Alaskan Way Safety Project Begins Construction on December 2!
- [注册人]City of Seattle
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Seattle, WA
- 注册日期 : 2024/11/27
- 发布日 : 2024/11/27
- 更改日期 : 2024/11/27
- 总浏览次数 : 56 人
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每周六上午,球员们都会在东河公园挥洒汗水,并在赛季期间的周六或周日代表日本队参加 COSMOPOLITAN SOCCER LEAGUE(日本女子足球乙级联赛)。 不同技能、经验、性别和年龄的球员聚集在一起,挥洒汗水。 出于某种原因,大家都很喜欢在周六的清晨聚在一起踢球。赛季中,他们扛着太阳的旗帜,在纽约地区规模最大、历史最悠久、最传统的联赛--宇宙联赛中,与来自世界各地的球队一较高下。 ...
FC Japan NYC
- 感谢您乘坐这趟列车🚃这趟列车是绿皮车,您可以在这里享受美食,感受旅行的乐趣!,请...
从铁道迷到带小孩的乘客,各年龄段的乘客都非常喜欢乘坐 "北斗星号"。座位分为绿皮车厢和标准车厢,墙壁上挂满了标志和模型 ! 在座位上一边用餐一边观赏铁路货物的最佳方式 ✨ 如果您想乘坐 "北斗星号",请一定乘坐。 境港炸马鲛鱼、广岛炸牡蛎、姜饼、咖喱炸鱼、咖喱汉堡牛排、烤虾、章鱼小丸子、炒面、咖喱乌冬面等各式各样的菜肴。
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+1 (917) 428-5151Yoko's Daycare
- 在这里,您可以品尝到创建于 38 年前的主厨特制的意大利美食。随季节变化的蛋糕菜...
餐厅 Appetito 是在鸭川品尝正宗意大利美食的最佳场所。我们用精心挑选的食材制作意大利面、南瓜汤和其他菜肴,让顾客满意。深受欢迎的 "黄金南瓜汤 "也可外卖!。随着季节的变化,也请您尽情享用♪。
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- 洛杉矶 ・ 托兰斯日式 PC ・ 普通 MAC 电脑维修店。如遇电脑不稳定或运行...
位于老托兰斯的 PC/MAC 维修店。 我们维修不开机、速度慢、不稳定、病毒感染、显示屏损坏等问题。 如果您正在考虑购买一台新电脑,请与我们联系。 可应要求提供免费电脑健康检查 ! !.
+1 (310) 782-1700TONY'S TECHNOLOGY
- 我们是一家在萨克拉门托拥有超过28年经验的护理院。我们主要关心的是日本人、日裔美...
房间是完全私人的,并且有美丽的日光 ! 膳食也提供日本食品。 我们以合理的价格支持你和你的家人的退休生活。来吧,在萨克拉门托与我们一起度过您的退休生活。
American River Care Home
- ! 如果您要移居海外,请交给日津 ! 请随时用日语与我们联系。
・"从美国到日本的海外搬家服务",日通以其良好的业绩为您提供方便。 有关个人或家庭搬家的咨询,请用日语与我们联系。
+1 (206) 892-8103NIPPON EXPRESS U.S.A., INC. / Sea Tac / Seattle Branch
- 您有任何问题都可以与我们讨论 ?。
True Resource Coaching&Consulting True Resource's Coaching and Consulting 为了在美国每天都能过上光明幸福的生活,您有烦恼吗?? 您在生活中有什么烦恼吗 ? 许多生活在美国的日本人说,他们被人际关系问题和与日本的文化差异所困扰。 True Resource Coaching&Consulting 由经验丰富...
+1 (424) 625-8720True Resource Coaching & Consulting
- 格列佛是日本第一大二手车销售公司,在这里您可以完成您所有的汽车 "卖 "和 "买...
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+1 (888) 783-0284Gulliver USA, Inc.
- 我们以亲切的中医和细致的针灸为您的健康保驾护航。畏寒、月经不调、头痛、肩膀僵硬等...
桑尼维尔办事处周六和周日开诊。 在硅谷和湾区可以用日语进行堪布咨询。 日式针灸,痛苦极小。 针灸 耳针刺激 中药处方。
+1 (408) 647-5439賀川漢方クリニック
- 漏水 ・ 总之 ・ 紧急水管工程 ・ 千叶县木津市 ・ 二津市 ・ 木更津市 ・...
我们福田水道,是一家以千叶县木津・二津・木更津・小菅浦为中心,以 "感谢您 "为座右铭,怀着谦卑之心经营的水道公司。从装修到售后服务,福田自来水厂将竭诚为您服务。 ● 修理和更换各种冲水器 ● 修理和更换马桶水箱和马桶座圈内的配件 ● 修理和更换热水供应设备 ( 燃气和燃油 ) ● 修理和更换家用井泵 ● 修理和更换供水管、排水管和排水槽给水管和热水管、排水管和排水槽的修理和新安装 ...
- 我们还更新了菜单,增加了蓝莓、无花果和来自自家农场的蔬菜,让您身心愉悦。露台座位...
从阿奎林之后的第一个卡纳达互通立交开车五分钟,在我们独特的咖啡馆里自由放松,蓝莓 ・ 无花果 ・ 蔬菜等来自我们自己的农场,让您的身体得到愉悦。 我们有一个狗圈、私人帐篷、橄榄树林和其他我们认为会很有趣的东西。请到这里来,从您的日常忙碌中解脱出来。 大约在六月至八月,我们还提供多种蓝莓采摘活动。
+81-438-41-1216果実農園 カインの里
Alaskan Way Safety Project
*Construction on the Alaskan Way Safety project begins on Monday, December 2!*
We will start from the south end of the project area and work our way north, starting with removal of trolley tracks, installing storm drains, and underground electrical conduit on the east side of Alaskan Way between Blanchard St and Bell St.
*What to expect during construction*
Typical work hours are Monday – Friday, from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM. During this time you can expect:
* Temporary traffic revisions to accommodate construction vehicles
* Temporary parking restrictions near work zones
* Noisy construction activities, such as backup alarms for safety, heavy vehicle use, and the use of power tools
* Please note that much of this work is weather-dependent and subject to schedule changes
*Construction survey for businesses*
Please fill out this construction survey [ ] so we can keep you informed and minimize impacts to your business during construction. You may also request a paper copy by leaving us a voicemail at (206) 775-8894 or emailing us at
*Here's a summary of the changes we'll be making:*
* *A continuous 0.6-mile street-level protected bike lane on the west side of Alaskan Way between Virginia St and Broad St.* A continuous west side protected bike lane provides a more intuitive connection for people biking by minimizing the crossings included in the original concept.
* *An east side, two-way shared path from Blanchard St to Wall St will be installed for use on sailing days,* when the west side protected bike lane in front of Pier 66 is closed.
* *Street-level protected bike lane with removable bollards in front of Pier 66* (west side of Alaskan Way from Blanchard St to Wall St) on non-sailing days
* *Lane reductions in this section of Alaskan Way, going from two northbound and two southbound vehicle lanes to one lane in each direction.* This change is closely aligned with findings from SDOT’s Vision Zero Review [ ], which showed that reducing lanes on multi-lane arterial roads slows people speeding and makes it safer for pedestrians. The street will continue to support freight movement and the changing traffic patterns resulting from Waterfront activities.
* *Upgraded traffic signal at Blanchard St* (to full traffic signal for all directions at this intersection)
* *Intersection safety improvements* include adding Leading Pedestrian Intervals (LPI) [ ] to make people more visible to those driving, bike traffic signals, No Turn on Red [ ] signs, shorter pedestrian crossing distance, and adding vehicle left turn lanes at select intersections.
* *Sidewalk repair and updating ADA-compliant curb ramps* along the project corridor to improve access for people walking and rolling.
Project Area
Map showing project area and key elements.
How to stay informed
* Call our project hotline at (206) 775-8894 [ tel:%20+1%20(206)%20775-8894 ]
* Email us at
* Visit our project webpage [ ] to:
* Read about project progress
* Sign up for email updates
Thank you,
Ching Chan
Public Engagement Lead
Levy to Move Seattle Logo
*Seattle Department of Transportation*
700 5th Avenue
Suite 3800
Seattle, WA 98104
*Phone: 206-684-7623*
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