Mayor Castor Sends Holiday Greetings, City of Tampa promotes Bead Free Bay, opens new homeless shelter, and more...
- [登録者]City of Tampa
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Tampa (Downtown), Florida, US
- 登録日 : 2021/12/20
- 掲載日 : 2021/12/20
- 変更日 : 2021/12/20
- 総閲覧数 : 31 人
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Merry Christmas and happy holidays from our family to yours! - Jane, Ana, Seely and Sergei
GET INVOLVED (http://www.tampa.gov/)
Gasparilla Bowl
The Florida Gators and UCF Knights will face off at the Gasparilla Bowl this Thursday, December 23rd at Raymond James Stadium! Help us welcome these two Florida teams to Tampa and watch live on ESPN starting at 7 pm. Info: gasparillabowl.com/ (http://www.gasparillabowl.com/)
Winter Village
Walk through a winter wonderland at Winter Village in Curtis Hixon Waterfront park! Enjoy ice skating under the palm trees, hot cocoa along Tampa’s waterfront, local shopping, festive lights, and more. Winter Village is open 11 am-11 pm daily. Learn more: wintervillagetampa.com/
Job of the Week: Convention Center Operations Manager
The Tampa Convention Center is looking for a Convention Center Operations Manager.
This position will oversee the maintenance of the electrical, mechanical, HVAC, structural, janitorial, security, and sound systems of the convention center. Learn more and apply (https://www.jobapscloud.com/Tampa/sup/bulpreview.asp?R1=211213&R2=001295&R3=001 ) .
Blanket and Sock Collection
Help provide the gift of warmth this winter season by donating blankets and socks until Dec 31st! Drop off locations include:
* Lemon St Municipal Office Building (4900 W Lemon St)
* Development Services Center (1400 N Boulevard)
* Tampa Municipal Office Building (306 E Jackson St)
LAST WEEK'S HEADLINES (https://www.tampa.gov/mayor/news)
Tampa mayor doesn't want beads in Tampa Bay during Gasparilla (https://www.wtsp.com/article/news/local/hillsboroughcounty/bead-free-bay-gasparilla-holiday-boat-parade/67-4f1d48ab-43f2-445c-8cd0-6cc81d4d3f8f)
WTSP 10News
The mayor announced Thursday she and community organizers are relaunching "Bead Free Bay" as a way to help marine animals by keeping plastics out of the water.
Person working with hammer
City of Tampa to expand a unique program to keep families in their homes (https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/price-of-paradise/city-of-tampa-to-expand-a-unique-program-to-keep-families-in-their-homes)
ABC Action News
On Wednesday, the city hosted a two-hour workshop for contractors to help families in need and make business contacts in the process.
University of Tampa Captures National Volleyball Title (https://thetampabay100.com/sports/2021/12/14/university-of-tampa-captures-national-volleyball-title/18291)
The Tampa Bay 100
With 34 wins, this marks the most since 2014 for The University of Tampa.
Electric plan-boat
Tampa selected to test electric plane-boat hybrid that can fly 180 mph (https://www.tampabay.com/news/business/2021/12/16/tampa-selected-to-test-electric-plane-boat-hybrid-that-can-fly-180-mph/)
Tampa Bay Times
“We are excited not just to host the testing of the technology demonstrator, but also for our city to be one of the first coastal routes serviced by seagliders in 2025 and beyond,” Tampa Mayor Jane Castor said in a statement.
boat parade
Best Sports City: Tampa (https://www.sportsbusinessjournal.com/Journal/Issues/2021/12/20/Year-in-Review/City.aspx)
Sports Business Journal
Welcome to Champa Bay. It would be easy to look at the NFL and NHL titles won by the Buccaneers and Lightning, respectively (we see you too, AL East champion Rays) and conclude that all that hardware was the reason why Tampa is our choice as the Best Sports City of 2021. But Tampa did more than just burnish its growing reputation as a city of champions. It also hosted two of the sports industry’s biggest events: WrestleMania 37 and, of course, Super Bowl LV, which featured 25,000 fans at Raymond James Stadium, including 7,500 vaccinated health care workers.
WeatherSTEM weather station
Tampa Fire Rescue unveils new WeatherSTEM weather station network (https://www.wtsp.com/article/news/local/hillsboroughcounty/tampa-fire-rescue-weatherstem/67-62bd0eee-e976-4231-82fe-484b23e1a40b)
WTSP 10News
That’s why Tampa Fire Rescue just installed five brand new, state-of-the-art weather stations, scattered throughout the city.
Downtown Tampa skyline
Firm that helps companies with international expansions picks Tampa for new HQ (https://www.bizjournals.com/tampabay/news/2021/12/14/hsp-group-to-establish-headquarters-in-tampa.html)
Tampa Bay Business Journal
“HSP Group is the latest company to recognize the business advantages and excellent quality of life that Tampa offers,” Mayor Castor said.
Tampa is opening a new permanent shelter for homeless residents (https://wusfnews.wusf.usf.edu/economy-business/2021-12-14/tampa-is-opening-a-new-permanent-shelter-for-homeless-residents)
The site will eventually house up to 300 people — for as long as they need to stay.
Mayor surprises Tampa kids with bicycles for the holidays (https://www.fox13news.com/news/mayor-surprises-tampa-kids-with-bicycles-for-the-holidays)
Fox 13 Tampa Bay
Dozens of Tampa children had Christmas come early Friday, taking home brand-new bicycles thanks to Tampa Mayor Jane Castor and the charity OnBikes. OnBikes and Tampa Mayor Jane Castor surprised about 75 to 100 kids with new bicycles for Christmas for the third year in a row. This year's celebration was called Caroling with Castor.
** COMING UP THIS WEEK (http://www.tampa.gov/)
Monday, December 20 at 12 p.m.
Tuesday, December 21 at 9:30 a.m.
Tuesday, December 21 at 12 p.m.
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