PSE Utility Pole Inspection Program
- [登録者]City of Medina
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]メディナ, ワシントン州, アメリカ合衆国
- 登録日 : 2024/05/01
- 掲載日 : 2024/05/01
- 変更日 : 2024/05/01
- 総閲覧数 : 149 人
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Medina Residents,
In an ongoing effort to provide safe and reliable electric service, Puget Sound Energy and crews from *Osmose Utilities Services, Inc.* – a service partner of PSE – will be in Medina to perform routine power pole inspections. This maintenance work is required so PSE can assess the strength of the power pole(s) to ensure continued safety and electric service reliability.
If you *do not* have a power pole on your property, this work will not impact you directly. You may see Osmose trucks and personnel in the neighborhood during normal business hours.
If you *do* have a power pole on your property, we may require safe access to inspect the power pole(s). Here's what you can expect:
*Initial inspection:*
· A crew member will knock on your door before beginning work at your property
· If you are not present and the pole(s) *"can"* be safely accessed without your assistance, the crew will proceed with the work at that time
· If you are not present and the crew *"cannot"* safely access the pole(s), a door tag will be left providing contact information of a PSE representative to discuss access details
· The work is expected to take about 30 minutes to complete and should not impact your electric service
· In some cases, pole restoration may be necessary to extend the life of a pole
*If pole restoration is necessary:*
· A crew will return within one to four months to reinforce the pole(s)
· Pole restoration involves mechanically placing a steel reinforcement on the pole
· If you are not present and the pole(s) *"can"* be safely accessed without your assistance, the crew will proceed with the work at that time
· If you are not present and the crew *"cannot"* safely access the pole(s), a door tag will be left providing contact information of a PSE representative to discuss access details
· The work is expected to take about 1 to 2 hours and should not impact your electric service
*To learn more about the Pole Maintenance program and treatment possibilities visit our website at _pse.com/poleinspection_ [ https://url.usb.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/yaSLC7DqpRSA0vmIRjzqX?domain=u5489583.ct.sendgrid.net ].*
Thank you for your patience during this routine maintenance work. It's our goal to complete the work as quickly and efficiently as possible, while minimizing disruptions to you and your property. If you have questions or concerns, or if there are specific access requirements on your property, please contact us at the contact information below.
*Program Contacts
*Joshua Grenner
Senior Program Manager
_poleprogram@pse.com_ <poleprogram@pse.com>
Jennifer Macsek
Program Manager
_jmacsek@osmose.com_ <jmacsek@osmose.com>
*"Osmose Utilities Services, Inc. is an authorized PSE contractor"*" Osmose Utilities Services, Inc. technicians are under contract with PSE and are authorized to perform pole inspection and treatment services. All Osmose technicians will carry photo identification and a PSE letter of authorization. When performing pole inspections, they will drive service vehicles with the Osmose logo on the vehicle doors. For more information about Osmose, please visit _osmose.com_ [ https://url.usb.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/-jqOC8XrMVi6AljCzMHI5?domain=u5489583.ct.sendgrid.net ]."
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