Kenmore Business News: October 2024
- [注册人]City of Kenmore
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Kenmore, WA, US
- 注册日期 : 2024/10/15
- 发布日 : 2024/10/15
- 更改日期 : 2024/10/15
- 总浏览次数 : 45 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 位于圣克拉拉的两年制大学・学院,您可以在这里学习大学转学、学位或英语语言课程。现...
使命学院是一所公立两年制学院,成立于 1977 年,位于硅谷中心地带。 这里有浓厚的高科技工业区气息,雅虎总部就位于学院拥有的一块土地上,英特尔公司就在隔壁。 该学院拥有出色的大学转学计划,许多国际学生在这里学习,目的是转入加州大学和州立大学。 ESL 课程 学位课程 ( 2 年制课程 ) 证书课程 ( 1 年制短期课程 ) 英语强化课程
+1 (408) 855-5025Mission College
- 夏威夷州批准的唯一一家日资企业儿童保育设施。喜来登・威基基・酒店的最佳位置。喜来...
各种有趣的儿童节目,包括学习草裙舞和尤克里里,制作糖果花环和饼干装饰等手工艺品,以及游览游泳池和海滩 ! 适用于在夏威夷度假的儿童、父母及其家人。请根据自己的需要使用这项服务。日本唯一获得夏威夷州认可的儿童保育设施,为父母提供安全、可靠和有趣的儿童保育支持。 [Poppins ・ Keiki ・ Hawaii]是日本唯一一家为3个月至12岁儿童提供国家认证托儿服务的公司。
+1 (808) 931-8086Poppins Keiki Hawaii
- JVTA 洛杉矶,2025 年 1 月 ! ] JVTA 洛杉矶,2025 年 ...
! 从免费个人咨询开始了解更多信息。 $ 656 ~ 可 ✨ 试听课程。
+1 (310) 316-3121Japan Visualmedia Translation Academy / 日本映像翻訳アカデミー
- 日本茶园位于旧金山金门公园的中心。它为游客提供了体验大自然的美丽与和谐的机会。
公园里有一个新装修的茶室。茶室位于日本茶园的中心,俯瞰如画的风景和池塘。 您可以一边品尝茶点,一边欣赏美丽的风景。
+1 (415) 752-1171Japanese Tea Garden
- 店内出售大米以外的各种产品,如用大米制作的 baumkuchen 和 nure-...
长筱大米在历史上曾被指定为明治天皇加冕礼上所赐大米的种植地。只有在接到订单后才会碾米,在此之前,会通过检查温度和湿度对大米进行严格控制。为了进一步扩大大米的魅力,使用米粉制作的糕点 "纯米糕 "和 "纯龄烤米 "等各种产品都被用来宣传大米的魅力。
- 市原蜜蜂农场位于千叶县市原市高仓。我们与珍贵的蜜蜂伙伴一起,促进可持续、循环型农...
市原蜜蜂农场位于千叶县市原市高仓。这里有美丽的坐山风景和广阔的蜜源植物花田。蜜蜂和蝴蝶在这里飞来飞去。 我们与珍贵的蜜蜂伙伴一起,正在推广可持续、循环型农业,以便将其传承给我们的孩子。我们期待着您和您的蜜蜂的到来。门票 : 免费] 市原蜜蜂农场小店 ・ 软奶油 ・ 饮料 ・ 华夫饼三明治 ・ 蜂蜜
- 毕博英语中心是一所私立英语学校,在南湾拥有 40 年的办学经验。 提供面授和在线...
所有课程均为私人课程 ●营造温馨的环境 ●根据学生需求量身定制课程 ●早课适合繁忙的商务人士,上午 8 点 ~ 晚课至晚上 11 点 ●方便的售票课程,可与家人和同事一起使用 ●忙碌的您创建课程表 ●母语教师 + 可提供双语教师 ●100名学生至100名学生 ●每三个月举行一次个人会议 ●每周一堂课,终身可用 ●可提供一周课程 ●可随时参加托业、应试和托福课程 ●可选择教师 ...
+1 (310) 715-1905BYB English Center (Torrance)
- 得克萨斯州历史博物馆位于奥斯汀市中心。
德克萨斯州奥斯汀历史博物馆。博物馆以 "德克萨斯州的故事 "为主题欢迎所有游客。
+1 (512) 936-8746Bullock Texas State History Museum
- 欢迎来到圣路加诊所。位于阿拉莫阿那(Ala Moana)的日本诊所在威基基・购物...
该诊所位于阿拉莫阿纳购物中心(Ala Moana Shopping Centre)附近,面向日本居民。诊所提供日语和英语两种语言的体检服务,因此前往夏威夷的日本游客和在夏威夷的日本居民可以放心接受治疗。诊所提供赴日旅行的电晕筛查,并出具出发前检查证明。 诊所提供全面的病人护理服务,包括内科、家庭医学科、外科、妇科、糖尿病科和老年人护理科。日常常见症状和疾病都会得到妥善处理,并决定是否需要专科治...
+1 (808) 945-3719聖ルカクリニック / St. Luke's Clinic
- 森町千原台购物中心内的人气天然温泉汤间OPEN ! 餐厅无需门票 ◎提供各种日餐...
市原市的人气天然温泉 "汤米饭 OPEN"!"汤米饭 "的厨房市原千原台店,提供包括桑拿饭在内的各种菜肴,仅作为餐厅使用,不收门票。
+81-436-63-3273湯舞音's kitchen 市原ちはら台店
- 咨询测试 + 信息会议 !。
早稻田学院在海外归国留学生的入学考试中取得了良好的成绩,该学院将在洛杉矶开设一所学校。该校将提供面授课程和使用 Zoom 的实时在线课程,这样,不仅居住在美国,居住在加拿大和墨西哥的海外学生也不用担心时差问题。早稻田学院还将提供只有日本早稻田学院才能提供的最新入学考试信息。 如果你想认真学习,实现自己的梦想!,请向早稻田学院敞开大门。
+1 (424) 263-2544早稲田アカデミー ロサンゼルス校
- 感受日本居酒屋的氛围,品尝美味饮品和日本料理。无论您是怀念日本,还是想与大伙儿一...
①谢谢您的耐心等待! 最后,从下周一开始,午餐菜单上将增加烤鸡肉串。 请在午餐时品尝我们用滨草炭烤制的正宗烤鸡肉串! 我们期待您的光临。 ② 5 月 12 日(周日)是母亲节,因此我们为看到本帖的朋友带来了好消息! 居酒屋 Bizan 将推出母亲节特别促销活动。 如果您在母亲节当天与母亲一同前来用餐,您的账单将享受九折优惠! 这个母亲节,请来比赞,与母亲共度美好时光,并表达您的感激之...
+1 (213) 625-1184Peace Dining (Izakaya Bizan)
- 您是否有农用设备 ・ 自行车 ・ 电器 ・ 计算机 ・ 玩具 ・ 家具和更多 ?...
您家中是否有一些您喜欢的东西,希望它们更有用 … ? 在乔治修理店,我们不仅将物品修理到原来的可用状态,而且还根据您的愿望进行改装 ! 即使您认为 💦 这好得不像真的,也请不要犹豫与我们联系。! 农用机械 ・ 自行车 ・ 电器 ・ 个人电脑 ・ 玩具 ・ 家具 ? 如果您需要修理,修理工乔治在这里为您服务 ! 我们不仅修理东西,我们还做您希望您能做的事情 ♪ ! 您目前正在使用的东西,您希望...
- 请参阅 Vivinavi,适用于 $ 130 → $ 100 限时限量 ! 老顾...
再也不用担心牙齿的颜色了。 是时候美白你的牙齿了。 您为什么不去除深层污渍呢 ? ? 您将拥有想要炫耀的笑容。 一次就够了,但三次后会感觉更有效 ! 60 分钟治疗 第一次 $ 130 润色 $ 100 请随时与我们联系。 店铺信息 牙齿美白沙龙专家 HAKU,Lab
+1 (949) 386-4113歯のホワイトニングサロン HAKU Lab OC
- 人气造型师Summer将为您展现魅力 ! 首次仅8折优惠 ! 女士 & 男士,多...
深受欢迎的造型师 Summer 将为您打造全新魅力 ! 首次就诊可享受八折优惠 ! 我们为女士和男士提供多种美发服务。剪发、烫发、染发、balayage、数码烫发、角蛋白护理、直发烫发、深层护理等,让您的秀发焕发最佳光彩。凡光临 Vivinavi 的顾客均可享受特别优惠 ! 如需预约,请随时拨打短信&电话:(408) 627-2457 ! 同时也非常欢迎新顾客 !。
+1 (408) 627-2457Summer Hair Salon
business updates banner
Haley Wens
Haley Wens, an occupational therapist in Kenmore, takes photos for her business.
Port of Seattle Grant Provides Free Marketing Photography to Kenmore Businesses
The City of Kenmore recently offered free photography sessions to Kenmore businesses paid for through an economic development grant provided by Port of Seattle. Photographer Mike Folden from Kindfire Creative met with business owners and captured unique and beautiful images for businesses to use in their marketing materials, websites, and social media. Thank you to the following businesses who signed up and participated in this unique opportunity.
* Crux Diving [ ]
* Dennis LeMaster - Lakeview Massage [ ]
* Haley Wens Occupational Therapy [ ]
* Suzanna B Coaching [ ]
* Dr. Yun Yong - Holly Vet Clinic [ ]
* Girls Fish 2 [ ]
* Katie Miller Marketing Services [ ]
* Seatown Sweets [ ]
* Kenmore Jewel Box [ ]
* Lakeview Yoga [ ]
* Crossfit Kenmore [ ]
* 192 Brewing Co. [ ]
* Kenmore Air [ ]
The City of Kenmore hopes to provide this service again in the future. Stay tuned for additional photography opportunities!
Stephanie Lucash
Stephanie Lucash accepts the national Leadership Trailblazer Award in September.
Kenmore Deputy City Manager Stephanie Lucash Awarded National 2024 Leadership Trailblazer Award
The City of Kenmore proudly announces that Deputy City Manager Stephanie Lucash has been recognized as the national 2024 Leadership Trailblazer Award winner. This prestigious honor was bestowed upon Lucash by the League of Women in Government [ ] (LWG) during the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) Annual Conference in Pittsburgh, PA, in September. The Leadership Trailblazer Award celebrates women who have made significant contributions to public service and demonstrated exemplary leadership in government.
Lucash has worked for the City of Kenmore since 2021, where she has been instrumental in spearheading key initiatives including the American Rescue Plan Act funding and COVID-19 response efforts, leading regional partnerships, building relationships with the local business community, and advocating for access to mental health services and affordable housing.
*Read the Press Release* [ ]
King County Executive's Small Business Awards [ ]
Small Business Awards [ ]
The City of Kenmore partnered with King County to support and promote the Small Business Awards program. The King County Executive’s Small Business Awards recognizes the people that have taken the initiative to create and build businesses that serve our communities. They host an awards ceremony each year to announce the winners in each of the eight categories. Check out the photos, categories, finalists, and winners of each category here [ ]. We hope to have a few Kenmore businesses nominated and awarded next year
Oktoberfest fun
Kenmore community members enjoying Oktoberfest festivities.
Prost! Kenmore Oktoberfest Highlights [ ]
Kenmore's inaugural Oktoberfest in September was a buzzing success! Local businesses and organizations collaborated to launch this first-ever celebration, marking the beginning of a new tradition in our community. The City secured grant funds from the Port of Seattle to support and promote the event, providing a fantastic opportunity to highlight Kenmore’s local businesses and create lasting memories for both residents and visitors.
The idea for this event was ignited at a Kenmore Business Alliance (KBA) [ ] meeting earlier this year. Come to the next KBA [ ] meeting or email if you'd like to be a part of the event in 2025.
*Kenmore Oktoberfest* [ ]
Hot Topics Update from Kenmore's City Manager [ ]
Last week, Kenmore City Manager Rob Karlinsey shared a new "Hot Topics" update, keeping residents informed about important issues facing Kenmore. Check out his brief update to learn the latest on key topics including middle housing, the Imagine Housing proposal, Lakepointe, the 2025-2026 Biennial Budget, and the Financial Sustainability Plan. You're invited to hop on board and stay informed!
*Read the full update* [ ]
FindKenmore banner [ ]
Join Kenmore's New FREE Business Directory
*"Do you have your business listed in Kenmore's business directory yet? It's FREE and easy to sign up!"*
You are invited to sign up for [ ], Kenmore's new business directory. Doing so allows new customers to find you easily, provides another avenue to share about your business, and welcomes you on board with hundreds of other unique Kenmore businesses. Plus, the City of Kenmore actively promotes the business directory and this provides free exposure for your business listing.
"It’s easy to join!" Simply go to and click “LOGIN” in the top right corner. Select “Request an Account” or “Submit a listing” and go from there. After you submit, your business will be verified, and you’ll receive a login to edit/update your listing.
*Sign up today* [ ]
Upcoming Meetings
* *Kenmore Business Alliance Meetings [ ]*
Professionals and business owners who do business in Kenmore are invited to get involved with the Kenmore Business Alliance (KBA) [ ]. The KBA is great opportunity to network and grow your business, and it's free (no membership required). Meetings are held monthly on the first Thursday from 8:30 a.m. - 10 a.m. at Kenmore City Hall.
* *Kenmore City Council Meetings [ ]
*City Council meetings are typically held at 7 p.m. the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Mondays of each month on-site at Kenmore City Hall and streamed virtually (when available) through Zoom and YouTube livestream [ ]. City Council meetings are open to the public and public comments are encouraged.
Upcoming meetings and events:
* October 15 - Planning Commision Meeting [ ]
* October 19 - Nature Walks at Wallace Swamp Creek Park [ ]
* October 19 - Jack Crawford Day Volunteer Park Clean up event [ ] at Log Boom Park
* October 19 - Coffee with the Council [ ]
* October 21 - City Council Special and Regular Meeting [ ]
* October 22 - EV Charging Community Workshop [ ]
* October 26 - Adopt-A-Park Volunteer Work Party [ ]
* October 28 - City Council Regular Meeting [ ]
* November 2 - Dia de los Muertos Community Celebration [ ]
* November 4 - Coffee with the Council [ ]
* November 5 - Election Day [ ]
* November 5 - Northshore Fire Department Public Hearing [ ]
* November 9 - Adopt-A-Park Volunteer Work Party [ ]
* November 11 - Veteran's Day (City Hall closed)
**Visit the City calendar to see more events and meetings here [ ].**
*"Want to share Kenmore business news?"
*Please forward this to a friend! New followers can sign up to receive news updates on a variety of Kenmore topics here [ ].
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