resources. Take home an informational book to help you prepare for the birth of your child (while supplies last).
Questions? Email childcareresources@sunnyvale.ca.gov. <childcareresources@sunnyvale.ca.gov>
*Register to Attend Baby Shower* [ https://sunnyvale.libcal.com/event/12790060 ]
*February Break Camps*
*Tuesday, Feb. 18 to 21*
We have a few camp options for February break. Registration is filling up fast, so reserve your spot today!
*To register, *click the camp name or call 408-730-7350.
This is the perfect opportunity to use your child’s 2025 Recreation Scholarship funds. Haven’t applied? There is still time to apply. Visit Sunnyvale.ca.gov/Activities [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/recreation-and-community/classes-and-activities ] and scroll down to the Recreation Scholarship section to download an application.
Camp Explorer [ https://registration.sunnyvale.ca.gov/webtrac/web/search.html?Action=Start&SubAction=&_csrf_token=iS0S71110B6D2L43233M3U4C094H4C52175J4T586H6J5O4K5D5J6Z6X6F5147725L4L5A5501514U6D6K1P6W4Q5T690L5F4G5655085N5C5F6A0D5X4F575D1A675S59&primarycode=&keyword=explorer&endmonth=&subtype=&grade=&keywordoption=Match+One&instructor=&dayoption=Only&timeblock=&spotsavailable=&bydayonly=No&beginyear=&season=&gender=&location=&display=Detail&module=AR&multiselectlist_value=&arwebsearch_buttonsearch=yes ]
6 - 12
8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Washington Park
Fun on the Run [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/recreation-and-community/classes-and-activities/afterschool-activities ] (free)
6 - 11
2 to 5 p.m.
Lakewood Park
Gymnastics [ https://registration.sunnyvale.ca.gov/webtrac/web/search.html?Action=Start&SubAction=&_csrf_token=iS0S71110B6D2L43233M3U4C094H4C52175J4T586H6J5O4K5D5J6Z6X6F5147725L4L5A5501514U6D6K1P6W4Q5T690L5F4G5655085N5C5F6A0D5X4F575D1A675S59&primarycode=&keyword=gymwinter&endmonth=&subtype=&grade=&keywordoption=Match+One&instructor=&dayoption=Only&timeblock=&spotsavailable=&bydayonly=No&beginyear=&season=&gender=&location=&display=Detail&module=AR&multiselectlist_value=&arwebsearch_buttonsearch=yes ]
3 - 15 or 4 - 15
9 a.m. to 2 p.m. or 9 a.m. to Noon
Indoor Sports Center
#Scratch Gamemaker [ https://registration.sunnyvale.ca.gov/webtrac/web/search.html?Action=Start&SubAction=&_csrf_token=iS0S71110B6D2L43233M3U4C094H4C52175J4T586H6J5O4K5D5J6Z6X6F5147725L4L5A5501514U6D6K1P6W4Q5T690L5F4G5655085N5C5F6A0D5X4F575D1A675S59&primarycode=&keyword=scratch&endmonth=&subtype=&grade=&keywordoption=Match+One&instructor=&dayoption=Only&timeblock=&spotsavailable=&bydayonly=No&beginyear=&season=&gender=&location=&display=Detail&module=AR&multiselectlist_value=&arwebsearch_buttonsearch=yes ]
8 - 11
9 a.m. to Noon
Ortega Park
Frozen Winter Wonderland [ https://registration.sunnyvale.ca.gov/webtrac/web/search.html?Action=Start&SubAction=&_csrf_token=iS0S71110B6D2L43233M3U4C094H4C52175J4T586H6J5O4K5D5J6Z6X6F5147725L4L5A5501514U6D6K1P6W4Q5T690L5F4G5655085N5C5F6A0D5X4F575D1A675S59&primarycode=&keyword=frozenwintercamp&endmonth=&subtype=&grade=&keywordoption=Match+One&instructor=&dayoption=Only&timeblock=&spotsavailable=&bydayonly=No&beginyear=&season=&gender=&location=&display=Detail&module=AR&multiselectlist_value=&arwebsearch_buttonsearch=yes ]
5 - 9
9 a.m. to Noon
De Anza Park
Programming Minecraft [ https://registration.sunnyvale.ca.gov/webtrac/web/search.html?Action=Start&SubAction=&_csrf_token=iS0S71110B6D2L43233M3U4C094H4C52175J4T586H6J5O4K5D5J6Z6X6F5147725L4L5A5501514U6D6K1P6W4Q5T690L5F4G5655085N5C5F6A0D5X4F575D1A675S59&primarycode=&keyword=programminecraftcamp&endmonth=&subtype=&grade=&keywordoption=Match+One&instructor=&dayoption=Only&timeblock=&spotsavailable=&bydayonly=No&beginyear=&season=&gender=&location=&display=Detail&module=AR&multiselectlist_value=&arwebsearch_buttonsearch=yes ]
10 - 13
1 to 4 p.m.
Ortega Park
Magic Academy [ https://registration.sunnyvale.ca.gov/webtrac/web/search.html?Action=Start&SubAction=&_csrf_token=bW0Z146M0F6X2W291Z2O2S4J4R4S54686E5T4D594Z6Y66586O5T1H5U3L5G4Z6Y4S5Y50691E5M6B4G596L5Q614A58005F3P6P671B5P5U5R4F1L6E5Z6M461F6T5R5R&primarycode=&keyword=magiccamp&endmonth=&subtype=&grade=&keywordoption=Match+One&instructor=&dayoption=Only&timeblock=&spotsavailable=&bydayonly=No&beginyear=&season=&gender=&location=&display=Detail&module=AR&multiselectlist_value=&arwebsearch_buttonsearch=yes ]
7 - 11
1:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Creative Arts Center
Summer Recreation Job Fair
*Tuesday, March 4, 5:30 to 8 p.m. - Sunnyvale Recreation Center*
Looking for a summer job?
Join us at the 2025 Summer Recreation Job Fair and complete the hiring process in one night. Apply, interview and get hired all on-site! We're hiring for Summer Camp and Aquatics positions only. All positions are unbenefited and are part-time (25 hours a week) or seasonal (40 hours a week). No permanent full-time roles available. Here are the available jobs:
* Camp Counselor 1/2 [ https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/sunnyvale/jobs/4808871/recreation-camp-counselor-1-2?page=2&pagetype=jobOpportunitiesJobs ]
* Camp Director [ https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/sunnyvale/jobs/4809659/recreation-camp-director?page=2&pagetype=jobOpportunitiesJobs ]
* Lifeguard/Swim Instructor [ https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/sunnyvale/jobs/4443156/recreation-aquatics-lifeguard-swim-instructor?page=2&pagetype=jobOpportunitiesJobs ]
* Assistant Pool Manager [ https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/sunnyvale/jobs/4353624/recreation-aquatics-assistant-pool-manager?page=2&pagetype=jobOpportunitiesJobs ]
* Pool Manager
To ensure a smooth job fair experience, remember to bring the following:
* Fully charged phone with Internet access
* List of work history (if you have worked before)
* Email address that you can easily access on your phone
* CPR/First-Aid cards (if certified)
* Parent/guardian (if under 18)
*SAVE TIME AT THE FAIR!* The hiring process takes about two hours to complete. If you apply for one of the positions above online BEFORE the event, you can complete the process in half that time. By applying early, you can walk directly into an interview instead of waiting for your application to process.
Questions? 408-730-7350.
*Learn More About the Job Fair* [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/6822/19?curm=3&cury=2025 ]
Free Activities at Magical Bridge Playground
*Fair Oaks Park *
* *Inclusive Storytime (English) *
Wednesday, Feb. 5, 4 to 4:30 p.m. - Magical Bridge Playground Stage
Listen, watch and interact with performers as they communicate a fun and engaging story on stage. Individuals of all ages and abilities are welcome.
* *Therapeutic Recreation Watercolor classes*
Thursdays, Feb. 6, 13, 20 and 27, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. - Fair Oaks Park Building
Peaceful and artistic watercolor program for individuals with disabilities, ages 8+. Registration required.
Email CNC@sunnyvale.ca.gov for registration links and questions.
* *Therapeutic Recreation Creative Dance/Movement*
Saturdays, Feb. 8 and 22, 1 to 2 pm - Fair Oaks Park Building
Free-flowing and exciting dance class for individuals with disabilities, age 8+. Registration required.
Email CNC@sunnyvale.ca.gov for registration links and questions.
NEW Special Event Permit Application
Our Special Events team worked hard over the past year to improve our Special Event application. Here’s what’s new:
* The creation of an application instructions guide to assist event organizers with the process
* A streamlined application for a quicker experience
* One Special Event Application that includes Baylands Park events
We’re excited to offer these improvements, which are now available online. Visit Sunnyvale.ca.gov, search “Special Event permit” to download an application. All applications must be submitted at least eight weeks before your event date.
Questions? Email events@sunnyvale.ca.gov.
Registration Software Upgrade
On Wednesday, Jan. 29, we upgraded our online registration system! This update brings exciting, new features, including summer camp installment billing, ability to subscribe/unsubscribe to receive class/camp notifications and updated security features.
*Here’s how it affects you:* When you log in, you’ll be prompted to enter your email and have the option to subscribe to notifications. Be sure to check the box to stay updated on our latest programs and if you want to receive notifications in case you class or camp is canceled. After submitting, you’ll receive an email verification from City of Sunnyvale Recreation (rec@sunnyvale.ca.gov) with a link to confirm your email and account.
Electric Vehicle Ride and Drive Event
*Saturday, March 8, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. - Sunnyvale Community Center*
Test drive a lineup of electric vehicles, learn from local EV owners and experts and learn how to save on your next car purchase. Following your test drive, complete the post-survey to receive a food voucher for the on-site complimentary food truck.
Questions? Green@sunnyvale.ca.gov or call 408-730-7717.
*Reserve your Spot Today* [ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ev-ride-and-drive-tickets-1118318012279?aff=Library ]
Quick Links
Classes and Activities Registration [ https://registration.sunnyvale.ca.gov/wbwsc/webtrac.wsc/splash.html ]
Special Events [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/recreation-and-community/special-events ]
Sunnyvale Aquatics [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/recreation-and-community/classes-and-activities/aquatics ]
Apply for a Sunnyvale Recreation Job [ https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/sunnyvale?keywords=recreation ]
Recreation Scholarship Program [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/recreation-and-community/classes-and-activities ]
[ https://www.facebook.com/SunnyvaleRecreation ] [ https://www.instagram.com/sunnyvale_recreation ] [ https://www.youtube.com/sunnyvalerecreation ]
*Contact Us*
Sunnyvale Recreation
Email Sunnyvale Recreation <recreation@sunnyvale.ca.gov>
Sunnyvale.ca.gov [ https://Sunnyvale.ca.gov ]
Manage Subscriptions [ https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/CASUNNYVALE/subscriber/new?preferences=true ] | Subscriber Help [ https://subscriberhelp.granicus.com/s/ ]
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