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Halloween Festivities, Local Author Talk with Kyla Zhao, Get Help with Brainfuse and more

Library Newsletter Banner

Interior of Library - Row of Books

"Our Library is for everyone. We are a free resource helping our community connect, create and learn."

585 Franklin St.
Mountain View, CA 94041


*Contact Us [ https://library.mountainview.gov/connect/contact-us ]

Library.MountainView.gov [ https://library.mountainview.gov/ ]

Monday-Thursday: 10 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Friday-Saturday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Sunday: 1 - 5 p.m.


* Youths are invited to celebrate Halloween at the Library on Thursday, Oct. 31 by visiting all three service desks for special treats.
* The Friends of the Mountain View Library Book Sale [ https://mvlibraryfriends.org/book-sales/ ] will take place Nov. 2-3. The sale will be in the bookmobile garage along Mercy Street in the driveway next to the Library's underground parking lot. 
* Saturday, Nov. 2:
* 9:30-10:30 a.m. Members-only Sale.
* 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m. General Public Sale.

* Sunday, Nov. 3:
* 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Fill-a-Bag Sale.

Halloween Festivities

Jack o Lanterns

We're getting into the spirit of Halloween at the Library! We welcome you to celebrate with us.

* Create your own personalized mini jack-o'-lantern at our 3D Printing Workshop [ https://mountainview.libcal.com/event/13075952 ] on Tuesday, Oct. 1. Jason Reynolds from Jinxbot 3D Printing will help you design and customize your macabre masterpiece. Ages 12 and up only. This event is generously sponsored by the Friends of the Mountain View Library.
* Join us for a special Halloween edition of our Sing and Play Along Ukulele Jam [ https://mountainview.libcal.com/event/12237299 ] on Wednesday, Oct. 23. Beginners and ukulele enthusiasts are welcome. Ages 12 and up only. This event is generously sponsored by the Friends of the Mountain View Library.
* Halloween treating for youths will take place during the Library's open hours on Thursday, Oct. 31. Stop by each of the service desks for a surprise gift! Costumes are encouraged.
* Looking for spooky books and movies? Scroll down to the Collection Spotlight on our website [ https://library.mountainview.gov/?locale=en ] or browse our catalog [ https://catalog.mountainview.gov/?browseCategory=we_recommend_library_mountainview ].

Visit us at the Monster Bash [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/special-events/monster-bash ] in Rengstorff Park on Saturday, Oct. 26, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. for a special giveaway.

Local Author Talk with Kyla Zhao

Kyla Zhao

Join us for an exclusive virtual conversation with Bay Area author Kyla Zhao [ https://mountainview.libcal.com/event/12715391 ] on Wednesday, Oct. 9. She will discuss her novel "Valley Verified [ https://catalog.mountainview.gov/GroupedWork/e14dec8c-ee34-64ee-d285-c95ec6422d0a-eng/ ]", her experience working in Silicon Valley, her writing process and more.

In "Valley Verified", Zoe Zeng has made it in New York’s fashion world, but life in New York City isn’t as chic as Zoe imagined. Her editor wants to censor her opinions to please the big brands, she shares her “quaint” apartment with roommates who never let her store kimchi in the fridge, and she can’t afford the designer clothes expected for parties on her meager salary.

One day, Zoe accepts a job offer for an app startup based in Silicon Valley, swapping high fashion for high tech. But she soon realizes that in an industry claiming to change the world for the better, not everyone’s intentions are pure.

Register to attend [ https://mountainview.libcal.com/event/12715391 ]. This event is generously sponsored by the Friends of the Mountain View Library.

Zydeco Concert with Andre Thierry


Enjoy an exclusive concert [ https://mountainview.libcal.com/event/12739994 ] with nationally recognized Bay Area musician Andre Thierry in Pioneer Park on Sunday, Oct. 6. Thierry will showcase a unique fusion of African and Native American Blues, French Creole dance melodies, and Afro-Caribbean musical elements featuring prominent instruments in Zydeco music including the vest rub boards, drums and accordion.

Please bring your own chairs and blankets to sit on. This event is generously sponsored by the Friends of the Mountain View Library. Learn more [ https://mountainview.libcal.com/event/12739994 ]. 

Past Program Highlights


Over 80 kids were introduced to robotics concepts while making their Wobblebot UFOs at our Sci Fi STEAM event.


LEGO Sci-Fi September

Kids created rockets, planets, space stations and more at our Sci-Fi September-themed LEGO® Time, then photographed their creations inside a photo box decorated like a lunar landscape.


Robot Challenge

Youths worked together to create a robot in the two-part Robot Challenge program presented by the award-winning Paly Robotics team.


Hispanic History of Mountain View

Local history author Nick Perry shared the fascinating history of Jackson Park and Castro City, two Mountain View neighborhoods with deep Hispanic roots, in recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month. 


Retro Roadshow

Attendees listened to the Retro Roadshow's compelling presentation on how science fiction influenced the evolution of personal computers and video games, then enjoyed playing historically significant sci-fi-themed games on a variety of vintage computers and video game consoles.


Upcoming Programs

Upcoming Programs 2

* Tuesdays, Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29: Outdoor Storytime [ https://mountainview.libcal.com/event/12764761 ].
* Tuesday, Oct. 1: 3D Printing Workshop: Mini Jack-o'-Lanterns [ https://mountainview.libcal.com/event/13075952 ].
* Wednesday, Oct. 2: A Journey into the Hidden World of Tropical Bats with Scientists from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute [ https://libraryc.org/mountainviewlibrary/57361 ].
* Wednesdays, Oct. 9, 16, 23 & 30: ESL Conversation Club [ https://mountainview.libcal.com/event/13173933 ].
* Wednesday, Oct. 2: The Power of Native Gardens [ https://mountainview.libcal.com/event/12905130 ].
* Thursday, Oct. 3: Unlock the Power of Your LinkedIn Profile [ https://mountainview.libcal.com/event/12883297 ].
* Thursdays, Oct. 3, 10, 24 & 31: Evening Sensory Storytime [ https://mountainview.libcal.com/event/12831454 ].
* Sunday, Oct. 6: Andre Thierry Concert: Accordion Soul and Zydeco [ https://mountainview.libcal.com/event/12739994 ].
* Tuesday, Oct. 8: Outdoor Storytime for Fire Prevention Week [ https://mountainview.libcal.com/event/12764762 ].
* Tuesday, Oct. 8: Worms! The Fun Way to Compost [ https://mountainview.libcal.com/event/11359765 ].
* Wednesday, Oct. 9: Liberating Latin American Genre Fiction: In Conversation with Bestselling Author Silvia Moreno-Garcia [ https://libraryc.org/mountainviewlibrary/57813 ].
* Wednesday, Oct. 9: Author Talk with Kyla Zhao [ https://mountainview.libcal.com/event/12715391 ].
* Wednesday, Oct. 9: Bilingual Storytime: Mandarin/English [ https://mountainview.libcal.com/event/12882807 ].
* Thursdays, Oct. 10 & 24: Let's Create [ https://mountainview.libcal.com/calendar/libraryevents?t=d&q=Let%27s%20Create&cid=8800&cal=8800&inc=0 ].
* Saturday, Oct. 12: Family Gaming [ https://mountainview.libcal.com/event/12845235 ].
* Tuesday, Oct. 15: Sewing with FabMo: Wagon Wheel Flowers [ https://mountainview.libcal.com/event/12540730 ].
* Wednesday, Oct. 16: Birthday Storytime [ https://mountainview.libcal.com/event/11411092 ].
* Thursday, Oct. 17: Be Red Cross Ready: Earthquake Preparedness [ https://mountainview.libcal.com/event/13171641 ].
* Saturday, Oct. 19: Drop-in Bike Clinic [ https://mountainview.libcal.com/event/13014204 ].
* Tuesday, Oct. 22: Maybe You Should Talk To Someone: Examining the Truths and Fictions we Tell Ourselves with Lori Gottlieb [ https://libraryc.org/mountainviewlibrary/58265 ].
* Wednesday, Oct. 23: Spookulele! Halloween Ukulele Jam [ https://mountainview.libcal.com/event/12237299 ].
* Thursday, Oct. 24: Social Security Optimization [ https://mountainview.libcal.com/event/12729077 ].
* Friday, Oct. 25: Deer Hollow Storytime [ https://mountainview.libcal.com/event/12685236 ].

Get Help with Brainfuse

College Student

Are you or your child looking for help with coursework? Are you looking for a job, but need some assurance that your resume and interviewing skills are ready for the competitive job market? Or are you a veteran who is seeking help with accessing services and benefits? 

If you or someone you know needs assistance in any of these areas, explore the Brainfuse [ https://library.mountainview.gov/learn/career-skill-building ] suite of resources. You can access any of these resources for free with your library card [ https://library.mountainview.gov/borrow/get-a-library-card ].

* Ace the college admissions process with Brainfuse CollegeNow [ https://landing.brainfuse.com/index.asp?u=main.mountainviewcn.ca.brainfuse.com ]. Receive college interview guidance, SAT/ACT test prep, feedback on admissions essays, information on scholarships and loans, help with FAFSA and more.
* Find live tutoring assistance for grades K through 12, expert writing analysis and access to skill-building resources with Brainfuse HelpNow [ https://landing.brainfuse.com/index.asp?u=main.mountainviewpubliclibrary.calibrarylegacyhn.ca.brainfuse.com ]. There are
also resources for ESL, Spanish, Tagalog and Vietnamese language learners and adult learners with platforms designed for collaboration and study.
* Prepare for your next job with Brainfuse JobNow [ https://landing.brainfuse.com/index.asp?u=main.mountainviewpljn.ca.brainfuse.com ]. JobNow provides guidance through the entire job search process with features that include expert resume feedback, live interviewing coaches, career assessments and more.
* Access resources and benefits for eligible veterans with Brainfuse VetNow [ https://landing.brainfuse.com/index.asp?u=main.mountainviewpubliclibrary.jnvn.ca.brainfuse.com ]. Receive live assistance to help navigate the Veterans Affairs system and learn about the available services and benefits.

Online Author Series

October OAS Newsletter

Every month, the Library hosts virtual events with best-selling authors and renowned thought leaders covering a wide range of topics. Watch the live-streamed events or view past recordings at MountainView.gov/OnlineAuthors [ https://lnks.gd/l/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJidWxsZXRpbl9saW5rX2lkIjoxNDgsInVyaSI6ImJwMjpjbGljayIsInVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vbW91bnRhaW52aWV3Lmdvdi9PbmxpbmVBdXRob3JzIiwiYnVsbGV0aW5faWQiOiIyMDI0MDQwMS45MjY2NDQxMSJ9.Qhub6fLcbyK-EGkigU0X_xej1hBMcemgBFBrhw8NcZs/s/3030236784/br/239898205639-l ].

Online Authors in October:

* *Wednesday, Oct. 2 [ https://libraryc.org/mountainviewlibrary/57361 ]*: Join us as three Smithsonian-affiliated scientists chat with us about the remarkable world of tropical bats and their captivating book, "Bat Island: A Rare Journey into the Hidden World of Tropical Bats [ https://search.worldcat.org/title/1375438737 ]".
* *Wednesday, Oct. 9 [ https://libraryc.org/mountainviewlibrary/57813 ]*: You’re invited to a virtual chat with the highly acclaimed Silvia Moreno-Garcia, "New York Times" bestselling and award-winning author of several novels including "Mexican Gothic [ https://catalog.mountainview.gov/GroupedWork/2a0ded62-e438-ad9c-7d3a-9acae0a49d87-eng/ ]", "The Daughter of Doctor Moreau [ https://catalog.mountainview.gov/GroupedWork/125a7495-4522-ef0e-b9fc-68b37ffa5fbc-eng/ ]", "Gods of Jade and Shadow [ https://catalog.mountainview.gov/GroupedWork/2db9af5f-3a05-80b7-a307-713eacdb9ff8-eng/ ]" and more.
* *Tuesday, Oct. 22 [ https://libraryc.org/mountainviewlibrary/58265 ]*: Come to a conversation with Lori Gottlieb, "New York Times" bestselling author of "Maybe You Should Talk to Someone [ https://catalog.mountainview.gov/GroupedWork/f8e08d97-6b07-1afa-f400-60ad4a9c975a-eng/ ]", as she shares her wisdom on examining the truths and fictions we tell ourselves so we can break through what’s holding us back and getting in the way of the life we desire.

For more information and to browse all upcoming Online Author Series events, visit MountainView.gov/OnlineAuthors [ https://lnks.gd/l/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJidWxsZXRpbl9saW5rX2lkIjoxNTUsInVyaSI6ImJwMjpjbGljayIsInVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vbW91bnRhaW52aWV3Lmdvdi9PbmxpbmVBdXRob3JzIiwiYnVsbGV0aW5faWQiOiIyMDI0MDQwMS45MjY2NDQxMSJ9.AC2Qv3Gn1lNKqhgdDOILy8THHGSTrf9yiJX1r8gl_k4/s/3030236784/br/239898205639-l ]. This program is made possible by the generous support of the Friends of the Mountain View Library [ https://lnks.gd/l/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJidWxsZXRpbl9saW5rX2lkIjoxNTYsInVyaSI6ImJwMjpjbGljayIsInVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cubXZsaWJyYXJ5ZnJpZW5kcy5vcmcvIiwiYnVsbGV0aW5faWQiOiIyMDI0MDQwMS45MjY2NDQxMSJ9.YIl5N8aGseaWFcb7LoYIComs8iGpjJpzPeimXC8y_Go/s/3030236784/br/239898205639-l ].


Facebook [ https://www.facebook.com/MVPLibrary ]| Instagram [ https://www.instagram.com/mvpubliclibrary/ ]| YouTube [ https://www.youtube.com/@MVPublicLibrary/videos ]

Mountain View Public Library | 585 Franklin St, Mountain View, CA 94041

Contact us at 650-903-6887

Always open online at Library.MountainView.gov [ https://library.mountainview.gov ]

Register for programs at MountainView.gov/LibraryCalendar [ https://mountainview.libcal.com/ ]

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