Stormwater Capital Projects Supervisor
- [登録者]King County
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]King County, WA
- 登録日 : 2024/09/24
- 掲載日 : 2024/09/24
- 変更日 : 2024/09/24
- 総閲覧数 : 43 人
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*Join Our Team* [ https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/kingcounty/jobs/4624192/stormwater-capital-projects-supervisor/apply?keywords=stormwater&pagetype=jobOpportunitiesJobs ]*: Make a Difference in Stormwater Management!*
*About the Role:*
*Why This Opportunity Stands Out*
* *Innovative Projects:* Be part of a team tackling emerging flooding and water quality challenges. Work on groundbreaking projects like flood response, detention and water quality facility repairs, retrofits, and feasibility studies for regional stormwater facilities.
* *Community Impact:* Use your engineering and scientific skills to benefit our local environment and community. Your work will directly contribute to sustainable solutions that protect and enhance our surroundings.
* *Comprehensive Project Involvement:* Engage in every phase of project development—from initial site assessment and feasibility studies to construction and post-construction monitoring. Gain a holistic understanding and hands-on experience in stormwater management.
* *Dynamic Team Culture:* Collaborate with a passionate team in the Water & Land Resources Division's Stormwater Capital Unit. Enjoy a supportive environment that fosters innovation, learning, and professional growth.
* *Career Development:* This position offers a unique platform for career advancement. Develop your expertise in a field that is crucial for environmental sustainability and community resilience.
This role is more than just a job—it's an opportunity to lead meaningful projects that make a real difference. If you're driven by a commitment to environmental stewardship and want to contribute to cutting-edge solutions in stormwater management, this is the perfect position for you. *Join us in shaping a sustainable future!* [ https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/kingcounty/jobs/4624192/stormwater-capital-projects-supervisor/apply?keywords=stormwater&pagetype=jobOpportunitiesJobs ]
*About the Team:*
The Stormwater Capital Unit (SCU) designs, permits, implements and monitors stormwater projects across King County that address flow control, water quality, and aged or outdated infrastructure. SCU has a multidisciplinary staff of ecologists, engineers, and project managers with experience in watershed assessment, project conception and design, regulatory management, construction procurement and supervision, and project effectiveness monitoring.
We are looking for a compassionate, resourceful and technically skilled team leader who can support our multi-disciplinary teams to advance high priority stormwater projects within the newly formed Capital Section. The ideal candidate is someone who can effectively build project teams and mentor engineers and project managers under their supervision. Additionally, the most successful candidates will have demonstrated experience with stormwater infrastructure project management, work well with diverse teams, and collaborate effectively with internal and external partners. We are seeking a leader aligned with SCU values including teamwork, dependability/accountability, open and honest communication, joyful/fun culture, curiosity and innovation, and respect and empathy. For more information about the Capital Services Unit, please visit our website [ https://kingcounty.gov/en/dept/dnrp/nature-recreation/environment-ecology-conservation/stormwater-surface-water-management/capital-services-unit ].
*Commitment to Equity, Racial and Social Justice:*
King County, named after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is a diverse and vibrant community that represents cultures from around the world. Our True North is to create a welcoming community where everyone can thrive. We prioritize equity, racial and social justice, making it a foundational and daily expectation for all employees. As a Stormwater Capital Projects Supervisor (Engineer IV), you will actively apply these principles in all aspects of your work. Learn more about our commitment at http://www.kingcounty.gov/equity.
*Apply now* [ https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/kingcounty/jobs/4624192/stormwater-capital-projects-supervisor/apply?keywords=stormwater&pagetype=jobOpportunitiesJobs ]* for a rewarding career at the Water and Land Resources Division (WLRD) of King County Department of Natural Resources & Parks (DNRP). Join our talented workforce in protecting and restoring the natural environment and promoting more resilient, sustainable, and equitable communities. Enjoy training, **comprehensive benefits* [ https://kingcounty.gov/en/legacy/audience/employees/careers/why-work-here.aspx ]*, and growth opportunities.* body { font-size: 1em; font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #333333; }
[ https://www.kingcounty.gov/ ]
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