Keeping up with Kathryn
- [สมาชิกที่ลงทะเบียน]LA County
- [ภาษา]日本語
- [แอเรีย]Los Angeles
- วันที่ลงทะเบียน : 2024/11/08
- วันที่โพสต์ : 2024/11/08
- วันเปลี่ยนแปลง : 2024/11/08
- จำนวนรวมของการเปิดดู : 40 คน
- หากท่านต้องค้นหาร้าน โปรดดู [คู่มือแนะนำตัวเมือง]
- 目の前に広がる絶景を見ながらお食事が楽しめる鴨川の亀田病院Kタワー13階のレスト...
+81-4-7099-1305レストラン 亀楽亭
- 日本からアメリカに進出をお考えの企業様、自営業の方、個人の方々。長年の会計士経験...
+1 (310) 792-5340Mimura Accounting
- 海辺の創作料理店 CAMA Kitchen。TVでも紹介された、ランチ限定のハン...
海まで30秒の窯焼きピザと創作料理のお店『CAMA Kitchen』当店の魅力はシーンを選ばずどんなときにもご利用いただける空間とこだわりの食材を使用して作っているメニューの数々。テラス席ではペットと一緒にご飯を食べることが出来るので海まで散歩に来たらぜひCAMA Kitchenへお立ち寄りください♪
(04) 7096-7307CAMA Kitchen
- 五感で感じる“癒しのテーマパーク”夢二の世界へぜひお越しくださいませ。
- シリコンバレーの住宅販売のことならお任せください。住宅売買を通じてお客様の「幸せ...
+1 (408) 582-3777Takami Hamadani - Compass Hamadani Group
- Nail & Eyelash専門店 日本人スタッフが丁寧に仕上げます
日本人スタッフによる VIANGE SPA Nail & Eyelash専門店 OPENジェルネイルは日本製のジェルを使用している為、爪に優しく安心。アメリカで、お気に入りのネイルサロンを見つけられない方、現地のサロンに不安がある方、最新のアートを楽しみたい方など、一人一人に合ったNailを経験豊富なネイリストがご提案させて頂きます。まつ毛エクステは、最も自然なまつ毛に近い最高級のセーブルを使用。...
+1 (408) 320-4940VIANGE SPA NAIL&EYELASH
- Come and Learn from the Experts! あなたもプロの...
+1 (310) 320-94444Dogs Grooming Academy
- LA1号店グランドオープン!日本全国に40店舗、銀座、New York・Hawa...
【カット$50】ファストファッションのように気軽にヘアカットを楽しみませんか?確かな技術とセンスであなたを魅了します!日本全国に40店舗、ニューヨークとハワイにも店舗を持つ、日系ヘアサロンです。 【ファストビューティ】 私たちは、ファストファッションのように気軽にヘアカットを楽しんでいただきたいと思っています。 ヘアカットやカラーをトレンドに合わせて、季節に合わせて気軽にお楽しみください。 【...
+1 (323) 413-2688SOHO New York Los Angeles Hair Salon
- 1983年に設立された、ニューヨーク州公認の唯一の日本人向けメンタルヘルスクリニ...
+1 (212) 720-4560Hamilton-Madison House, Japanese Clinic
- カット(ブロー込み):$45 メンズカット:$30 カット・カラースタイル込...
新しい自分を見つける為に✨ ご利用いただきやすい料金設定でお客様を真心のこもったサービスでおもてなしいたします。ロミータに新しくできた総合美容サロンです。ヘア・ネイル・マツエク・フェイシャルなど全て同じ場所で出来るという便利さとウェストロミータという安全かつ日本人なら一度は行ったことのあるレストランなどがたくさんある辺りに位置しております。どなたでもご利用いただき易いご料金設定と大変良い立地環境で...
+1 (310) 953-6177A Quality Salon
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- サンフランシスコ州立大学にある、もっとも大きな日本人学生団体のひとつです。
サンフランシスコ州立大学にある、もっとも大きな日本人学生団体のひとつです。日本人学生に対しての就職活動のサポートや人事育成を目的とする”JSA Career” 国籍問わず日本の文化・言語などに興味のある学生たちと交流を深める”JSA Social” という2つを軸にして活動しています。
+1 (415) 338-1111サンフランシスコ州立大学日本人学生会
- サクラメントで28年以上の実績があるケアホームです。主に日本人、日系アメリカ人、...
American River Care Home
Dear Friends,
This week, I took my Oath of Office (https://kathrynbarger.lacounty.gov/barger-sworn-in-as-fifth-district-supervisor-in-oath-of-office-ceremony/) for my third and final term as Fifth District Supervisor. I was so grateful to be sworn in by former District Attorney Jackie Lacey with family, friends, team members, and community leaders by my side and in the crowd. I enter these next four years with deep gratitude for the trust you’ve placed in me, appreciation for the community partners who continue to serve alongside me, and hope for what we will accomplish together.
I look forward to the work we have in the years ahead. I will continue to focus on advancing public safety, implementing long-lasting homelessness solutions, evolving the County’s mental health infrastructure and service delivery systems, and supporting initiatives that improve the local economy and quality of life for residents. In all of these efforts, I know that leading with integrity, transparency, and collaboration is key. My team and I will continue to prioritize opportunities to truly listen to constituents' perspectives and voices. Together, we can build a Los Angeles County that we're proud of, standing as a beacon of hope, resilience, and community.
Best wishes,
Kathryn Barger
Supervisor, Fifth District
Meet Luna, an energetic and playful 11-month-old boxer mix, and Everest, a calm and timid two-year-old pit bull. If you'd like to open your heart and home to a new pet, consider adopting one of them from the Palmdale Animal Care Center, which is open for drop-ins Monday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Veterans' Pet Services Promotion
In honor of Veterans Day coming up, there’s a special promotion for free spay and neuter services for veterans’ pets. Veterans who live in North County—including those in unincorporated areas and the cities of Lancaster, Palmdale, Santa Clarita, and San Fernando—can take their pets to the Simi Valley Nonprofit Spay and Neuter Clinic for free services throughout the entire month of November. Call 805-584-3823 and use the code words “Veteran Veteran” (yes, twice!) when calling to make your appointment.
Pick your perfect pet. (https://animalcare.lacounty.gov/)
As we approach Veterans Day, I wanted to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of the brave servicemembers who've served our County and continue to serve their communities. Your service and sacrifice strengthen our nation and our neighborhoods.
Access veterans' resources. (https://kathrynbarger.lacounty.gov/veterans/)
I paid a visit to The Getty this week to chat with their team about their impact across Los Angeles County and the world, serving 1.2 million visitors a year. It was especially exciting to hear how they're partnering with Fifth District organizations for their PST ART programming, learn about their storage facilities in Santa Clarita, and get a firsthand look at famous artwork they're conserving and restoring.
Plan a visit. (https://www.getty.edu/)
Congratulations to Azusa Pacific University for your recent recognition by The Wall Street Journal as the Top Christian University in California (https://www.apu.edu/media/news/release/apu-named-top-christian-university-in-california-by-the-wall-street-journal/#:~:text=Azusa%20Pacific%20University%20achieved%20a,Colleges%20and%20Universities%20(CCCU).) ! This well-deserved distinction marks the highest national honor the university has received in its 125-year history. I’m thankful for APU’s impact in Los Angeles County and am excited about how the university is shaping our future by equipping students to serve and strengthen our communities.
Watch a short video presentation. (https://www.facebook.com/supervisorbarger/videos/910360521057772)
At an event hosted by the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (https://www.sgvcog.org/) and Foothill Transit (https://www.foothilltransit.org/) this week, I had the privilege of celebrating my dear friend Congresswoman Grace Napolitano as she closes the book on her storied career in public service. What an amazing way to honor such a beautiful, determined, and passionate person whose career reflects her lifelong values of advocacy and commitment to her community.
Thank Grace for her service. (https://www.facebook.com/RepGraceNapolitano)
Governor Newsom's proposal to expand the California Film and Television Tax Credit would increase this vital program from $330 million to $750 million. As a key part of our economic engine, it's important that we continue to incentivize filming in L.A. County. I was proud to introduce a motion with Supervisor Horvath at this week's Board meeting to support this proposal that would provide much-needed relief to the industry.
Get the details. (https://kathrynbarger.lacounty.gov/la-county-supervisors-support-governors-expansion-of-tax-credit-program-to-boost-entertainment-sector/)
With Red Flag Warnings this week, it was a good reminder that we can never be too prepared for a wildfire. Check out this helpful list of supplies to have on hand for your four-legged friend in case of wildfire evacuations.
Prep your kit. (http://ready.lacounty.gov/pet-disaster-supply-kits )
Metro, Caltrans, and the North Los Angeles County Transportation Coalition are enhancing safety and improving mobility in North Los Angeles County along the SR-14 corridor between the I-5 and Pearblossom Highway. Attend an upcoming meeting to have your voice heard and weigh in on where you'd like to see improvements.
Thursday, Nov. 14, 6 to 8 p.m.
Lancaster City Hall, City Council Chambers
44933 Fern Avenue, Lancaster, CA 93534
Santa Clarita
Saturday, Nov. 16, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
The Centre on Centre Pointe Pkwy, Cedar Hall
20880 Centre Pointe Pkwy, Santa Clarita, CA 91350
Tuesday, Nov. 19, 6 to 8 p.m.
Palmdale Oasis Park Recreation Center
3850 E Avenue S, Palmdale, CA 93550
Submit comments via email. (mailto:sr14@metro.net)
Learn about the project. (https://www.metro.net/projects/14safety/)
Join us next Saturday, Nov. 16 at 10 a.m. at Jackie Robinson Park (https://parks.lacounty.gov/jackie-robinson-park/) in Sun Village to unveil a beautiful new mural celebrating the community. Named "The Light of Many Suns," the artwork is a fitting tribute to the rich history and vibrant community in Sun Village. Created in close collaboration with local residents, I know the piece will serve as a source of inspiration, beauty, and education for future generations of Antelope Valley residents to celebrate and learn about the people and places that make it so special.
Get the details. (https://clockshop.org/project/jackie-robinson-park/)
The Los Angeles County Youth Commission (https://youthcommission.lacounty.gov/) is accepting applications for new commissioners! Members of the commission provide feedback on policies and programs that impact youth in L.A. County based on their own lived experience with our County systems. Commissioners collaborate with local community-based organizations and leaders to identify new approaches to serve youth and draft reports and formal recommendations to the Board of Supervisors. I encourage Fifth District youth and young adults to apply!
Apply here. (https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=mKeuf9BqyU-waPy8rtNB9sSjgVG6ndJMp7i0MlnHAgdUNFU0S0tBQjExSjlJTkZSVzg5OUk4RTI5Ty4u&route=shorturl&utm_content=&utm_medium=email&utm_name=&utm_source=govdelivery&utm_term=)
The Department of Public Social Services' annual Adopt a Family program is back in anticipation of the holiday season! This special opportunity invites community members to sponsor a low-income family to ensure they have a happy holiday. Sponsors are matched with a family and provided with their wish list of requested items, including clothing, gift certificates, and toys. Last year, 800 generous sponsors provided more than 1,200 gifts to families in need!
Adopt a family. (https://dpss.lacounty.gov/en/community/volunteer.html)
Did you know The Autry Museum of the American West (https://theautry.org/free?mc_cid=df6c3c6163&mc_eid=105dd9f9ee) has free hours each week? Every Tuesday and Wednesday, admission is free from 1 to 4 p.m. Make a reservation to enjoy and explore their amazing exhibitions.
Plan a visit. (https://theautry.org/free?mc_cid=df6c3c6163&mc_eid=105dd9f9ee)
The Department of Parks and Recreation (https://parks.lacounty.gov/fall/) will be hosting lots of festive fun for fall! Head to your local park for a harvest festival between Nov. 14 and 26, including food, dancing, music, crafts, children's story corner, and family games.
Play at the park. (https://parks.lacounty.gov/fall/)
The California Community Foundation is launching a series of listening sessions to guide its work for the next decade. There will be a special meeting hosted in the Antelope Valley in partnership with Antelope Valley Partners for Health to ensure CCF continues to be responsive to the needs of our communities. The AV listening session will be hosted on Tuesday, Nov. 12 at 9:30 a.m. at AVPH's office at 44226 10th St W in Lancaster.
Participate in the process. (https://connect.calfund.org/antelope-valley)
Get ready for a long weekend of hands-on fun! Head to the La Brea Tar Pits (https://tarpits.org/) for the PST ART (https://pst.art) + Science Family Festival (https://pst.art/en/events/familyfestival) from Saturday, Nov. 9 to Monday, Nov. 11 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Attendees will get to explore space, dig into fossils, and imagine future worlds. There’s something for people of all ages to enjoy!
Enjoy the fun. (https://pst.art/en/events/familyfestival)
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** Website (http://kathrynbarger.lacounty.gov/)
** Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/supervisorkathrynbarger/)
500 W. Temple St., Suite 869
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 974-5555
Antelope Valley:
42455 10th Street West, Suite 104
Lancaster, CA 93534
(661) 726-3600
East San Gabriel Valley:
380 S. San Dimas Ave., Suite 202
San Dimas, CA 91773
(909) 394-2264
Santa Clarita Valley:
27441 Tourney Rd., Suite 120
Santa Clarita, CA 91355
(661) 287-3657
San Gabriel Valley:
215 N. Marengo Ave., Suite 120
Pasadena, CA 91101
(626) 356-5407
San Fernando Valley:
4130 Cahuenga Blvd., Suite 108
Toluca Lake, CA 91602
(818) 993-5170
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Kathryn Barger . 500 W. Temple #869 . Los Angeles, Ca 90012 . USA