Breaking Language Barriers: HHS Issues Division-Specific Language Access Plans from Across the Department
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Breaking Language Barriers: HHS Issues Division-Specific Language Access Plans from Across the Department
In November 2023, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) joined agencies across the federal government in prioritizing communication in its services to the public by releasing its department-wide Language Access Plan. With the release of its plan, HHS took a giant step towards ensuring people with limited English proficiency (LEP) and people with disabilities have greater access to the life-saving services that it provides.
Click here to view the HHS press release. [ https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2024/08/08/breaking-language-barriers-hhs-issues-division-specific-language-access-plans-from-across-department.html ]
Click here to view the CMS Language Access Plan [ https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/cms-language-access-plan-2024.pdf ].
Today, as a culmination of this effort, and in advance of the 24th anniversary of Executive Order 13166, “Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency,” the Department has released division-specific language access plans. This effort by nearly all HHS operating and staff divisions exemplifies the Department’s commitment to providing accessible, culturally and linguistically competent, and comprehensive health care and human services.
“Removing the barriers that prevent people from accessing health care and human services support is one of our highest priorities,” said *HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra*. “HHS continues to expand access, including language access, so that everyone can receive the help they need and deserve. In addition to our department-wide plan, which we released last year, each individual division within HHS has established their own goals and plans aimed at further expanding access. The Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to equity and inclusivity remains steadfast and extends to every part of the work that HHS does every day on behalf of the American people.”
“Today, we celebrate a significant milestone as we proudly unveil the updated Language Access Plans for all of HHS. These plans reflect our unwavering commitment to equality in access to health and human services, making sure care is available and accessible for individuals in their native languages, and effective communications for persons with disabilities,” said Melanie Fontes Rainer, Director of the HHS Office for Civil Rights and Chair of the HHS Language Access Steering Committee. “This is a testament to our ongoing dedication to ensuring that all individuals across the nation, regardless of language or ability, can access the vital services and information they need in health care.”
Led by the Department-wide Language Access Steering Committee, run by the HHS’ Office for Civil Rights, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has developed comprehensive language access plans.
Says CMS Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, “CMS remains committed to ensuring people served by our programs have access to the critical health care coverage and information our agency provides. We are especially sensitive to the needs of those with limited English proficiency and people with disabilities. We will continue to work to expand our efforts so that more people are able to understand their options and can access high quality, affordable health care coverage.”
Click here to view the CMS Language Access Plan [ https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/cms-language-access-plan-2024.pdf ].
*CMS Office of Minority Health* | Working to Achieve Health Equity
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