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New Quarterly Numbers Released on the Homeless Services Reporting Dashboard
- [Registrant]City of Culver City
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]Culver City, CA
- Posted : 2024/11/11
- Published : 2024/11/11
- Changed : 2024/11/11
- Total View : 44 persons
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Culver City [ ] Photo of the permanent housing side of Project Homekey [ ]
Culver City Release New Quarterly Numbers on the Homeless Services Reporting Dashboard
The City of Culver City released new numbers highlighting the effort to address homelessness and help unhoused neighbors in our community.
Culver City is a California leader in addressing homelessness by using a holistic and comprehensive approach. As of September 30, 2024, the City has accomplished the following:
* Project Homekey's Permanent Supportive Housing site currently houses 39 residents since opening in October 2023.
* Project Homekey's Interim Housing site currently temporarily houses 40 participants since opening in February 2024.
* Wellness Village Safe Sleep site currently shelters 7 participants and has served 72 participants since opening in August 2023.
* Motel Lease Program currently shelters 42 participants and has served 92 participants since July 2023.
* The Mobile Crisis Team, which launched in March 2024, has helped provide placement for 49 unhoused individuals and has responded to 694 calls for service, contacted 493 persons, and performed 112 mental health assessments.
Since Culver City declared a homelessness emergency in January 2023, the City has taken unprecedented action towards solving homelessness, including opening permanent and supportive housing sites, opening a safe-sleep site, providing shelter at two leased local motels, launching a mobile crisis response team, street-based healthcare, and extensive outreach services.
The Culver City 2024 Homeless Point-In-Time (PIT) Count revealed that 115 persons were unhoused on the streets of Culver City, a 32% decrease from the 158 persons counted in 2023 and a 66% decrease from the 229 unhoused persons counted on the street in 2022.
You can see the in-depth numbers on the City's website on specific pages:
* *Project Homekey Permanent Housing [ ]*
* *Project Homekey Interim Housing [ ]*
* *Wellness Village Safe Sleep Program [ ]*
* *Mobile Crisis Team [ ]*
* *Motel Master Leasing & Nutrition Program [ ]*
* *Homeless Outreach Efforts [ ]*
* *Encampment Resolution [ ]*
Updated data will continue to be published quarterly, along with an email update to community members who are interested in tracking the City’s progress. The City of Culver City remains dedicated to leading with care, helping our unhoused neighbors live a better life.
For media inquiries, contact Dustin Klemann, Communications and Public Information Manager, by email at or call (310) 253-5783 [ tel:3102535783 ].
For questions regarding the Homeless Reporting Dashboard, please contact Brenda Diaz at
Photo of Mayor McMorrin, Tevis Barnes, and Vice Mayor O'Brien
In October, PHK celebrated its one-year anniversary. Mayor Yasmine-Imani McMorrin, Housing and Human Services Director Tevis Barnes, and Vice Mayor Dan O'Brien attended the resource fair to mark the occasion.
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