- [등록자]City of Hermosa Beach
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]Hermosa Beach, CA, US
- 등록일 : 2024/11/21
- 게재일 : 2024/11/21
- 변경일 : 2024/11/21
- 총열람수 : 54 명
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Plan Completed On Time and Under Budget; Provides Community-Informed Roadmap for Enhancing City’s Parks, Beaches and Community Spaces
Post Date: 11/21/2024 1:30 PM
During its November 12 meeting, Hermosa Beach City Council unanimously approved the City’s Parks Master Plan [ https://www.hermosabeach.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/20845/638671107143381999?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ], which will serve as a near- and long-term planning tool for the City’s parks and recreation facilities, services and programs for the next 30 years. The Plan, which was developed through community feedback, expert consultation and collaboration across City departments, will help inform the City’s future budget priorities and dedication of staffing resources and was developed in alignment with the City’s General Plan.
Hermosa Beach, which is 1.4 square miles, has more than 110 acres of parkland, 19 acres dedicated to the local Greenbelt and 22 parks and parkettes, while the City-owned beach spans 63 acres of open space. The approved Parks Master Plan lays out a comprehensive set of recommendations aimed at enhancing the City’s open spaces, beaches and park and recreation facilities, services and programs, as well as improving the overall quality of life for residents. It can be revisited and updated every 5-10 years to ensure the City’s development and strategies remain responsive to evolving community needs, priorities and opportunities.
The new Plan, which replaces the City’s previous 1990 Parks and Recreation Master Plan and represents a nearly 2-year collaborative effort between the City and community, was completed on time and almost 50% under budget. The initial Plan was budgeted at roughly $650,000 but cost the City approximately $329,000.
“Hermosa’s beaches and parks are central to our City’s identity, and this Plan provides a comprehensive roadmap to ensure those community spaces continue to serve as vital resources for recreation, wellness and fostering local connection,” said Hermosa Beach Mayor Dean Francois. “It is a testament to the beauty and extensiveness of Hermosa Beach’s exceptional public resources, highlighting our dedication to maintaining community assets that enhance the quality of life for generations to come.”
In developing the City’s Parks Master Plan, the City solicited extensive community input, including multiple community workshops, surveys and Council and Commission meetings, environmental assessments and collaboration with local experts.
Through this process, key community needs were identified including park and program improvements, facility renovations, dog-friendly amenities, additional pickleball courts and a community pool, the latter of which would involve the City working with neighboring communities and developing joint use agreements to support shared use of aquatic facilities. Residents also prioritized more youth and senior programs and activities and improved access to the greenbelt, parks and beach.
Highlights of the plan include:
Revitalization of the City’s Existing Parks, Facilities and Open Spaces: Improvements to popular parks and key City facilities, including new playground equipment, expanded picnic areas and upgraded facilities, including renovations to the Hermosa Beach Community Center, to better serve families and individuals of all ages. This also includes upgrades to accommodate growing recreational demand, such as improvements to Clark Field, establishing enhanced landscape standards for the Greenbelt and improvements to the skate park and lawn bowling facilities.
Increased Accessibility: Enhanced Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-compliant features to ensure that all residents, including those with mobility challenges, can fully enjoy Hermosa Beach’s parks, recreational facilities, the Greenbelt and the beach.
Increased Community Engagement and Expanded Programs: Expanded recreational programming and community events, encouraging active use of parks and strengthening social connections among residents.
Improved Environmental Sustainability: Increased focus on native planting, water conservation and sustainable park maintenance practices to support the City’s environmental goals and contribute to local biodiversity.
These recommendations align with the City's broader strategic goals for improving public spaces and ensuring that Hermosa Beach remains a vibrant, active community for all its residents and visitors to work, live and play.
For a full copy of the Hermosa Beach 2024 Parks Master Plan, including detailed analyses, community input summaries, and project timelines, visit the City’s Parks Master Plan webpage [ https://www.hermosabeach.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/20845/638671107143381999?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].
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