NR 03-13-25 (Mayor Kawakami delivers 2025 State of the County Address on Thursday)
- [登録者]County of Kaua'i Public Information Officer
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Lihue, Hawaii, アメリカ合衆国
- 登録日 : 2025/03/13
- 掲載日 : 2025/03/13
- 変更日 : 2025/03/13
- 総閲覧数 : 15 人
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County of Kaua'i, State of Hawaii
*News Release*
For Immediate Release: March 13, 2025
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(808) 241-4900
*Mayor Kawakami delivers 2025 State of the County Address on Thursday*
LĪHU‘E – Mayor Derek S.K. Kawakami delivered his seventh State of the County Address at the Līhu‘e Civic Center on Thursday.
Acknowledging a unified presence with state and local leaders, Mayor Kawakami summarized the administration’s proposed Fiscal Year 2026 budget, which reflects an Operating Budget of $347.7 million and a Capital Improvement Budget of $140.4 million.
Mayor Kawakami outlined that this year’s budget will prioritize infrastructure projects, affordable housing initiatives, and improved customer service, starting with investing in the right equipment for employees to do their jobs.
To support first responders, the County is proposing the purchase of a new twin-engine helicopter to replace the Kaua‘i Fire Department's Air 1 helicopter. This would enhance firefighting and rescue capabilities while drastically improving the safety of county rescuers and those they rescue.
Mayor Kawakami is also focused on creative ways to recruit and retain county employees.
“We plan to differentiate ourselves from other employers by offering associates on-site childcare right here at the Līhu‘e Civic Center. Renovation of our Pi‘ikoi youth space is expected to be complete this fall,” said Mayor Kawakami. “We are working to identify providers to offer childcare in this newly renovated space and invite interested providers to reach out. Childcare challenges should not be a barrier for parents who want to get back to work.”
Additionally, Mayor Kawakami announced adding capacity with three new labor positions to support the Department of Department Works Roads Division crews across the island.
“These crews maintain roadways, pavement, and vegetation for over 600 lane-miles of County roadway,” said Mayor Kawakami. “While they don’t carry the title of first responder, they are often the first to respond to clear downed trees, flooded roads, or fire breaks during severe weather events.”
A continued priority on infrastructure will carry over into this year’s budget proposal, requiring significant investments.
“With GET funding, we have made significant progress in improving road conditions across the island. To date, 232 roads spanning 234 lane miles have been resurfaced, representing a $68 million investment in safer and smoother transportation,” said Mayor Kawakami. “We’ve worked hard to clear the backlog of our island’s most critical repairs and can now increase our production pace with a higher-efficiency mill and fill operation. Looking ahead, 35 additional roads totaling 48 lane miles are under contract at a cost of $21 million.”
No infrastructure project is more critical on Kaua‘i than extending the life of the Kekaha Landfill.
“Without intervention, our current landfill will reach capacity in 2027. While working on Kekaha expansion, our Solid Waste Division is leaving no stone unturned to site a "new "landfill location, all while remaining committed to waste diversion efforts,” said Mayor Kawakami. “We thank our partners at the Board of Land and Natural Resources and Pacific Missile Range Facility for supporting on-site expansion, and of course, the residents of Kekaha for putting the burden of our island’s landfill on your back.”
Mayor Kawakami added that improvements to all refuse transfer stations are underway to address water quality standards and stormwater discharge.
“All Kapa‘a refuse services will reopen this year with Hanapēpē and Hanalei projects to follow,” said Mayor Kawakami. “And we are pleased to report that the Līhu‘e transfer station has now reopened to the public.”
Affordable housing remains essential in this year’s budget. With the Housing Agency and numerous supportive partners, the County of Kaua‘i has become the island’s largest developer of affordable housing. Housing initiatives include Lima Ola in ‘Ele‘ele, which features 115 units for supportive, workforce, and senior housing. Phase II will add 175 affordable homes. The Waimea and Kilauea projects aim for and 250 units in Waimea and 350 in Kīlauea, pending environmental reviews and zoning applications. The County is seeking a partner for the Puhi project, which will add 60 units near Kaua‘i Community College. Mayor Kawakami expressed support for all developers of affordable housing and thanked county partners for their efforts in creating more housing for our community.
Mayor Kawakami announced improvements to public services, including the expansion of online payment options for county services, reducing the need for most in-person transactions.
“We are now accepting online payments for most county services, no longer requiring customers to pay at the counter. From camping permits to building permits – customers can avoid waiting in line and pay online,” said Mayor Kawakami.
He also highlighted progress on the Vidinha Stadium Improvement Project, which recently broke ground on Phase I, featuring $12 million in upgrades to the football field, track, and scoreboard. Future phases will include bleacher repairs, improved restrooms, enhanced lighting, and ADA compliance upgrades. Gratitude was expressed to the state Legislature for the cost-sharing that made this project possible.
Mayor Kawakami concluded the 2025 State of the County Address by recognizing partnerships and collective unity.
“Hawai‘i has an opportunity to stand together and demonstrate what makes us unique. Our desire to find common ground outweighs political views and personal beliefs. And in times of chaos, our bond brings a sense of calm and provides a beacon of hope. As community leaders, parents, coaches, teachers – whatever role you may play – our most important job is to share hope,” said Mayor Kawakami. “As I have this rare opportunity to speak to my fellow state elected officials, I offer you the same challenge. No matter the conditions, we must always be that steady beacon of hope, and light the path forward for generations.”
To view Mayor Kawakami’s full State of the County Address, visit https://www.facebook.com/CountyofKauai [ https://www.facebook.com/CountyofKauai?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].
For the full transcript of his address, click on http://kauai.gov/files/assets/public/v/1/office-of-the-mayor/documents/final_sotc25.pdf [ http://kauai.gov/files/assets/public/v/1/office-of-the-mayor/documents/final_sotc25.pdf?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].
Mayor Kawakami addresses the crowd at the Līhu‘e Civic Center at his 2025 State of the County Address.
Mayor Kawakami addresses the crowd at the Līhu‘e Civic Center at his 2025 State of the County Address.
From left to right: dignitaries.
From left to right: Maui Mayor Richard Bissen, Governor Josh Green, Council Chair Mel Rapozo, Mayor Derek S.K. Kawakami, Council Vice Chair KipuKai Kuali‘i, Lt. Governor Sylvia Luke, Councilmember Bernard Carvalho Jr., City and County of Honolulu Mayor Richard Blangiardi.
A crowd of over 150 people gathers at Līhu‘e Civic Center for Mayor Derek S.K. Kawakami’s 2025 State of the County address on March 13, 2025.
A crowd of over 150 people gathers at Līhu‘e Civic Center for Mayor Derek S.K. Kawakami’s 2025 State of the County address on March 13, 2025.
*Media Contact:
If you are a member of the media with an inquiry for the County of Kaua‘i, its departments or representatives, please email the County of Kaua‘i's Communications Team at CountyPIO@kauai.gov to ensure a timely response to your request. Mahalo!
County of Kaua'i, State of Hawaii [ http://www.kauai.gov/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
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