NEWS RELEASE: Animals identified with avian flu in Maricopa County
- [登録者]Maricopa County
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Morristown, Arizona, アメリカ合衆国
- 登録日 : 2024/12/11
- 掲載日 : 2024/12/11
- 変更日 : 2024/12/11
- 総閲覧数 : 68 人
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*"for Immediate Release"
*****December 11***, 2024
**Sonia Singh | 602-679-3098
**sonia.singh@maricopa.gov <c.kreuzwiesner@maricopa.gov>
**Virtual media interviews available Wednesday, Dec. 11 from 1:30-3:00 p.m.**
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Animals Identified with Avian Flu in Maricopa County
"*Spread from animals to humans is unlikely; overall risk to community members remains low*"
PHOENIX (Dec. 11, 2024)—Maricopa County Department of Public Health (MCDPH) is working closely with state and federal partners to respond to detection of avian influenza in a small number of animals that are part of a zoo collection in Litchfield Park. Overall risk to the public and zoo visitors remains low.
The Wildlife World Zoo identified ill animals and brought them into the Arizona Department of Agriculture to conduct testing. Test results indicated that these animals were likely ill from H5N1 avian flu, which was first seen in wild birds in the United States in 2015. MCDPH is working with the zoo to identify and contact staff and volunteers who are considered to be at higher risk from close, prolonged contact with the infected animals.
“People who have job-related exposures to infected animals, especially close prolonged exposure, are at higher risk of infection,” said Dr. Nick Staab, assistant medical director at MCDPH. “Public health’s recommendations are intended to reduce the risk to those who have had direct contact with infected animals and to prevent further exposure,” added Dr. Staab.
In addition to MCDPH providing monitoring and post-exposure prophylaxis (i.e., steps to prevent illness once exposed) to staff and volunteers with close contact to sick animals, Wildlife World Zoo has also put guest activities with direct animal contact on hold temporarily. The zoo is implementing other increased health and safety precautions to protect animals, staff and guests, until animal health improves. Upon detection of the virus, the zoo started implementing the following measures:
* Isolation and Quarantine
* Immediate isolation of infected or exposed animals to prevent further spread.
* Quarantine of potentially-exposed animals, especially other avian species.
* Enhanced Biosecurity
* Restricting access to affected areas, allowing only essential personnel in protective gear (e.g., masks, gloves, coveralls, and boot covers).
* Disinfecting enclosures, tools, and equipment used in affected areas.
* Implementing footbaths or mats with disinfectant at entry points to enclosures.
* Monitoring and Testing
* Conducting health checks on all birds and other susceptible species.
* Testing birds for signs of illness or viral presence, both within and beyond the affected enclosure.
* Monitoring zookeepers and staff who have had close contact with infected animals for symptoms.
"While we are deeply saddened to report the loss of a few cherished animals, we are grateful that the impact was limited thanks to our swift response, robust biosecurity protocols, and the invaluable support of Maricopa County Department of Public Health and state and federal agencies,” said Kristy Hayden, president of Wildlife World Zoo. “Our team worked diligently to contain the situation, and we remain committed to the health and safety of our animals, staff, and visitors."
Avian influenza H5 is a novel influenza A virus that primarily affects birds. It has previously been detected in Arizona, including a commercial poultry farm in Pinal County and a backyard flock in Maricopa County.
Although human infections with H5 are rare, most human infections have occurred after unprotected exposure to sick or dead infected animals or their environment. H5 infection in people can range from mild (upper respiratory symptoms, conjunctivitis/pink eye) to severe (pneumonia, multi-organ failure, and death). There is currently no evidence of human-to-human transmission of H5, and the overall risk to the general public remains low.
To reduce the risk of infection, people should not consume unpasteurized (raw) dairy products and should avoid unprotected contact with sick or dead animals and their droppings or bedding. Anyone who suspects poultry to have bird flu should call the USDA’s sick bird hotline at 866-536-7593.
MCDPH recommends general precautions to prevent the spread of flu and other respiratory viruses that commonly spread at this time of year. People can reduce their risk of illness with basic steps:
* Practice good hand hygiene, which includes hand washing and using hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available.
* Get your seasonal flu and COVID-19 vaccines [ https://www.maricopa.gov/5975/Fall-and-Winter-Virus-Season#find ].
* Seasonal flu vaccination will not prevent infection with bird flu viruses but can reduce the risk of getting sick with human influenza viruses and thus the risk for seasonal and bird flu co-infection.
* Seasonal flu and COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective at reducing severity of symptoms, and they also reduce the likelihood of getting infected with flu or COVID-19.
* Talk with your healthcare provider about other vaccines that are recommended for certain groups, such as the RSV vaccine and pneumococcal vaccine.
* Stay home and away from others if you are sick.
* If symptoms worsen or you are at higher risk of severe illness, contact your medical provider. Consider wearing a mask if you seek healthcare for your symptoms.
“We are in the middle of flu season [ https://www.maricopa.gov/5975/Fall-and-Winter-Virus-Season ], with other viruses like COVID-19 circulating as well, so people should stay watchful, especially with the holidays upon us,” added Dr. Staab. It takes about two weeks for your body to build immunity from a flu shot, so now is a good time to get one ahead of holiday and other social gatherings.
Saguaro Line
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