Alki Point Healthy Street: REMINDER Share Your Feedback by December 2!
- [注册人]City of Seattle
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Seattle, WA
- 注册日期 : 2024/11/29
- 发布日 : 2024/11/29
- 更改日期 : 2024/11/29
- 总浏览次数 : 24 人
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爱德华・英语・班位于千叶县市原市,是一所英式英语会话学校,采用独特的学习方法 "Abakada English"。 由爱德华创办,英语母语教师和日语教师共同授课。儿童编程班 ・ 还提供学习班 ♪ 提供免费试听课程 ! 日常英语会话 ・ TOEIC ・ 学校成绩 ・ 医学院考试的专业英语准备 ・ Eiken ・ 英语演讲・ 英语论文 ・ 在线课程 ・ 日语课程和其他适合您目的的菜单 !
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Help Shape the Future of Alki Point Healthy Street
Alki Point
People walking and enjoying the Alki Point Healthy Street on Beach Dr SW
Greetings Neighbors,* *
This is a reminder to please share your feedback on the Alki Point Healthy Street by 3PM, Monday, *December 2, 2024.*
Since 2020, we've been working hand-in-hand with Seattle Parks and Recreation and our vibrant community to enhance safety and accessibility for everyone who walks, bikes, and rolls at Alki Point. Throughout the past four years SDOT has evaluated the temporary Healthy Street, made adjustments and heard the community call for permanent changes. This year we began the construction on the first phase of permanent improvements including:
* A shared-use path along Beach Drive SW for people walking, biking, and rolling
* 3 designated public parking areas
* Speed cushions to slow down vehicles
* A vehicle turn around at the end of the Alki trail
Alki Point is a beloved regional destination known for outdoor activities like kayaking, whale watching, and sunset gazing. We understand the unique nature of Alki Point and are seeking your feedback to understand how these improvements are working and inform our next steps.
?? Share your feedback in our survey here! [ ]
??️ *Complete the Survey by 3PM, Monday, December 2, 2024*
The survey is translated in Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese, Amharic, Korean, Ukrainian, Tagalog, Somali, and Chinese.
Together, let's make Alki Point even more enjoyable for everyone! Thank you for your valuable input.
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Thank you,
Healthy Streets Team
*Seattle Department of Transportation*
700 5th Avenue
Suite 3800
Seattle, WA 98104
*Phone: 206-684-7623*
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