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City of Tampa Celebrates Mayor Jane Castor’s Second Anniversary in Office

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To mark Mayor Jane Castor’s second year in office, the City of Tampa celebrates the achievements and milestones of the current administration. Watch and share the video on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/CityofTampaFL/posts/10165334374755375) , Twitter (https://twitter.com/CityofTampa/status/1389675170277826571) , LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6795457464633487360) , Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/tv/COf69wGlw4S/) , and/or YouTube (https://youtu.be/k4TfY-jQ0r4) .

Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the administration has achieved major wins in Transforming Tampa’s Tomorrow (https://www.tampa.gov/mayor/strategic-goals) and the Mayor’s Strategic Goals (https://www.tampa.gov/mayor/strategic-goals) including, but not limited to:
* Passing the first budget starting in the black since the great recession
* Launching the Bridges to Business (http://tampagov.net/btbtour) vendor certification tour to help small business owners learn how to become certified and work with the City
* Issuing an executive order recognizing LGBT businesses as part of the City’s Women and Minority Owned Businesses Program
* Passing P.I.P.E.S. (http://tampagov.net/pipes) the largest water/wastewater infrastructure renewal plan in the City’s history to replace Tampa’s aging pipes
* Raising the minimum wage for city employees to $15/hr
* Launching Intersection of Innovation (http://tampagov.net/intersection) to engage Tampa’s innovative community
* Becoming the 2nd City in the U.S. to own its waste-to-energy plant
* Declaring Tampa as a Vision Zero (https://www.tampa.gov/visionzero) city to support the mission of eliminating traffic-related fatalities and creating safer streets for all
* Leading community through the COVID-19 pandemic with critical recovery efforts like $3.45 million in One Tampa relief, Lift Up Local (https://www.tampa.gov/liftuplocal) program, distribution of over 650,000 free face coverings, and vaccine administration
* Announcing the Rome Yard Redevelopment Plan, an opportunity to restore vacant, underutilized City land to a vibrant community serving many community needs in West Tampa
* Announcing a new Mayor’s Workforce Council and Apprenticeship Ordinance (https://www.facebook.com/1756203764401219/videos/800572200815825) that will leverage major City construction projects to provide career opportunities for thousands of local residents

The Mayor’s Strategic Goals (https://www.tampa.gov/mayor/strategic-goals) were developed as a result of the Mayor’s T3 Advisory Teams that convened in 2019 immediately following the Mayor taking office. These teams formulated a preliminary roadmap for the Mayor’s initial priorities, leading to the current Strategic Goals.

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