City of Manhattan Beach: Wildfire Updates for Manhattan Beach
- [登録者]City of Manhattan Beach
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Manhattan Beach, CA
- 登録日 : 2025/01/14
- 掲載日 : 2025/01/14
- 変更日 : 2025/01/14
- 総閲覧数 : 38 人
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Wildfire Updates for Manhattan Beach
Stay informed on wildfire activity, safety tips, how to help, and local resources to protect our community. Stay informed on wildfire activity, safety tips, and local resources to protect our community.
Post Date: 01/08/2025 10:06 AM
Wildfire Updates for Manhattan Beach
Windblown Dust and Ash Advisory
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health is issuing a *Windblown Dust and Ash Advisory* following strong Santa Ana winds expected to affect the region through *Wednesday, January 15, 2025, at 7:00 PM*. According to the South Coast Air Quality Management District (South Coast AQMD), gusty winds may disperse ash from recent fire burn scars and generate dust, potentially impacting air quality throughout Los Angeles County.
Impacted areas include multiple communities throughout *Los Angeles County*, especially those downwind of recent burn scars. For a detailed air quality map specific to Los Angeles County, visit South Coast AQMD’s website [ https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/http:*2F*2Fwww.aqmd.gov*2FAQImap*3Futm_content=*26utm_medium=email*26utm_name=*26utm_source=govdelivery*26utm_term=/1/010001946648951f-2fa2ae64-b696-4d3a-b3db-20edc1107861-000000/CnjzYizjfJXEnDXMIvwR-M-MtjKRAzT2yUSjukMLmqk=388__;JSUlJSUlJSU!!AxJhxnnVZ8w!LQ4Sqdf1HYix_1eVcy5_zxCCPrTxu46t_1PZHcKFbjEEYNZFKmorzwpWiW1DyaRW2hcBGxU6Cj87a-gNnuCRZpRXRgpG%24?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] or download their mobile app.
Windblown dust and ash contain small particles that may cause irritation or exacerbate pre-existing health conditions, particularly for children, older adults, pregnant individuals, and those with heart or lung conditions. Public Health advises everyone to take the following precautions to reduce exposure:
* *Stay Inside:* Keep windows and doors closed. Use an air purifier or run your air conditioning system on recirculate to keep indoor air clean.
* *Wear a Mask:* If you must go outside, wear an N95 or P100 mask to protect your lungs.
* *Secure Loose Items:* Tie down or bring in items like chairs, trash cans, and other outdoor belongings to prevent them from becoming hazards.
* *Protect Your Eyes:* If outside, wear goggles to shield your eyes from airborne ash and debris.
* *Stay Informed:* Monitor updates from local news sources for the latest on weather conditions, air quality, and potential evacuation notices.
* *Be Prepared:* Have a plan in place in case conditions worsen, including essential supplies and emergency contacts.
Strong winds are expected to continue dispersing ash and dust from burn scars in the Palisades, Eaton, and other impacted areas. Air quality may reach levels that are *Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups* or worse in some regions. While ash particles are typically visible, they may not always affect Air Quality Index (AQI) readings. Nonetheless, these particles can carry toxic materials and pose significant health risks.
Conditions are expected to improve by late Wednesday as wind speeds decrease.
To stay updated with real-time/forecasted Air Quality in your area, download the South Coast AQMD Mobile App: http://www.aqmd.gov/mobileapp [ https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:*2F*2Flinks-1.govdelivery.com*2FCL0*2Fhttp:*252F*252Fwww.aqmd.gov*252Fmobileapp*253Futm_content=*2526utm_medium=email*2526utm_name=*2526utm_source=govdelivery*2526utm_term=*2F1*2F0100019443522371-7d3c3829-bec1-4891-af4b-159ab99e8086-000000*2FiyKBBVFCJqnz0zW4MSY1xePRCqvKJ0d12joU2mYT_aw=387/1/010001946648951f-2fa2ae64-b696-4d3a-b3db-20edc1107861-000000/ygkSFoVLpWE6hKqKqK5H0E7ZrYZyCWmHEt6YqYoy7pk=388__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUl!!AxJhxnnVZ8w!LQ4Sqdf1HYix_1eVcy5_zxCCPrTxu46t_1PZHcKFbjEEYNZFKmorzwpWiW1DyaRW2hcBGxU6Cj87a-gNnuCRZiCd0xSn%24?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] (Also available in Spanish!) or visit https://www.aqmd.gov/home/air-quality/air-quality-forecasts [ https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:*2F*2Flinks-1.govdelivery.com*2FCL0*2Fhttps:*252F*252Fwww.aqmd.gov*252Fhome*252Fair-quality*252Fair-quality-forecasts*253Futm_content=*2526utm_medium=email*2526utm_name=*2526utm_source=govdelivery*2526utm_term=*2F1*2F0100019443522371-7d3c3829-bec1-4891-af4b-159ab99e8086-000000*2FiXCreerJcjv_EsjTyljoWBteIXGn2GNfYoNJ0utGds0=387/1/010001946648951f-2fa2ae64-b696-4d3a-b3db-20edc1107861-000000/OUcZynsVyqmPSvVkcH3i7xCfz2OgmplX1qBr6fz4oH8=388__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSU!!AxJhxnnVZ8w!LQ4Sqdf1HYix_1eVcy5_zxCCPrTxu46t_1PZHcKFbjEEYNZFKmorzwpWiW1DyaRW2hcBGxU6Cj87a-gNnuCRZiFUG2SN%24?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].
Price Gouging During a Declared Emergency is Illegal in California
*California Law Limits Price Increases on Essential Goods and Services During Emergencies.*
Under California’s Penal Code Section 396 [ https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=PEN§ionNum=396&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ], it is illegal to raise prices on many consumer goods and services by more than 10% following the declaration of an emergency. For goods or services introduced after an emergency is declared, sellers are prohibited from charging more than 50% above the cost of providing them. Local laws may also contain their own prohibitions on price gouging.
Manhattan Beach’s Chapter 4.142 [ https://library.municode.com/ca/manhattan_beach/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=TIT4PUWEMOCO_CH4.142PRGO&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ], includes further protections against price gouging to ensure access to essential items like food, fuel, housing, and medical supplies.
Violators of these laws may face penalties. These measures are in place to protect communities and ensure fairness during times of crisis. Violators can receive up to a year in county jail and/or a fine of up to $10,000.
*How to Report:*
If you see price gouging — or if you've been the victim of it — file a complaint online at oag.ca.gov/report [ https://oag.ca.gov/report?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].
*FAQs on Price Gouging in California* [ https://oag.ca.gov/consumers/pricegougingduringdisasters?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].
Manhattan Beach Unified School District Opens Enrollment for Displaced Students
MBUSD [ https://www.mbusd.org/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] is prepared to welcome displaced families who need to enroll their students in school. Families should bring whatever documentation they have to an MBUSD school office. If families don’t have any documentation, we will still be able to enroll them and school staff will work to assist in facilitating the enrollment process and in getting students enrolled as soon as possible.
If you have it, please bring:
* Parent’s driver’s license
* Student’s birth certificate
* Proof of current grade-level enrollment
* Any transcripts, report cards, or other school records
* Immunization records and/or pertinent medical records
* Any available current residential documents or information (hotel contract, short-term rental, lease, or information about emergency/temporary housing)
These documents may be in hard copy form or digital form. If they are not available, MBUSD staff will work to assist in facilitating the enrollment process.
MBUSD has posted this webpage with more information about how to enroll: Enrollment Support for Families Impacted by Wildfires [ https://www.mbusd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?pREC_ID=2645952&type=d&uREC_ID=138729&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].
For more information, please contact the district's schools [ https://4.files.edl.io/f6ae/11/26/24/200105-12801591-9ffc-4acb-9138-f4fa4c7ccf85.pdf?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] - and are there to help. If you have questions about enrollment or services for displaced families, please contact Kerry Riccio Aguero, Director of Student Services, at KAguero@mbusd.org or 424.390.3200.
Mistaken Alert from LA County
An evacuation alert was mistakenly sent by LA County outside of the evacuation zone. To see the *evacuation maps*, share your location at the Genasys Project [ https://protect.genasys.com/search?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] page.
To ensure you have the most accurate and up-to-date information, we encourage you to visit AlertLA.org [ https://lacounty.gov/emergency/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]. There, you can review a detailed map of evacuation areas and confirm whether your location is impacted.
The County is working closely with FEMA to resolve this issue and prevent similar errors in the future.
The safety and well-being of our community are our highest priorities, and we will continue to provide accurate and timely information via Alert SB and our social media channels.
You can sign up for *Alerts issued by the City of Manhattan Beach* at *alertsouthbay.com* [ https://alertsouthbay.com/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] or by *texting AlertSB to 888-777*.
Manhattan Beach Water is Safe
The City's water system is currently functioning as designed. Reservoirs are kept at full capacity with constant monitoring.
No-Burn Day
A No-Burn day is a 24-hour ban on wood-burning in residential fireplaces, stoves or outdoor fire pits in the South Coast Air Basin. South Coast AQMD forecasters call for residential No-Burn Days when PM2.5 is expected to reach Unhealthy levels due to air emissions and stagnant weather conditions. Check the AQMD website before burning [ http://www.aqmd.gov/home/programs/community/community-detail?title=check-before-you-burn&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].
Air Quality Updates
Air quality conditions may change rapidly based on fire activity and weather.
* For real-time air quality updates, visit the South Coast AQMD website: www.aqmd.gov/home/air-quality/air-quality-forecasts [ https://www.aqmd.gov/home/air-quality/air-quality-forecasts?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] or download their mobile app [ https://www.aqmd.gov/mobileapp?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].
Stay safe and take precautions. *For life-threatening symptoms, call 911 immediately.*
How You Can Help
We truly appreciate our community who are eager to support the Manhattan Beach Fire Department and the victims of the recent wildfires. Our hearts go out to everyone affected by the devastating wildfires in Los Angeles and regional communities. The pain and loss endured by our Southern California neighbors is heartbreaking. We’re keeping victims, their families, and brave first responders in our thoughts, including our very own Manhattan Beach Fire Department. We are encouraging everyone to connect with the Red Cross Los Angeles Region for donations and volunteering opportunities *We are also asking that people refrain from dropping off items like blankets and food at the fire station and instead connect with a local nonprofit.*
Check out the ways you can help by visiting the: Ways You Can Help Wildfire Victims [ https://www.manhattanbeach.gov/Home/Components/News/News/5565/43?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
Additional Emergency Preparedness Information
Staying Safe from Wildfire Smoke
Wildfire smoke can pose serious health risks to both people and pets, even if you are far from the fire. Taking steps to reduce exposure is essential for protecting your household.
*Health Risks of Wildfire Smoke
*Breathing in wildfire smoke can lead to symptoms such as:
* Coughing and wheezing
* Trouble breathing
* Stinging eyes and irritated sinuses
* Scratchy throat and runny nose
* Headaches, chest pain
*Who is Most at Risk?
*Certain groups are more vulnerable to the harmful effects of wildfire smoke:
* Young children, especially those under 4 years old, are at high risk when the Air Quality Index (AQI) exceeds 100.
* Pregnant women and their developing babies face increased risks.
* Individuals with existing health conditions, such as asthma, COPD, heart disease, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease, are particularly susceptible.
*Key Health Recommendations*
* If you see or smell smoke, stay indoors and avoid strenuous activities, both indoors and outdoors.
* Keep indoor spaces clean by closing windows and doors. Use air conditioners that recirculate indoor air and consider using HEPA filters.
* If you experience symptoms such as severe coughing, shortness of breath, chest pain, or fatigue, consult a healthcare provider immediately.
* Avoid vigorous physical activity.
* If you must be outside, a properly fit N95 or P100 respirator may provide some protection.
*Power Outages*
The fire and weather conditions may result in *localized power outages. Please take steps to prepare:*
* Charge essential devices (phones, laptops, medical equipment) now.
* Stock up on batteries, flashlights, and non-perishable food.
* Avoid opening refrigerators or freezers to preserve food if power goes out.
* For medical needs requiring electricity, have a backup plan ready.
* Visit www.sce.com/outage-center/check-outage-status [ https://www.sce.com/outage-center/check-outage-status?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] for outage information or to report downed power lines.
*Additional Air Quality Resources
" "*"Air quality conditions may change rapidly based on fire activity and weather."
* For real-time air quality updates, visit the South Coast AQMD website [ https://www.aqmd.gov/home/air-quality/air-quality-forecasts?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] or download their mobile app [ https://www.aqmd.gov/mobileapp?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].
Understand the Differences Between Alerts Issued During Wildfires
* *Evacuation ORDER: *If you receive an evacuation order, this means you need to leave immediately. Emergency responders have determined there is an imminent life safety risk and you need to evacuate.
* *Evacuation WARNING:* If you receive an evacuation warning, this means you need to start preparing to leave. If you have animals, children, or need additional time evacuating, this is the time to leave.
* A *Red Flag Warning* means that warm temperatures, low humidity, and strong winds are expected to combine, creating a heightened risk of fire danger. This alert prompts residents and agencies to stay on high alert to prevent fires or respond quickly if one ignites.
* In especially severe situations, a *“Particularly Dangerous Situation” (PDS) Red Flag Warning* may be issued. This rare alert signifies an extreme wildfire risk due to conditions like high winds, very low humidity, drought, or a combination of these factors, which make fires likely to spread uncontrollably. A PDS warning signals a serious need for caution, urging residents to follow evacuation orders, avoid outdoor activities that might ignite fires, and stay prepared for rapid changes.
* A *Fire Weather Watch* is a preliminary alert issued 12-72 hours in advance when critical fire weather conditions may develop. While less urgent than a Red Flag Warning, it encourages communities to stay prepared for potentially escalating fire risks.
Don’t Wait—Just Go
Delaying evacuation during a wildfire is extremely dangerous, especially under high wind conditions. Fires can spread unpredictably and rapidly—often faster than you can move. High winds intensify the danger, driving flames and creating additional hazards like downed power lines, thick smoke, abandoned vehicles, flying debris, and heavy traffic, which can block escape routes.
* *If you sense danger, don’t wait—leave immediately*, even if you don’t have a fully prepared go-bag or wildfire action plan. If you’re in an evacuation order zone, leave immediately. Minimize time spent on roadways by heading directly to a safer area. Quick action is essential to ensure your safety.
* Staying behind not only puts your life and your loved ones at serious risk but also endangers first responders, who may need to divert resources to rescue those who hesitated.
* Your safety is the top priority. If you’re in a life-threatening emergency, call 9-1-1 immediately. Evacuating early protects you and allows emergency crews to focus on controlling the fire and safeguarding the community.
Create an Evacuation Plan
* Have multiple routes out of your neighborhood and have a hard copy map with your identified routes.
* Identify two ways out of every room in your home.
* Discuss where you will meet family or friends if you are separated.
* Make sure you have at least half a tank of gas in your car.
* Prepare for power outages with batteries, flashlights, backup cell phone chargers, and charging cables. Visit https://www.sce.com/outage-center/check-outage-status for outage information or to report downed power lines.
* Identify where you will go once you evacuate. For up to date shelter information, please go to the Red Cross Find a Shelter website [ https://www.redcross.org/get-help/disaster-relief-and-recovery-services/find-an-open-shelter.html?srsltid=AfmBOorxnbdxp4_oQZ3KTueaf9YIsr6D121ryb3T8Nuh-U-pW_n0fsFm&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].
Create a Go-Bag
*Think of the FIVE P’s:*
* *People*
* *Pets*
* *Pills* (Medications)
* *Photos* (Including photo documentation of your home for insurance purposes)
* *Papers* (Documents such as utility bills, birth certificates, etc.)
For additional "Go-Bag [ https://www.manhattanbeach.gov/Admin/Components/News/News/Edit/?id=5562&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery#GoBag ]" items, see the Create a Go-Bag [ https://www.manhattanbeach.gov/Admin/Components/News/News/Edit/?id=5562&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery#GoBag ] section below.
Prepare a go-bag in Case Evacuation Becomes Necessary with the Following at a Minimum:
* Map
* Medications
* Change of clothes
* Extra set of keys
* Glasses/contact lenses
* First-aid
* Shoes
* Phone chargers
* Food and water
* Copies of ID, credit cards, passports, important documents
* Cash in small bills
* Flashlights (with working batteries)
* Hard drives/flash-drive
What to Pack When It’s Time to Evacuate During an Emergency: A Guide Based on How Much Time You Have
* People and Pets
* Go-bag (with SHOES)
If I Have 5 MINUTES (In addition to the above)
* Medications
* Glasses/contact lenses
* Essential medical equipment (if applicable)
* Cell phone/laptop/chargers
If I Have 30 MINUTES (In addition to the above)
* Change of clothing
* Photo albums/family portraits
* Stuffed animals (comfort items)
* Family photos/comfort items
* Sanitation supplies (include masks)
* Activities for children
* Create a separate bag for pets; include a leash and vaccine records]
Sign-Up For Alerts
*Sign up to receive text, email, and phone call emergency alerts for your home, work, and school at Alert SouthBay [ https://member.everbridge.net/311578402488335/login?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].*
* Important alerts on evacuations, road closures, and other hazards will be communicated through the City’s Alert SouthBay Emergency Alerting System.
* If you are not located in the South Bay region, you can opt-in to the Alert LA County mass notification program [ https://alertlacounty.genasys.com/portal/en/register?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] utilized by the County of Los Angeles to receive emergency alerts.
* To access real-time wildfire mapping and firefighting efforts, download the Watch Duty app from the App Store or visit https://app.watchduty.org.
Protecting Your Home
If time permits, take steps to prepare your property and make it safer for firefighters if they need to defend it:
* *Set Up Water Sources*: Connect water hoses and fill large containers such as garbage cans, tubs, or pools with water. These can serve as valuable resources for firefighters.
* *Secure Your Home:* Close all windows, doors, and vents to prevent embers from entering and igniting the interior.
* *Turn Off Utilities:* If you know how to do so safely, shut off the gas and power to your home to reduce the risk of fire spreading.
What to Do If You Are Trapped
* If you are unable to evacuate due to a car breakdown or another unexpected issue, it’s important to stay calm and take immediate steps to ensure your safety.
* Call 911:
* Look around and figure out where you are. Can you see a street name, an address, or a landmark?
* Let 911 know your location so they can send help.
* Even if you’re not sure where you are, calling quickly gets the process started.
* Move to Safety if Possible: If it’s safe to do so, walk to a safer spot. Stick to main roads or open areas—this makes it easier for passing cars or emergency crews to spot you.
Click here for more information [ https://www.manhattanbeach.gov/Home/Components/News/News/5563/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
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