Tampa Weekly: Trees, affordable housing, and more...
- [登録者]City of Tampa
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Tampa, Florida, US
- 登録日 : 2024/03/04
- 掲載日 : 2024/03/04
- 変更日 : 2024/03/04
- 総閲覧数 : 190 人
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私達『手をつなぐ親の会』(JSPACC)は、ロスアンジェルスを拠点とし、障害を持つ子供達の、 日本語を話す親たちが組織するサポートグループです。ロスアンジェルスの非営 利福祉団体であるリトル東京サービスセンターの協力の下、1994年に再結成されました。障害を取り巻くアメリカの法律やシステム、常識の違いを日本語で学びつつ、精神的にも支え合うことで、各親の自立をサポートしていくことを目的に活動していま...
Japanese Speaking Parents Association of Children with Challenges
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+1 (310) 756-2571コーエン弁護士グループ
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創業50年現在3代目になります。 斉藤ではお客様のご要望を第一に考えお客様の満足の行くようなプランをご提案させて頂きます。 お気軽にご相談ください。・お見積り無料・ 小さい工事から大きい工事その他色々なご相談に乗ります。 皆様のご依頼を心よりお待ちしております!エクステリア・新規外構工事・お庭のリフォーム・外構工事または内装タイル工事・内装左官工事・フェンス・ウッドデッキ・ガレージ・物置・人工芝・...
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【2024年8月開院】千葉県君津市で内科・整形外科・小児科・皮膚科をお探しなら、かわなファミリークリニックへ。そのほか、各種健診・ 予防接種、在宅診療・ 往診にも対応しています。
Mayor Jane Castor and Tampa City Council celebrated another successful public-private partnership to create more affordable housing units in our city. The City of Tampa has awarded $12M to The Richman Group of Florida, Inc. to help fund the construction of a 100% affordable 354-unit rental development - which will remain affordable for 99 years.
Mayor Jane Castor and Tampa City Council celebrated another successful public-private partnership to create more affordable housing units in our city. The City of Tampa has awarded $12M to The Richman Group of Florida, Inc. to help fund the construction of a 100% affordable, 354-unit rental development that will remain affordable for 99 years.
Mayor’s Neighborhood University Saturday Session
Mayor's Neighborhood University is back, featuring full programs in one easy weekend about our city and how City government works. Join "On the Road with Code (https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=cwOdjZFctEWQWxL-kYy2KPXOnKEgtHNJiMe20_CF7K1UMDIyVjUzRklaQzNWVEtJSVBOTjRHWlJZVS4u) " on March 9 from 9 am – 12 pm to see how Code Enforcement operates and the various teams this department manages.
Backyard Digester Program
Are you committed to diverting food waste away from your trash? Check out the new Backyard Digester Program through the Department of Solid Waste & Environmental Program Management. Visit tampa.gov/BackyardDigester (https://www.tampa.gov/BackyardDigester) for details.
eBike Voucher Program
The eBike Voucher Program (https://www.tampa.gov/ebike) is now accepting applications! The initiative provides Tampa residents with an opportunity to receive between $1,000 - $3,000 in a purchase discount toward purchasing a new eBike. Join the City of Tampa and participating local bike shops for an opportunity to test an eBike. Helmets and waivers to ride the bicycles will be available on-site:
March 5 from 5 pm – 7 pm: Al Lopez Park (4810 N. Himes Ave)
March 13 from 5 pm – 7 pm: Copeland Park (11001 N. 15th St.)
March 14 from 5 pm – 7 pm: Ballast Point Park (5300 Interbay Blvd.)
27th Annual Women’s History Month Celebration
Please join Mayor Jane Castor for the 27th Annual Women's History Month Celebration (https://www.tampa.gov/womens-history-month-celebration) tomorrow (March 5) at 10:30 am, including a presentation of the Josephine Howard Stafford Memorial Award (https://www.tampa.gov/womens-history-month-celebration/about-us/josephine-stafford-award?fbclid=IwAR0eYHbaQPbVZC3B8qIqxeQ61eob-LCd85W47wQToPQusIhudySl0JdxAlQ) to Ocea Wynn, Administrator of Neighborhood and Community Affairs.
Vote for the 3Rs Art & Poety Contest Winners
Help us choose the best 3R's Art & Poetry Contest (https://www.tampa.gov/3Rs) poems & art, submitted by local K-12 students. This program engages our youth in environmental stewardship while encouraging recycling & waste reduction.
East Tampa CRA Summer Youth Program
The East Tampa CRA Summer Youth Program (https://www.jobapscloud.com/Tampa/sup/bulpreview.asp?b=&R1=240208&R2=008290&R3=002&fbclid=IwAR04kW3ZhtpdjKpNJIBrKMgim8comsSvgo49S1FeBzT96aCk7_E9C_SdFQs) is now accepting applications! Students ages 16-19 can receive paid, hands-on experience through this internship program. Participants must be enrolled in a Hillsborough County school and live in zip codes 33602, 33603, 33604, 33605, 33610, or 33619.
Paint Your Heart Out
Paint Your Heart Out Tampa (https://pyhot.weebly.com/) is seeking homes to paint! Each year, volunteers paint the homes of the low-income, elderly residents of Tampa - uplifting spirits, relieving burdens, & beautifying our neighborhoods. The 35th Annual Paint Day is set for April 27. Know someone who may qualify? Call 813-258-4512 or email pyhot@pyhot.com (mailto:pyhot@pyhot.com) to submit a house for consideration. Seniors on a fixed income or disabled persons who live in and own their home in Tampa and/or veterans are encouraged to apply.
River O’Green
River O’ Green (https://www.tampasdowntown.com/outside-is-in/river-ogreen/) will return to Tampa’s Downtown on March 16 from 11 am – 6 pm. This annual, free event kicks off the St. Patrick’s Day holiday, as the Hillsborough River is transformed into a bright shade of green. This day of festive fun at Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park will feature live music, kids activities, food trucks, and drinks. The Rough Rider’s St. Patricks’ Day Parade (https://www.tamparoughriders.org/event-5178014) will also be held in Downtown Tampa this year on March 16 at 5 pm, along E Madison St & N. Ashley Dr.
Small Business Navigator Program
Do you currently own a small business or are you thinking of starting a new business? Our Small Business Navigator (https://www.tampa.gov/SBN) can help provide resources & guidance to set you up for success - at no cost to you!
Job of the Week
The Legal Department is hiring a Legal Administrative Supervisor (https://www.jobapscloud.com/Tampa/sup/bulpreview.asp?b=&R1=240223&R2=807005&R3=001) , responsible for supervising the assistants within the Legal Department and independently performing a wide variety of highly complex administrative assignments of considerable difficulty.
Watering restrictions extended in Tampa Bay
Watering restrictions extended in Tampa Bay (https://www.fox13news.com/video/1417813)
The Tampa Bay Area is still in a 12-month rainfall deficit which is why officials are having residents take action to build up water supply.
Tampa to plant 30,000 trees by 2030 to restore city’s canopy
Tampa to plant 30,000 trees by 2030 to restore city’s canopy (https://www.fox13news.com/news/tampa-to-plant-30000-trees-by-2023-to-restore-citys-canopy)
The city of Tampa will be adding hundreds of trees in two communities as part of the mayor’s mission to plant 30,000 new trees by 2030.
Canopy at West River launches second phase of affordable, workforce housing
Canopy at West River launches second phase of affordable, workforce housing (https://www.83degreesmedia.com/devnews/Tampa-Canopy-at-West-River-launches-second-phase-of-affordable-workfoce-housing-022724.aspx)
83 Degrees
Both buildings will be 100 percent workforce and affordable housing for individuals and families making 20 to 80 percent of the area’s average median income.
Tampa is Florida's new "it" city, per Travel + Leisure
Tampa is Florida's new "it" city, per Travel + Leisure (https://www.axios.com/local/tampa-bay/2024/02/26/florida-new-it-city-travel-leisure)
Axios Tampa Bay
Tampa has graduated from "overlooked Florida city" to the Sunshine State's new "it" city, per Travel + Leisure.
Celebrating a Tampa trailblazer to start off Women's History Month
Celebrating a Tampa trailblazer to start off Women's History Month (https://baynews9.com/fl/tampa/news/2024/02/28/a-big-award-for-a-big-responsibility-)
Spectrum Bay News 9
This year’s recipient is Ocea Wynn, the city of Tampa’s Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Officer and administrator of Neighborhood and Community Affairs.
Tampa drive-in theater site to make way for 354 affordable apartments
Tampa drive-in theater site to make way for 354 affordable apartments (https://www.businessobserverfl.com/news/2024/feb/26/tampa-drive-in-theater-site-affordable-apartments/)
Business Observer FL
The new development being built in its place will be 519,240 square feet and have 354 units..
Meet Ed Jones, a Maintenance Repairer III at the Tampa Convention Center. He has worked for the City of Tampa for over nine years, and he enjoys learning about the industries of the many events held at the facility.
What do you like to do in your free time? My favorite thing to do is to spend time with my grandkids. I have two granddaughters, they live in my hometown of Mobile, Alabama, and every chance I get I try to visit and spend time with them. I fish a lot. I like going deep sea fishing, I just went recently. I like to try to catch Snook, they’re hard to catch, Redfish, Sheepshead. I also like to BBQ and cook. I like just looking up recipes and just trying them. I even made queso dip on the grill. I do anything. I just like trying to cook different things.
What is your favorite restaurant in Tampa? Columbia Restaurant, and Oxford Exchange – I like the Brussels sprouts there.
What are you binging on Netflix right now? I like Marvel shows, that's what I binge-watch, like Loki and What If. I don't like waiting until the next episode. I loved binge-watching The Mandalorian. I want to watch Echo next. I also like Reacher and Jack Ryan because of the suspense.
What is your dream vacation? Tahiti, because of the colors of the ocean and the glass-bottomed bungalows.
What reality show would you want to be on? Beat Bobby Flay, just to try cooking different things. I would cook something seafood, something like stuffed Red Snapper
Armature Works used to be a brownfield, a property with the potential presence of a hazardous contaminant. Brownfields require an Environmental Site Assessment, which can be provided for free via the ** E.P.A.’s Brownfields Program (https://www.tampa.gov/brownfields)
grant. Help spread the word! Current & future property owners are encouraged to apply by August 31.
Tuesday, March 5 at 10:30 a.m.
Tuesday, March 5 at 5:30 p.m.
Press Conference – eBIKE VOUCHER PROGRAM
Wednesday, March 6 at 11:30 a.m.
Thursday, March 7 – Sunday, March 10
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