Health Equity Quarterly: Fall 2024
- [注册人]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Baltimore, MD
- 注册日期 : 2024/11/12
- 发布日 : 2024/11/12
- 更改日期 : 2024/11/12
- 总浏览次数 : 29 人
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VOLUME 15 | Fall 2024
Director's Message
As autumn unfolds, a sense of gratitude emerges for the resilience and strength of our communities. Engaging with partners and stakeholders has uncovered inspiring stories of collaboration and innovation in advancing health equity. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Office of Minority Health (CMS OMH) is making strides toward addressing disparities that affect our underserved populations.
Recognizing the unique challenges faced by all underserved populations emphasizes our steadfast commitment to equity and remains at the forefront of our work. The updates shared below highlight the progress being made and the initiatives underway to create a more inclusive health care landscape. The timing of this quarterly newsletter grants us the opportunity to focus on Tribal and rural populations in honor of Native American Heritage Month this November and National Rural Health Day on November 21. I encourage you to deepen your knowledge of the issues rural, Tribal, and geographically isolated communities face as we spotlight them in research and data updates.
Embrace this season of change by taking action — encourage collaboration with underserved populations, participate in health screenings, and advocate for inclusive practices. Every effort contributes to building a healthier community, and together we can continue this vital work and strive toward a future where health equity is a reality for all. Your engagement and support are invaluable as we move forward on this journey.
"- Dr. Martin Mendoza"
*Health Equity Programs* [ ]
*Research and Data Updates*
CMS OMH maintains a series of data snapshots, data highlights, and other reports. Here are the latest updates on data tools and reports published by CMS OMH:
* Rural-Urban Disparities in Health Care in Medicare [ ] — This stratified report illustrates the rural-urban differences in health care experiences and clinical care received nationally.
* [ ] [ ] [ ] Access to Health Care in Rural America: Current Trends and Key Challenges [ ] — The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a new report today showing that President Biden and Vice President Harris’s efforts to strengthen access to health care are linked to historic gains in rural Americans’ health insurance coverage. The report from HHS’ Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) highlights current enrollment trends and challenges in rural America.
*Research and Data* [ ]
person wearing face mask
*Equity Initiatives*
CMS is dedicated to promoting health equity and wants to share the following updates from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
* Medicare's Open Enrollment Period is here! During this time, people with Medicare can join, switch, or drop a Medicare Advantage plan (Part C) or Medicare drug plan (Part D). Visit ** * [ ]*now through December 7 to compare all your coverage options. Find information in Spanish and additional resources here. [ ]
* Marketplace Open Enrollment on runs from November 1 to January 15 and can last even longer in states that run their own State-based Marketplace. CMS encourages all consumers to select a plan by December 15, so their coverage starts on January 1, 2025. Consumers who select a plan between December 16 and the end of open enrollment on January 15 can have coverage that starts February 1, 2025.
* Our Coverage to Care (C2C) Enrollment Toolkit [,Open+Enrollment&linkId=609555614 ] can help answer questions about enrolling in new coverage, changing your health care plan, and more.
* Find information and translations for additional communities here. [ ] [ ]
* On October 16, 2024, CMS approved four section 1115 demonstration amendments that now allow, for the first time ever, Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) coverage of traditional care practices provided by Indian Health Service (IHS) facilities, Tribal facilities, and Urban Indian Organizations (UIO). This action is expected to improve access to culturally appropriate health care and improve the quality of care and health outcomes for Tribal communities, and will support IHS, Tribal, and UIO facilities in serving their patients. Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Oregon are the first states to receive approval. Learn more about Section 1115 Demonstrations and each state’s new coverage here [ ].
*Stakeholder Updates*
CMS is committed to working with stakeholders across the country to ensure our initiatives align with the needs of the diverse populations they serve.
There’s still time to register for our next webinar, featuring 2024 CMS Health Equity Awardee, Augusta Health, on November 19. The webinar will focus on efforts by both CMS and Augusta Health to help increase health care access and services in rural communities. Click here [ ] [ ]to register.
There is also still time register for an HHS webinar on how safety net health care providers, including rural providers, can leverage federal funding for resilience and sustainability. On November 20 at 12:00pm ET, join HHS and two of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund grant recipients, Climate United Fund and Opportunity Finance Network, to learn about their plans to finance clean energy projects across the country and how the health sector can take advantage of this funding. Click_ _here [ ] to register.
This quarter, we had the privilege of collaborating on several impactful webinars:
* The C2C/National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health [ ] “Rural” webinar focused on helping rural Americans understand and connect to their health insurance coverage and receive the care best suited for their needs.
* The CMS OMH and the Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs [ ], (DOJ OJP) hosted the “Returning to the Community: Health Care After Incarceration Resource Overview” webinar, to provide an overview of the recently released “Returning to the Community: Health Care After Incarceration: A Guide for Health Care Reentry [ ]” designed to help individuals take charge of their health after incarceration.
* The “CMS National Hispanic Heritage Month” webinar, in collaboration with one of our 2024 CMS Health Equity Awardees [ ], Latino Connection [ ], focused on sharing information about recent updates, highlighting resources, and learning more about Latino Connection's recent health equity work and outreach.
Recordings of these webinars are available on the CMS Webinars & Trainings webpage [ ].
As we continue to celebrate C2C [ ]’s 10th Anniversary, we are excited to share updated resources for both individuals and providers. These resources are designed to improve health literacy and help people understand critical health information to empower them to take charge of their health care.
* “Telehealth: What to Know for Your Family [ ]” — Patients can find out the types of care they can receive through telehealth, how to prepare for an appointment, what to expect during a visit, and more. This resource is now available in Arabic, Chinese, Haitian Creole, Korean, Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
* “Telehealth for Providers: What You Need to Know [ ]” is newly updated to include how and when to use telehealth. Topics include how to set up telehealth services, how to conduct a successful visit, and how to keep up to date on telehealth payment (particularly for Medicare and Medicaid).
* College Students Preventive Services Flyer [ ] — Discover what services are available at no cost under most health coverage for college students at student health centers. This resource is now available in Arabic, Chinese, Haitian Creole, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese
* View Your Path to Better Student Health [ ] — This roadmap can be used by student health centers to help college students navigate the eight-step journey to better care. This resource is now available in Arabic, Chinese, Haitian Creole, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese
Additionally, CMS OMH participated in five recent conferences: the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s 53rd Annual Legislative Conference [ ], the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute 2024 Leadership Conference [ ], the Asian and Pacific Islander American Health Forum (APIAHF)’s 14th Annual VOICES Conference [ ], AcademyHealth Datapalooza, and the American Public Health Association (APHA)’s 2024 Annual Meeting and Expo [ ]. These events provided valuable opportunities to share crucial resources and engage with attendees, reinforcing our commitment to promoting health equity and enhancing collaboration with diverse communities.
*Resource Center* [ ]
*CMS OMH Grants and Awards*
CMS OMH is excited to announce this year’s recipients of funding from the Minority Research Grant Program (MRGP). Six recipients have been awarded grants to expand our commitment to advancing health equity among the populations served by CMS programs. Each grantee received up to $237,500, totaling $1,423,865 in funding to support their projects, which will examine critical public health disparities and increase health equity research capacities at minority-serving institutions.
The 2024 grantees include:
* Palo Alto College, "Palo Alto Dental Hygiene Access to Care (PADHAC) Program: Enhancing Dental Hygiene Education and Community Health in South San Antonio by Integrating Advanced Sleep Health, CBCT Scans, and Oral Cancer Screening" — Palo Alto College in California, a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI), will offer Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) scan imaging at a reduced cost to remove financial barriers and improve access to care for at-home sleep study testing. This initiative aims to enhance overall oral health outcomes through early detection and management of conditions related to obstructive sleep apnea, identified via clinical and radiographical analysis.
* Research Foundation CUNY on behalf of Lehman College, "Studying Substance Use Disorders and Mental Health services in the Bronx Using a Health Disparities Research Approach" — The Research Foundation CUNY, an HSI, and the Bronx Community Taskforce will convene providers across the Bronx to explore factors influencing the utilization of mental health and substance abuse disorder services, including barriers to access and the cultural responsiveness of services, while conducting a rigorous assessment of the services’ availability using public federal, state, and city data. They will analyze the factors that predict their use or underuse by ZIP code and among populations with higher health burdens of substance abuse and mental health disorders.
* San Diego State University Foundation, "Determining Factors Associated with Loss of Independence Among Ethnic Minority Older Adults: A 10-year Longitudinal Study "Using NHATS — This study by San Diego State University, an HSI, aims to identify factors contributing to the loss of independence among multiethnic populations in the U.S., using the World Health Organization's comprehensive multi-dimensional International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) model, employing a population-based cohort longitudinal design and leveraging the National Health and Aging Trends Study (NHATS) dataset.
* North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, "Building a Path to Health Equity: Investigating Lead Exposure, Chronic Stress, and Cardiovascular Dysfunction" — North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College, a Historically Black College and University (HBCU) hypothesizes that lead (Pb) exposure, chronic stress, and their interaction contribute to adverse cardiovascular health outcomes. The main statistical analysis will use model-based methods for cross-sectional clustered data to assess a composite index of cardiovascular dysfunction as the primary outcome. Secondary outcomes include eight cardiovascular measures, isoprostane, and inflammatory biomarkers, accounting for chronic and acute Pb exposure, chronic stress, stress-by-exposure interactions, and participant characteristics.
* Research Foundation of the State University of New York, "Expanding Access to Perinatal Healthcare and Supportive Services that Address Social Determinants of Health" — The Research Foundation of the State University of New York, an Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institution (AANAPISI) and HSI, seeks to expand services in communities in Queens, New York, to reduce the number of pregnant and/or postpartum individuals who are uninsured or who go without needed medical care, to expand access to health care and support for expectant families, and to diversify the lactation field.
* Fayetteville State University, "HIV/AIDS Virtual Summer Research Institute for Helping Professionals" — Fayetteville State University, an HBCU in North Carolina, plans to expand its curriculum and training focused on HIV/AIDS education, awareness, and prevention among students in helping professions by developing an interdisciplinary two-week virtual summer institute and curriculum. The program will provide students with opportunities for active engagement in reflective learning to enhance their knowledge and perception of HIV/AIDS and its prevention.
For more than two decades, the MRGP has supported researchers at minority-serving institutions through funding to explore and address health care disparities affecting racial and ethnic minority groups, people with disabilities, members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ+) community, individuals with limited English proficiency, individuals residing in rural areas, and individuals adversely affected by persistent poverty or inequality.
To learn more about the Minority Research Grant Program and sign up for updates on funding opportunities, please visit [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ].
*2024 CMS Health Equity Conference*
The 2024 CMS Health Equity Conference was held on May 29-30, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency hotel in Bethesda, Maryland, and virtually. The theme of the 2024 conference was Sustaining Health Equity Through Action. The CMS Health Equity Conference Highlight Video [ ] is now available, offering a recap of the conference and capturing diverse perspectives and powerful opinions shared by health experts across the country. Whether you attended or missed this event, don’t miss a chance to relive these inspiring moments.
Additionally, the plenary sessions and full breakout sessions are still accessible for viewing on the CMS YouTube [ ] channel, and the poster hall and agenda are available on the 2024 CMS Health Equity Conference webpage [ ]. We encourage you to stay connected and continue engaging with the vital work of sustaining health equity through action by exploring these conference resources.
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