Local Organizing Committee and Mayor Harrell Announce World Cup Fan Celebration Site at Seattle Center
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Press Release
For Immediate Release
*Contact Information*
Hana Tadesse, SeattleFWC26
Phone: 206-436-9131
*Contact Information*
Karissa Braxton, Office of the Mayor
Phone: 206-566-3545
Local Organizing Committee and Mayor Harrell Announce World Cup Fan Celebration Site at Seattle Center
Renderings of Fan site at Seattle Center
"Seattle Center to host Washington’s largest and most interactive non-stadium fan experience"
*SEATTLE* -The Seattle FIFA World Cup 26™ Organizing Committee (SeattleFWC26) and Mayor Bruce Harrell announced today that Seattle Center will host the official Seattle Fan Celebration for FIFA World Cup 26™. The Fan Celebration – unveiled at a ceremony to kick off planning efforts– will form a destination for residents and up to 750,000 visitors who will come to Seattle and the region over the course of the tournament.
_Renderings of the Seattle Fan Celebration can be found here. [ https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?e=d7dbb8c1-4dfa-499a-9075-3bfff3241017&k=31323334-50bba2bf-31321b84-4544474f5631-0bb80158af7ddf56&q=1&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dropbox.com%2Fscl%2Ffo%2Fiel7s128db2rxee7uncmi%2FAG56j-u2hjHaHTiDsjii2CA%3Fdl%3D0%26e%3D2%26rlkey%3Da5t7ve7g3mnolpd2bj5ub0k85%26st%3Dyqflfxza%26utm_medium%3Demail%26utm_source%3Dgovdelivery&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]_
“Located within the heart of the city, Seattle Center is the perfect location for the Seattle Fan Celebration,” *said Peter Tomozawa, CEO of Seattle FWC26.* “This fan experience will create a place where fans - whether residents or visitors - can come together to watch live broadcasts every Seattle match day, be entertained by local artists, participate in on-site activities, and enjoy local food & beverage. It will be the best place in Seattle to watch a match outside of the stadium itself.
“We’re excited to welcome the world to Seattle, and create an interactive, exciting fan experience here at Seattle Center,” *said Mayor Bruce Harrell. *“In 1962, Seattle hosted the World’s Fair – building the iconic Space Needle and the Seattle Center campus to showcase the Northwest and our unique arts, culture, and heritage. In 2026, we’ll once again proudly show off our dynamic and diverse city. We’re creating a welcoming and exciting place to watch the matches, engage with fans, and experience the best of our region.”
“Seattle Center is excited to host a world-class fan celebration as part of the FIFA World Cup 2026,”* said Marshall Foster, Director of Seattle Center.* “We are committed to making this an unforgettable experience for our community as well as fans from around the globe. Our team is ready to create a welcoming, interactive, and vibrant experience that reflects the spirit of our city, supports our campus partners, and ensures that every visitor feels the excitement of the World Cup.”
"The World Cup and Seattle Fan Celebration will require thousands of workers to serve food, sweep floors, and sling t-shirts," *said Katie Garrow, MLK Labor Executive Secretary-Treasurer *"Temporary, event employment is often precarious and exploitative, but because of the commitments made by the Local Organizing Committee and the strength of Seattle’s unions, working the games will be a high-road employment opportunity. MLK Labor is proud to do our part to ensure that the Seattle World Cup legacy is one that leaves Seattle better than when we started."
“Seattle's recent run of marquee sporting competitions, concerts, and conventions firmly establishes our destination as one that is eminently capable of not just hosting these events, but also of infusing the city's distinct flavor and community into the surrounding activations,” *said Tammy Canavan, President and CEO of Visit Seattle.* “We pride ourselves on showing off what makes this community special. During these key moments, our city leadership, business owners, hospitality community, and creative economy come together in the spirit of mutually beneficial collaboration to showcase Seattle as the world class destination it is.”
In addition to broadcasting all Seattle FIFA World Cup matches, hosted in Seattle, programming for the Seattle Fan Celebration will include entertainment, hospitality areas, sponsorship activations, educational displays, and showcases for Made in Washington products, arts & crafts, and food & beverage. To ensure small and BIPOC-owned businesses share in the economic benefits, SeattleFWC26 will also establish a business opportunity zone.
Staging the Seattle Fan Celebration at Seattle Center enhances SeattleFWC26’s objective of providing an accessible fan experience for the entirety of the World Cup. Fan festivities will be easily reached from/to downtown hotels and the stadium district by public transportation, Seattle monorail, state and local ferries, bicycles, walking, and automobiles.
Seattle Center is home to many iconic festivals and events every summer. The LOC is excited to work with producers and Seattle Center to ensure great events will continue and be supported while making room for an incredible fan experience around the World Cup. When activated during the tournament, the capacity of the Seattle Center is estimated up to 20,000 at any given time.
In partnership with local jurisdictions, business associations, chambers of commerce, and other interested stakeholders, SeattleFWC26 plans to host nine additional fan zones so that residents and visitors across Washington can enjoy the collective thrill of the FIFA World Cup. Locations for the fan zones across the state will be announced in the months ahead.
*About SeattleFWC26 *
SeattleFWC26 is the local organizing committee for Seattle’s participation as one of the 16 host cities selected for the FIFA World Cup 26™. As a not-for-profit organization, SeattleFWC26’s vision is to foster a lasting legacy for our region, guided by the spirit of soccer, innovation, and inclusion. To keep up to date on the latest news and involvement opportunities with SeattleFWC26, please sign up at _http://www.seattlefwc26.org/get-involved [ https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?e=d7dbb8c1-4dfa-499a-9075-3bfff3241017&k=31323334-50bba2bf-31321b84-4544474f5631-657a0f46629973de&q=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.seattlefwc26.org%2Fget-involved%3Futm_medium%3Demail%26utm_source%3Dgovdelivery&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]_.
*About FIFA World Cup 26™ *
FIFA World Cup 26™ will be the largest international sporting event ever staged, with three Host Countries, 16 Host Cities, 48 teams, and 104 matches uniting an entire continent to showcase a momentous new tournament format. With more countries, cities, teams, and games, FIFA World Cup 26™ will also be the most inclusive tournament ever, engaging millions of fans across 16 unique stadiums and billions worldwide. The tournament will take place in June and July 2026. For the latest FIFA World Cup 26™ information please visit the [ https://www.fifa.com/fifaplus/en/tournaments/mens/worldcup/canadamexicousa2026/articles/match-schedule-to-be-announced-4-february-2024?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]_FIFA World Cup 26™ website [ https://www.fifa.com/fifaplus/en/tournaments/mens/worldcup/canadamexicousa2026/articles/match-schedule-to-be-announced-4-february-2024?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]_.
*About _Seattle Center [ https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?e=d7dbb8c1-4dfa-499a-9075-3bfff3241017&k=31323334-50bba2bf-31321b84-4544474f5631-b37615ffd409508e&q=1&u=https%3A%2F%2Fseattlecenter.com%2F%3Futm_medium%3Demail%26utm_source%3Dgovdelivery&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]_*
Seattle Center is an active civic, arts, and family gathering place in the core of the city and region. The 74-acre campus, centered around the International Fountain, is part of the Uptown Arts & Cultural District and includes more than 30 cultural, educational, sports, and entertainment organizations. Seattle Center’s mission is to create exceptional events, experiences, and environments that delight and inspire the human spirit to build stronger communities, making it the perfect location for the Seattle Fan Celebration.
seattle dot gov
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