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Alaskan Way Safety Project Begins Construction on December 2!

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Alaskan Way Safety Project

*Construction on the Alaskan Way Safety project begins on Monday, December 2!*

We will start from the south end of the project area and work our way north, starting with removal of trolley tracks, installing storm drains, and underground electrical conduit on the east side of Alaskan Way between Blanchard St and Bell St.

*What to expect during construction*

Typical work hours are Monday – Friday, from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM. During this time you can expect: 

* Temporary traffic revisions to accommodate construction vehicles
* Temporary parking restrictions near work zones
* Noisy construction activities, such as backup alarms for safety, heavy vehicle use, and the use of power tools
* Please note that much of this work is weather-dependent and subject to schedule changes 

*Construction survey for businesses*

Please fill out this construction survey [ ] so we can keep you informed and minimize impacts to your business during construction. You may also request a paper copy by leaving us a voicemail at (206) 775-8894 or emailing us at

*Here's a summary of the changes we'll be making:*

* *A continuous 0.6-mile street-level protected bike lane on the west side of Alaskan Way between Virginia St and Broad St.* A continuous west side protected bike lane provides a more intuitive connection for people biking by minimizing the crossings included in the original concept.
* *An east side, two-way shared path from Blanchard St to Wall St will be installed for use on sailing days,* when the west side protected bike lane in front of Pier 66 is closed.
* *Street-level protected bike lane with removable bollards in front of Pier 66* (west side of Alaskan Way from Blanchard St to Wall St) on non-sailing days

* *Lane reductions in this section of Alaskan Way, going from two northbound and two southbound vehicle lanes to one lane in each direction.* This change is closely aligned with findings from SDOT’s Vision Zero Review [ ], which showed that reducing lanes on multi-lane arterial roads slows people speeding and makes it safer for pedestrians. The street will continue to support freight movement and the changing traffic patterns resulting from Waterfront activities.
* *Upgraded traffic signal at Blanchard St* (to full traffic signal for all directions at this intersection)
* *Intersection safety improvements* include adding Leading Pedestrian Intervals (LPI) [ ] to make people more visible to those driving, bike traffic signals, No Turn on Red [ ] signs, shorter pedestrian crossing distance, and adding vehicle left turn lanes at select intersections. 
* *Sidewalk repair and updating ADA-compliant curb ramps* along the project corridor to improve access for people walking and rolling. 


Project Area
Map showing project area and key elements.

How to stay informed

* Call our project hotline at (206) 775-8894 [ tel:%20+1%20(206)%20775-8894 ]
* Email us at
* Visit our project webpage [ ] to:
* Read about project progress
* Sign up for email updates

Thank you,

Ching Chan
Public Engagement Lead

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*Seattle Department of Transportation*

700 5th Avenue

Suite 3800

Seattle, WA 98104

*Phone: 206-684-7623*

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  • [注册人]City of Seattle
  • [语言]日本語
  • [区]Seattle, WA
  • 注册日期 : 2024/11/27
  • 发布日 : 2024/11/27
  • 更改日期 : 2024/11/27
  • 总浏览次数 : 56 人