Introducing CMS Innovation Center Highlights!
- [登録者]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Baltimore, MD
- 登録日 : 2024/12/20
- 掲載日 : 2024/12/20
- 変更日 : 2024/12/20
- 総閲覧数 : 13 人
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- 孕妇美容 ・ 产后美容 ・ 身体美容&全手面部美容,请访问木更津的 AnmaR ...
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总部位于加利福尼亚州的太阳能公司。 我们已在加利福尼亚州完成了 2,000 多个太阳能项目,拥有超过 10 年的经验。无论是住宅还是商业,或者是教堂等希望节省资金的非营利性客户,BTS Solar Design 都能满足任何需求!
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- 来与心理治疗师?加利福尼亚州心理学家执照(LMFT)和两位拥有博士学位的经验丰富...
您有心理健康问题吗 ? 我们很乐意与您交谈。 两位经验丰富的治疗师 ( Nishina 和 Hishiya ) 拥有加利福尼亚州心理医生执照 ( LMFT™)和博士学位,可以帮助您解决各种问题,从日常生活中的小问题到阻碍您前进的严重问题。我们用日语/英语提供个人、夫妻和家庭心理治疗(疗法)/心理咨询,让许多人的心理更加健康。
+1 (408) 800-5366International Lifecycle Family Therapy Inc.
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一家注重健康食材的糕点店。 种类繁多的烘焙食品,让您每次光临都会为今天想吃哪一款而兴奋不已 ✨ 除了松饼外,还可以订购无麸质蛋糕和蛋挞 ! 生日和其他特殊场合请光临
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- 拥有日本针灸师的针灸诊所。诊所位于托兰斯和比佛利山庄。用针灸和中药治疗疼痛 ・ ...
针灸对多种身体疾病和身体疼痛都有疗效。疼痛治疗 ・ 生育 ・ 压力 ・ 头痛 ・ 肩部僵硬 ・ 失眠 ・ 月经不调 ・ 更年期 ・ 便秘 ・ 粉刺等。由于她是日本女性针灸师,请就您独特的女性身体问题向她咨询。还提供皮肤改善、美容针灸 ・ 运动针灸。 大多数寻求针灸治疗的患者主诉背部疼痛 ・ 肩部僵硬和膝盖疼痛。这说明许多人认为针灸对肌肉和骨骼方面的疾病有效。然而,针灸对多种疾病都有效,而不仅仅...
+1 (213) 519-0007Aculeafs Acupuncture
- 位于阿拉莫阿那的双语诊所,"治疗体外冲击波疗法、颞下颌关节和其他身体疼痛"。
作为疼痛康复专家,我们帮助人们治疗头痛、颈痛、肩痛、背痛和其他因僵硬而引起的身体疼痛,采用整脊、运动训练、穴位按摩、身体护理和康复治疗来帮助恢复,并改善引起疼痛的肌肉、关节和神经。我们在这里帮助您恢复和改善疼痛。无痛生活 ! 您是否正在遭受头痛、偏头痛、颈部疼痛、肩部僵硬、背痛、坐骨神经痛、运动损伤或其他影响生活的损伤的困扰 ? 疼痛和问题请找专家 ! Ken Fuyuki博士是一名专业的疼痛...
+1 (808) 465-4700トリオ・カイロプラクティック | TRIO Chiropractic
- 急诊患者请立即致电。日语 / 我们提供清晰的英语解释和礼貌的咨询。洛杉矶急救 (...
您的医生 / 您在寻找家庭医生吗 ? 您不再需要带着焦虑去看几个专科医生了。 全面的家庭医学 : 急救 ( 静脉输液 ) / 内科 / 儿科 / 心身医学 / 妇科 / 男女性传播疾病 / 皮肤科 ( 过敏测试 ) / 健康体检 洛杉矶市中心附近有免费停车场
洛杉矶市中心附近有免费停车场 洛杉矶市中心附近有免费停车场 洛杉矶市中心附近有免费停车... +1 (213) 388-2722Arai Takayuki M.D.(新井孝幸)ニューサンライズクリニック
- 🏠 协助寻找租房 | 学生 ・ 对外籍人士的全面支持 ✨ 我们可以帮助您处理房地...
APOGEE 与美国最大的房产搜索网站合作,为您介绍最佳租赁交易。 在买卖方面,我们的专业房地产经纪人将帮助您以最优惠的价格购买房产,并以最低的价格出售房产。 我们还为学生提供学校搜索服务,为外籍人士提供日语口译服务。 请随时与我们联系。
+1 (310) 801-6412APOGEE不動産
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东京 ・ 夏威夷经验丰富的设计师拥有 25 年的婚礼花艺经验,从初次见面到婚礼当天的装饰,他们将与您的每一位合作。 我们将以美式风格和日本团队对细节的关注,为您打造自然、新颖、精致的设计。 注重细节的客户,请访问我们的网站。
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+1 (415) 921-0135Nepenji
- 位于大都会混合酒店内的 Spa Rirakuen 是唯一一家提供正宗岩盘温泉、按...
Spa Rirakuen 的理念是日式感官疗法。在平和、现代的日式室内装饰和宁静的氛围中,您可以享受按摩浴,还可以享受使用 SGE : 天久石(Tenkutsu Stone)的岩石浴,这种岩石是从日本九州 ( 祖母倾斜山 ) 远道而来的天然矿物质制成的,可以从核心温暖您的身体,放松您紧张的肌肉,同时排出废物。该浴场是美国第一个成熟的基岩浴场。这是美国第一个正宗的岩盘浴。结合按摩、芳香疗法或面部护理...
+1 (310) 212-6408AS-Create LLC. / spa Relaken
- 混合动力汽车专家,主要是普锐斯 ( 新 & 二手 ) ! 我们提供安全和经济的生...
Ecodrive销售・租赁・购买・和维护高品质混合动力汽车,如普锐斯。我们提供 "2 年性能保证和购买保证 "的安心保证体系,为您提供安全・、经济的汽车生活。我们在托兰斯和科斯塔梅萨都设有分店,可以为洛杉矶郊区和橙县的客户提供服务。我们的员工期待为您服务。
+1 (310) 974-1816Eco Drive Auto Sales & Leasing (Torrance office)
- 自己思考、自己决定、自己行动 "是我们的教育目标。学生可以选择人数有限的面授班(...
一位拥有 18 年海外儿童教育机构校长经验的魅力数学教师,开设了一间让孩子们放心的教室。 我们采用独特的 "螺旋式学习法",并与日本专门的海外儿童教育机构合作,迄今为止,我们在早稻田庆应高中入学考试中取得了 100% 的通过率。 我们掌握着大量有关接收归国留学生的学校的信息,对高等教育方面的建议绝对有信心。 补充学校制定了每月 "德育目标",不仅加强学习指导,还加强生活指导,使学生成长为受...
+1 (949) 932-0858ひのき補習校・学習塾Hinoki
- [面向 6 个月至 6 岁儿童 !] 尔湾的日本幼儿园。小班教学,最多 12 名...
[为 6 个月至 6 岁儿童开设的幼儿园!] 位于学校一楼,由最多 12 名日托人员组成的小团体。 幼儿园充满了家的氛围,到处都是孩子们的笑脸。 ( 0-6 岁 ) 双语、蒙台梭利教育政策,发展每个孩子的个性。
+1 (949) 433-8600おれんじ幼稚園
"December 2024"
Did you miss something important from the Innovation Center? We’ve got you covered! Welcome to the CMS Innovation Center Highlights, where we revisit some major accomplishments and resources from the Center over the past several months. Your FOMO fix!
In this Edition:
* Innovative Thinking: Blogs, Podcasts and More [ #link_1 ]
* Model Milestones [ #link_2 ]
* Value-Based Care Spotlight [ #link_4 ]
* Center Updates [ #link_3 ]
Innovative Thinking: Blogs, Podcasts and More
Just a Minute!
Do you have questions about what the Innovation Center does and what a model is? Get quick insights and personal perspectives from CMS Innovation Center leaders and experts about what drives the work of the Center. It will only take a minute to view any of these helpful "Just a Minute" videos [ ]!
Focusing a New Lens on Rural Health
Gain insight into the Center’s work on advancing rural health. Our potential path forward to transform rural health draws on themes from the 2024 Rural Health Hackathon [ ] and previous Innovation Center models and demonstration projects. Read the Reimagining Rural Health [ ] report.
Model Milestones
Third Cohort to Join States Advancing All Payer Health Equity Approaches and Development (AHEAD) Model
Rhode Island and a sub-region of New York (Cohort 3) will join Maryland and Vermont (Cohort 1) and Connecticut and Hawaii (Cohort 2) in AHEAD, the state-based total cost of care model. Read more about AHEAD [ ].
Increasing Organ Transplant Access Model to Start on July 1
The CMS Innovation Center announced that the Increasing Organ Transplant Access (IOTA) Model will begin on July 1, 2025. This 6-year, mandatory model aims to increase access to life-saving transplants for patients living with end-stage renal disease and reduce Medicare expenditures. Learn more about the model [ ].
Medicare Two Dollar Drug List Model Update
The Medicare $2 Drug List model released a Request for Information for input on the drug list development process, plan participation, and more. Read about the Center’s continued work on this new model [ ].
Cell and Gene Therapy (CGT) Access Model Reaches Manufacturer Agreement
Two drug manufacturers with FDA-approved gene therapies for sickle cell disease have entered into outcomes-based payment agreements with CMS to participate in the CGT Access Model [ ]. States may now join the model through the state application portal as well as respond to an optional notice of funding opportunity. Read more about this important milestone [ ].
Innovation in Behavioral Health (IBH) Model Announces Participants
CMS selected state Medicaid agencies in Michigan, New York, Oklahoma, and South Carolina to participate in the IBH model. The model will be implemented statewide in Oklahoma and in designated regions of the three other states, beginning January 1, 2025. Learn more about IBH [ ].
Enhancing Oncology Model (EOM) Selects Second Cohort
The CMS Innovation Center accepted a second cohort of EOM participants, which will join the model in July 2025. Historical episode files were shared for a better understanding of patients’ expenditure and utilization. Additionally, CMS extended the model end date and updated payment policies to increase access to enhanced oncology services. Read more about EOM [ ].
Value-Based Care Spotlight
Health Care and Social Services Working Together to Support Kids
Gloria Isabel Rodriguez understands the complex challenges faced by the people she now supports as a senior social services coordinator for the All Hands Health Network at Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago, a participant in the CMS Innovation Center’s Integrated Care for Kids (InCK) Model [ ]. Find out more in the short video Medical Care and Social Services Work Together to Meet Kids’ Needs: Gloria’s Story [ ].
Visit Patient and Provider Voices [ ] to view more videos and read more value-based care stories.
Center Updates
Complex Health Topics Explained
Looking for a clear explanation of CMS Innovation Center topics? Key concepts are short introductions to topics that play a critical role in the CMS Innovation Center’s work—minus the jargon. Use them, share them [ ]!
Multi-Payer Alignment [ ]
Quality of Care [ ]
Social Drivers of Health and Health-Related Social Needs [ ]
CMS Innovation Center Releases 2024 Report to Congress
More than 192,000 health care providers and plans took part in Innovation Center models and initiatives, serving more than 57 million Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries and others from October 2022 through September 2024. Get an overview of the Center’s activities and accomplishments in the recently released 2024 Report to Congress [ ].
Evaluations & Research Reports
Looking for the latest results from CMS Innovation Center model evaluations? Visit the Evaluations & Research Reports page [ ].
Visit the CMS Innovation Center website [ ] for more news and information. We’ve recently revamped our site to make it easier for you to find the information you’re looking for.
Connect with us [ ]!
Follow us on: X (formerly Twitter [ ]) | LinkedIn: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services [ ]
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