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The Safe Auburn: Community Conversations continue online -- stay informed!

Safe Auburn: Community Conversations
The meetings are over, but the conversation is continuing

Make your voice heard on SpeakUpAuburn and keep the dialogue flowing.

Grantley Martelly standing by a big TV that says Safe Auburn: Community Conversations

Two weeks ago we wrapped our final of seven Safe Auburn: Community Conversations meetings held across the City of Auburn. Hundreds of you joined us to talk public safety, youth violence, traffic, graffiti, community service, civic engagement, and so much more.


*Stay Informed!* [ https://speakupauburn.org/safe-auburn-community-conversations ]

*The Conversation Continues*

Just because the meetings have ended doesn't mean the dialogue has to! The conversation is continuing at SpeakUpAuburn.org [ https://speakupauburn.org/safe-auburn-community-conversations?tool=forum_topic#tool_tab ], our city's outreach platform. There, we have meeting recaps, survey questions, and a tool to capture additional questions and provide even more answers. [ https://speakupauburn.org/safe-auburn-community-conversations/qanda ]

*Make Your Voice Heard*

To participate, click the "Subscribe" button at SpeakUpAuburn [ https://speakupauburn.org/safe-auburn-community-conversations ] and stay informed -- we'll send out further newsletters as we continue to compile data and feedback. Expect all of that information to be posted on SpeakUpAuburn and shared out via email and social media. [ https://linktr.ee/cityofauburnwa ]

SpeakUpAuburn Subscribe [ https://speakupauburn.org/safe-auburn-community-conversations ]

*More Meetings to Come*

Keep your eyes peeled for emails in the coming months for the second part of our Safe Auburn: Community Conversations series. We'll come to the table with ideas, solutions and collaboration opportunities.

Stay tuned!




Auburn WA Logo [ http://www.auburnwa.gov ]

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Contact Us [ http://www.auburnwa.gov/contact ]

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  • 등록일 : 2024/11/04
  • 게재일 : 2024/11/04
  • 변경일 : 2024/11/04
  • 총열람수 : 43 명
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