Prevention Connection: State Strategy Development, Grantee Successes, and Engagement with the Arts
- [등록자]U.S. Department of Homeland Security
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]Washington DC, DC
- 등록일 : 2024/12/04
- 게재일 : 2024/12/04
- 변경일 : 2024/12/04
- 총열람수 : 21 명
- 가게를 검색하고 싶을 땐 <타운가이드>
- Weee! 🥬오늘은 청과물 특판일 ❗ ️ 제철 채소와 과일을 저렴하게 사...
Weee! 🥬오늘은 청과물 특판일 ❗ ️ 제철 채소와 과일을 저렴하게 사려면 오늘이 기회🤩이번 주 주간 세일도 인기리에 진행 중 🧡 초숙성 빵, 키코만 간장, 황금콩 낫토, 무지개송어, 돼지 등심 등 매일매일 쓸 수 있는 식재료가 저렴하게 판매 ❗ ️
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포에포에 하와이안 컬처 센터는 하와이의 다양한 문화와 전통을 보다 가깝게 느낄 수 있도록 본고장 하와이에서 훌륭한 강사진에게 직접 배울 수 있는 정통 우쿨렐레, 훌라, 하와이어 등 다양한 코스를 제공하는 학교를 개설하고 있습니다.
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- 모스크바 최초의 ! 일본인 스타일리스트가 운영하는 헤어살롱입니다.
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라스베가스 시내투어, 국립공원 투어부터 인기 쇼의 저렴한 티켓까지 라스베가스 여행은 파크투어에 맡겨주세요 ! ! ・ 그랜드캐년 당일투어 ・ LA에서 출발하는 비행기로 가는 그랜드 캐년 당일치기 투어 ・ 앤텔로프 당일치기 투어 ・ 인기 일루미네이션 투어 ・ 쇼핑 투어 ・ 스카이 다이빙 인기의 실크로드 두 솔레이유 O ( ) 오
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♪ 음악 미경험의 완전 초보자도 환영 ♪ 「노래를 잘하고 싶다」「좋아하는 곡을 피아노로 연주하고 싶다」「기타를 연주할 수 있게 되고 싶다」「코드를 읽으면서 자유롭게 연주하고 싶다」「작곡을 하고 싶다」「연주를 하고 싶다」「시험 등의 대비를 위해 음악 이론을 배우고 싶다」등 개개인의 목표에 맞춘 완전 맞춤형 레슨입니다.
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- 미나미보소의 대자연 속에 자리 잡은 휴양지 리조트. 오션뷰 사우나와 키친...
음식을 테마로 한 새로운 글램핑 스타일 " 퀴진 ・ 리조트 " 관동 최고의 자연에 둘러싸인 위치에서 숙박, 당일치기, 사우나에 애견과 함께 특별한 시간을 즐길 수 있습니다. 대자연에 둘러싸인 맑은 바다가 펼쳐지는 미나미보소에서 최고의 리조트 공간을.
- 건어물 직매만 하는 것이 아닙니다 ! 】끈집이 만드는 해산물 ・ 정식을 ...
낚시나 파도타기를 하러 갔다가 점심시간이 지나면 주변 가게가 문을 닫는 경우가 있지 않나요 ? 어수는 아침 9:00~16:30까지 식사를 할 수 있으니 근처에 오시면 꼭 들러주세요 ! 18개의 좌석이 있으므로 여행의 귀가길에 꼭 들러주세요 !.
- 2025년 밀브레이 일본문화제는 10월 5일 개최 ! 여러분을 만나 뵙기...
밀블레 상공회의소 주최로 매년 열리는 행사다. 베이에어리어 반도의 밀브레이와 주변 지역의 다양성과 고유한 문화를 기념하기 위해 개최되고 있다. 밀브레이 일본 문화 축제는 밀브레이 상공회의소 주최로 베이 지역 반도와 주변 지역의 다양성, 고유한 문화를 기념하기 위해 개최된다. 떡메치기, 춤, 노래, 그림자극, 일본 음식 포장마차.... ! ! 여러분의 ...
+1 (415) 602-1660ミルブレー日本文化祭
- <完全予約制・ 원격 조정 가능
어깨 결림 ・ 요통, 불... -
<完全予約制・ 원격 조정 가능 ・ 어깨 결림
요통 ・ 어지럼증 ・ 감기 ・ 두통 ・ 우울증 ・ 몸 컨디션이 좋지 않다 ・ 여러 가지를 해봐도 나아지지 않는다 ・ 원인을 알 수 없다 ・ 우울증 등 … 고민이 있으시다면 꼭 한번 체험해 보세요. 가볍게 손을 얹는 정도의 부드러운 시술로 인간 본연의 신진대사와 치유력에 작용합니... +81-436-98-5878TDE式調整あいざわ
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- 생각, 보내는, 장례식 카즈사세레모니는 이 세 가지를 소중히 여깁니다. ...
사전 상담 살롱 「카즈사」 전문 직원이 정성껏 대응합니다 < 영업시간 9 : 30 ~ 17 : 30 > ・ 장례에 대한 궁금증, 질문 ・ 장례 후의 절차 ・ 사찰에 대한 헌금 ・ 장례비용 지불 방법 ( 분할 상담도 가능합니다 ) 사전에 연락 주시면 시간 외 대응도 가능합니다. 부담없이 상담해 주십시오.
- ※サンママプレイグループでは只今、コロナウイルスの影響に伴い活動を休止しておりま...
- 도쿄만이 한눈에 내려다보이는 리조트 시설 'BAYSIDE KANAYA' ...
글래머러스+코티지 = '그랜드 코티지'라는 새로운 숙박 형태를 체험할 수 있는 BAYSIDE KANAYA는 전 객실 오션뷰에서 도쿄만에 지는 석양을 바라보며 바비큐를 즐기거나 모닥불을 피워놓고 마시멜로를 구워먹는 등 평소에는 쉽게 접할 수 없는 힐링의 시간을 보낼 수 있습니다. ✨
+81-439-27-1415BAYSIDE KANAYA ベイサイド金谷
- 신비한 포켓이 아닌 확실한 기술로 당신의 삶을 더 편안하게 만들어 드립니...
애착이 가는 물건 중 '이게 좀 더 편리하다면 … '이라고 생각되는 물건이 집에 있지 않나요 ? 수리점 조지에서는 원래의 사용 가능한 상태로 고치는 수리뿐만 아니라 고객의 희망에 따라 개조도 하는 수리점입니다 ! 이건 역시나 💦라고 생각되는 물건이라도 꼭! ! 집에 잠자고 있는 농기계 ・ 자전거 ・ 가전제품 ・ 컴퓨터 ・ 장난감 ・ 가구 등은 없으신가요...
- 집과 같은 분위기에 '어서 오세요'라고 말하고 싶어지는 숙소 '미각의 숙...
편안한 분위기가 인기인 '미각의 숙소 시라이'에서는 기간 한정으로 가이세키 요리를 즐길 수 있는 런치 플랜 '9가지 가이세키 플레이트 런치'가 시작되었습니다. 기간은 7/18 ( 목 )까지이며, 메뉴는 매주 화요일마다 바뀌는 엄선된 런치입니다 ! 동시에 테이크아웃도 예약제로 운영하고 있으니, 업무 중 점심시간이나 손님이 오셨을 때 점심 식사로 꼭 이용해 보...
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cp3 prevention connection header [ https://www.dhs.gov/cp3-news ]
Welcome to the "Prevention Connection", a newsletter highlighting activities, resources, and information from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships (CP3).
Please note, inclusion of articles, research, and references to non-DHS organizations are for informational purposes only and does not constitute an official endorsement by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security or Federal Government. External links do not imply a relationship with, affiliation with, sponsorship of, or endorsement by the Department, nor do they imply that content has been authored by or represents the views or opinions of the Department, or promotion of any commercial product or service.
Table of Contents
* A Letter from Our Director [ #link_1 ]
* Feature Story [ #link_3 ]
* From the Field [ #link_5 ]
* Strategic Engagement [ #link_4 ]
* Recently Published Research [ #link_6 ]
* New Video Series and Multimedia Library [ #link_2 ]
A Letter from Our Director
I’m a big fan of New Year’s Eve. I think it is helpful and healthy for the calendar to serve us up a reminder each year to take stock of what we have accomplished and think about how we can improve in the coming year.
*Taking Stock:*
The targeted violence and terrorism prevention (TVTP) community of practice is growing and maturing more quickly than ever before. More and different governmental, professional, and geographic communities realize that targeted violence is preventable and they have an important role to play. We are proud to have contributed to that growth by awarding $18 million in TVTP Grant funding, sponsoring the Invent2Prevent student competition, conducting 3,189 in-person and virtual engagements, and publishing six widely downloaded, evidence-based Prevention Resources. This year CP3 delivered 387 trainings and hosted six Prevention Forums with nearly 3,000 attendees, partnered with an ever-increasing list of state governments on TVTP strategies, and spread the word through award-winning outreach [ https://www.hstoday.us/featured/hstoday-holiday-hero-awards-2024-national-awardees/ ] and strategic communications platforms with a primary distribution channel of over 25,000 direct recipients.
*Our New Year’s Resolutions:*
The staff of CP3 looks forward to 2025. We hope to see an additional 10 state TVTP strategies published and enhanced efforts to support governors and their homeland security advisors to successfully implement existing strategies. We will continue investing in multidisciplinary behavioral threat assessment and management (BTAM) teams and other promising practices through the FY25 TVTP Grant Program and strategic partnerships with National Threat Evaluation and Reporting Program, National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC), and Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers, as well as with mental health, behavioral health, and social protection organizations and professionals. This year, CP3 had 2047 engagements from Field Operations, a 122% increase from last year. In next year, CP3 aims to increase engagements by another 25%. We will research and publish another six evidence-based Prevention Resources, making them available to an even larger community of practice. Finally, CP3 looks to grow our multipronged strategic communications program by expanding the use of social media, video-promoted content, and other innovative tools.
Thank you for what you have done this year to keep your communities safe, and thank you in advance for carrying the TVTP mission forward in 2025 and beyond.
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Feature Story
State TVTP Strategy Development Gains Momentum with CP3 Support
A state-level strategy for targeted violence and terrorism prevention (TVTP) can help individual states strengthen public safety and address their unique and dynamic threat environments. Over the last few years, six states have published TVTP strategies (Colorado, Florida, Hawai’i, Illinois, New York, and Texas), and 10 additional states are currently in the drafting or publication process. CP3’s goal is to support the finalization of a minimum of 10 new state strategies. So far, 28 states have expressed interest in working with CP3 on a state strategy, some of which are taking initial steps toward drafting. CP3 provides states with guidance and support to navigate the complexities of developing a robust strategy. Read More... [ https://www.dhs.gov/news/2024/11/26/cp3-supports-state-tvtp-strategy-development ]
SS Wheel [ https://www.dhs.gov/news/2024/11/26/cp3-supports-state-tvtp-strategy-development ]
*Full Blog Post* [ https://www.dhs.gov/news/2024/11/26/cp3-supports-state-tvtp-strategy-development ]
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From the Field
Texas Partners with CP3 to Build State Strategy in Violence Prevention
The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) has recognized the urgent need to strengthen TVTP efforts at the state level. To address this need, Texas DPS sought CP3’s help in designing a comprehensive behavioral threat assessment, intervention, and prevention program strategy. Read more about this effort in our blog. Read More... [ https://www.dhs.gov/news/2024/11/26/cp3-works-texas-build-state-strategy ]
FTF image [ https://www.dhs.gov/news/2024/11/26/cp3-works-texas-build-state-strategy ]
*Full Blog Post* [ https://www.dhs.gov/news/2024/11/26/cp3-works-texas-build-state-strategy ]
CP3 Collaborates with Ohio to Create Statewide BTAM Strategies
Ohio continues to advance its statewide efforts to integrate BTAM with suicide prevention strategies, a focus highlighted in a recent meeting with local, state, and federal partners. Research shows that a narrow window often exists between the onset of suicidal ideation and self-harm, emphasizing the need for early identification and intervention. While suicidal ideation and violent behavior differ, recognizing suicide ideation signs is vital for preventing both suicide and, in some cases, externalized violence.
Crisis intervention teams are crucial in responding to individuals in crisis, while BTAM identifies concerning behaviors early, enabling multidisciplinary teams to intervene before a crisis occurs. By aligning these efforts, Ohio aims to improve early identification and provide a comprehensive response to those at risk.
CP3 engages with Ohio to encourage strategies to prevent targeted violence and terrorism, with over 130 engagements in FY24 at conferences, state summits, community prevention coalition meetings, hospitals, K-12 schools, and college campuses around Ohio.
CP3 Hosts Webinar on Recognizing Risk Factors
Recent data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health shows that Utah has the highest reported rate of mental illness in the U.S., with nearly 30% of adults reporting mental health issues in the past year. Because mental illness is a risk factor for targeted violence, clinical health education is critical. A CP3 regional prevention coordinator hosted a webinar on pathways and risk factors associated with violence on Sept. 26. Over 100 Utah clinical providers participated.
CP3 Grantee Leads Cherokee Nation School Safety Summit in Oklahoma
The Cherokee Nation, like many communities across the country, faced growing concerns about school safety and targeted violence. Administrators, teachers, and school resource officers were tasked with finding effective ways to prevent school violence, protect students, and foster a culture of safety. With funding from DHS’s CP3 TVTP Grant Program, the Cherokee Nation was able to put on the Cherokee Nation School Safety Summit on July 18. Two CP3 regional prevention coordinators traveled to Oklahoma to serve as opening and break-out speakers at the event.
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Grantee Spotlight
TVTP Grantee Urban Rural Action is “Uniting to Prevent Targeted Violence”
Through the TVTP Grant Program, CP3 provides funding to initiate, develop, or enhance sustainable prevention programs in local communities. One of the grantees, Urban Rural Action, operates out of Pennsylvania and recognized the same need to underscore the importance of violence prevention work in the U.S. Read More... [ https://www.dhs.gov/news/2024/12/03/tvtp-grantee-uniting-prevent-violence ]
Grantee Spotlight [ https://www.dhs.gov/news/2024/12/03/tvtp-grantee-uniting-prevent-violence ]
*Full Blog Post* [ https://www.dhs.gov/news/2024/12/03/tvtp-grantee-uniting-prevent-violence ]
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Strategic Engagement
Arts [ https://aaec.ed.gov/node/122 ]
CP3 Collaborates with the Arts
In addition to supporting the arts through Invent2Prevent and the TVTP Grant Program, CP3 works with organizations that use the arts as a protective factor for prevention. Learn more about how CP3 works to build safe and healthy communities through the arts [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Faaec.ed.gov%2Fnode%2F122/2/010001938e037032-6883bb5a-8230-46bf-a170-e0ec119e42ad-000000/XLbUo4yTamw21ECDT2sQEjAWIAbmhZWz5TyHEjiXygo=382 ].
*Full Blog Post* [ https://aaec.ed.gov/node/122 ]
CP3 Prevention Forums Unwrapped
During 2024, CP3 held six successful Prevention Forums with 2,854 attendees. Expert panelists showcased how targeted violence and terrorism are preventable. Check back for more information on our 2025 Prevention Forum [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.dhs.gov%2Fprevention-forums/1/010001938e037032-6883bb5a-8230-46bf-a170-e0ec119e42ad-000000/B8Y_9FkTWFclplF6LB6L67CyvLkmbgXKWVu6hGcjNEc=382 ] series.
PFs [ https://www.dhs.gov/news/2024/11/26/prevention-forums-unwrapped ]
*Full Blog Post* [ https://www.dhs.gov/news/2024/11/26/prevention-forums-unwrapped ]
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Recently Published Research
NTAC recently published Behavioral Threat Assessment Units: A Guide for State and Local Law Enforcement to Prevent Targeted Violence [ https://www.secretservice.gov/newsroom/reports/threat-assessments/guidance-law-enforcement/details ], which offers a framework for state and local law enforcement agencies to proactively identify and intervene with those who display threatening or concerning behavior in their communities.
A recently published study funded by the National Institute of Justice examines risk and protective factors [ https://nij.ojp.gov/library/publications/examining-radicalizations-risk-and-protective-factors-case-control-study ] by comparing violent or nonviolent criminal extremists to nonoffending extremists and other types of violent offenders.
The National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center, the Department of Homeland Security's Center of Excellence for terrorism prevention and counterterrorism research at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, has recently published research on vicarious trauma [ https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/ncitereportsresearch/86/ ] in counterterrorism practitioners and how extremists recruit and engage followers [ https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/ncitereportsresearch/87/ ] online.
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University Engagement Series Highlight
In September, CP3 presented on the public health-informed approach to preventing targeted violence in two University Engagement Series talks. The first session took place at the University of Maryland, engaging undergraduate students studying terrorism. The second was held virtually with students from the University of Nebraska at Omaha. These presentations highlighted CP3’s use of public health principles to address violence and encouraged students to explore their role in prevention efforts. If you are interested in organizing similar engagements, contact CP3PreventionEvents@hq.dhs.gov.
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Tools and Resources
Prevention Resource Finder
The Prevention Resource Finder [ https://urldefense.us/v3/__http:/preventionresourcefinder.gov/__;!!BClRuOV5cvtbuNI!EUWMb2Hix044k7gA_dY7Oyg-cKVmHr-6n0oUqEqx6kNQ-rWZHHn50LClizwTFAp70lyEEj6AdCMZCYxxoyVMoGZgAZ3-SdC0hvWVwhZ777iUeQ%24 ] (PRF) is expanding! Visit the expanded site, with nearly 200 resources, to find prevention tools to help keep your community safe.
Administered by CP3, the PRF is the one-stop federal website for government produced and funded resources to help your community prevent targeted violence and terrorism. The site includes training and funding opportunities, as well as evidence-based resources.
To recommend resources for the site or provide feedback, please reach out to the PRF team at preventionresourcefinder@hq.dhs.gov.
The Vermont Violence Prevention Project (VVPP)
Funded in FY23 by DHS’s CP3 TVTP Grant Program, VVPP provides a range of resources designed to equip individuals and communities with the tools needed to proactively prevent targeted violence. While some activities are tailored to Vermont communities, these key resources are available to anyone looking to strengthen their approach to violence prevention: VVPP - Vermont Violence Prevention Project | Division of Safety and Compliance | The University of Vermont [ https://www.uvm.edu/dsc/vvpp-vermont-violence-prevention-project#:~:text=The%20Vermont%20Violence%20Prevention%20Project%20%28VVPP%29%20is%20committed,universities%2C%20medium%20to%20large%20employers%20and%20community%20organizations. ]
Contact the VVPP <vvpp@uvm.edu> for more information on these resources and other grant-related activities.
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New Video Series and Multimedia Library
Our new video library makes it easy for you to watch CP3’s mini-series on related TVTP topics and the work being done by our nation's prevention providers.
video image [ https://www.dhs.gov/medialibrary/assets/video/56465 ]
CP3 works to create a culture of prevention for targeted violence and terrorism in the United States. To support this, we have added three new videos to the CP3 Video Resource Library [ https://www.dhs.gov/cp3-video-resource-library ], highlighting the mission behind CP3, a public health-informed approach to prevention, and the role of RPCs in communities. Our Video Resource Library is home to a growing collection of videos that CP3 has created for prevention providers, students, researchers, and the public.
*Watch Video* [ https://www.dhs.gov/cp3-video-resource-library ]
Until Next Time
For more information on CP3 programs and initiatives, please visit http://www.dhs.gov/cp3
Visit the Prevention Resource Finder [ https://www.dhs.gov/prevention ] for information to help prepare for and prevent targeted violence and terrorism.
To learn about the Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grant Program, contact TerrorismPrevention@hq.dhs.gov
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"CP3 prioritizes privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties consistent with DHS legal authorities and policy. CP3 works to ensure that its programs include fundamental constitutional and legal protections. CP3 does not engage in widespread data collection or activities like law enforcement investigations or intelligence gathering. CP3 does not engage in censorship or encourage or facilitate any censorship. Government censorship of viewpoints not only infringes on individuals’ constitutional rights, but it is also an ineffective tactic to prevent targeted violence and terrorism."
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