Maricopa County, Arizona All Parks & Recreation Events Feed Update
- [登録者]Maricopa County
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Morristown, Arizona, アメリカ合衆国
- 登録日 : 2024/11/25
- 掲載日 : 2024/11/25
- 変更日 : 2024/11/25
- 総閲覧数 : 79 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
- 【東京のクオリティーをそのままLAへ】トレンドを発信し続ける大人気サロンSHIM...
SHIMA Los Angeles
- 木更津市にある小児の歯ならび専門のクリニックです。当院はマウスピースを使った矯正...
+81-438-30-0058Konoha こどもの歯ならびクリニック真舟
- 「LAの技術をハワイへ」日本とアメリカで25年以上の経験を持つ融合技術を体験しま...
+1 (310) 997-8330TAKUJI HAIR | Hi-Lites Salon
- <一般歯科/小児歯科/予防歯科/神経治療/審美治療> フォートリーで25年以上診...
+1 (201) 947-3777レモイン歯科
- 🌿LICのレストラン、Vert Frais🌿
植物(緑)をテーマにデザインしたレストランVert Fraisではラーメン、コーヒーをはじめとするカフェメニュー、スフレパンケーキ、クラフトカクテルなどを提供しております。
+1 (646) 822-9258Vert Frais
- For Your Career Design - 関わった人すべてをHAPPYに...
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+1 (310) 323-9190QUICK USA, INC.
- モデルウォークを日常に。 サステナブルな自分を創るスクール
//Tokyo Models//国内ベストワンRunway School Tokyo ModelsがいよいよNYに上陸します。何年にも渡り多数の初心者をベストトレーニング、その後数々の海外コレクション、コンテストグランプリなどを輩出。NYファッションウィーク現場のマンハッタンにてTokyoから直接指導を受けられますニューヨーク、ニューヨーク近郊の方々対象に、東京からオンラインにて直接指導を受けられ...
Tokyo Models
- 空港送迎、視察・観光ツアーなど、ハイヤー、ミニバスの送迎サービスを行っています。...
+1 (310) 534-7614AM World Express
- オールドトーランスにある法律事務所です。日本語無料法律相談を24時間受け付けてお...
~FIGHT WITH YOU~複雑なケースの結果を左右するのは、弁護士の経験と知識の幅広さ、そして何より誠実さです。他の弁護士事務所で諦められてしまったケース、家族とクライアントを最も大事にするジョセフピテラが、あなたと共に粘り強く戦います。リーズブルな料金で、日本語対応しております。一度ご相談ください。
+1 (310) 756-2571Joseph Pittera Law Offices (ジョセフピテラ法律事務所)
- 顔の印象の8割は眉毛で決まる!!アートメイクでお一人お一人に合った24時間消えな...
+1 (424) 265-9704【眉毛屋】TAKAGI BROWS
- \あなたの”キレイ”をレベルアップ!/サンフランシスコに憧れて東京からやって参り...
アメリカで日本と同じサービスを受けられるヘアサロンです。サンフランシスコで日本人美容院の先駆けとして35年もの長きに渡る歴史を持つ美容院を去年の春に譲り受け、Nepenji salonとして営業中。レギュラーパーマから、デジタルパーマ、ストレートパーマまでお任せください。
+1 (415) 921-0135Nepenji
- 【サクフワ食感のアジフライ🐟】食感実現のため中骨全て抜いてます!家ではなかなか再...
- ニューヨーク・ニュージャージーのかかりつけクリニックです。日本語でお気軽にお問い...
(201) 581-8553ひばりファミリーメディカル
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- 創業1992年。美味しい日本食を誠(まごころ)を込めて!博多ラーメン。炉端・焼鳥...
You are subscribed to All Parks & Recreation Events Feed for Maricopa County, Arizona. This information has recently been updated and is now available.
Lunch and Learn: Snakes! (Registration Required, Limit 10 Participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/-lunch-and-learn-snakes-registration-required-limit-10-participants/?F_d=12-07-2024 ] 12/07/2024 11:30 AM MST
Lake Pleasant Regional Park Bring a lunch and enjoy a lesson on snakes presented by Ranger Shaun including a chance to see a few of our ambassadors up close. Click program title for more details. Saturday MTB "Shift into Saturday" [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/saturday-mtb-shift-into-saturday1207/?F_d=12-07-2024 ] 12/07/2024 08:00 AM MST
San Tan Mountain Regional Park Saturday MTB “Shift into Saturday”: Shift your gears into Saturday with a good spin around the park. Grab your mountain or gravel bike and helmet then join SanTan Shredders for this No Drop pedal fest. Bring water, snacks, and an extra tube. Arrive 10-min early for check in. See [...] MTB Fundamental Skills and Trail Session [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/mtb-fundamental-skills-and-trail-session/1207/?F_d=12-07-2024 ] 12/07/2024 08:00 AM MST
San Tan Mountain Regional Park MTB Fundamental Skills and Trail Session: From new riders just starting out to podium winners and everyone in between, our mission is to LEVEL UP your skills and confidence on the bike. Our ICP Certified Instructors will help you tackle more trail obstacles, walk less, and have more fun! Meet us at [...] Fitness Hike on Malpais Trail (Registration Required, Limit 20 participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/fitness-hike-on-malpais-trail-registration-required-limit-20-participants/1207/?F_d=12-07-2024 ] 12/07/2024 08:00 AM MST
San Tan Mountain Regional Park Join Ranger Nikki on her favorite trail to explore the sandy washes of Malpais Trail. Click program title for more details. Snake Feeding and Animal Encounters [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/snake-feeding-and-animal-encounters/120624/?F_d=12-06-2024 ] 12/06/2024 01:00 PM MST
McDowell Mountain Regional Park Meet Ranger Jacque and our animal ambassadors at feeding time! Ecosystems Walk (Registration Required, Limit 15 Participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/-ecosystems-walk-registration-required-limit-15-participants-/?F_d=12-06-2024 ] 12/06/2024 01:00 PM MST
Hassayampa River Preserve Come along with Ranger Shaun for a walk and talk around the preserve to learn about the riparian ecosystem and some of the plants and animals found here. You might even get to see a few. Click program title for more details Edible Plants Hike (Registration Required, Limit 15 Participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/edible-plants-hike-registration-required-limit-15-participants/120624/?F_d=12-06-2024 ] 12/06/2024 09:00 AM MST
McDowell Mountain Regional Park Spend the afternoon hiking through the desert with Ranger Jacque and learn about the many medicinal and edible plants that can be found in your own backyard. Click program title for more details. Plant Hike (Registration Required, Limit 20 participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/plant-hike-registration-required-limit-20-participants/?F_d=12-06-2024 ] 12/06/2024 08:00 AM MST
White Tank Mountain Regional Park Join Ranger Nikki to learn about a variety of plant life in our fascinating Sonoran Desert. Click program title for more details. Homeschool Happenings: Amazing Rocks! (Registration Required, Limit 20 participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/homeschool-happenings-amazing-rocks-registration-required-limit-20-participants/1205/?F_d=12-05-2024 ] 12/05/2024 10:00 AM MST
Estrella Mountain Regional Park Join Ranger Nikki for a kid-friendly geology lesson and find out why rocks and minerals are so amazing! Click program title for more details. "Over the Hump" Mountain Bike Ride [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/over-the-hump-mountain-bike-ride1204/?F_d=12-05-2024 ] 12/04/2024 06:00 PM MST
San Tan Mountain Regional Park “Over the Hump” Mountain Bike Ride: Interrupt your work week with a good ole fashioned trail ride. Trails are flowy with some moderate climbs and downhill descents, a few technical areas: advanced-beginner to Intermediate skill level. First trail spin at night? Our rides are [...] Lunch n? Learn: Stranger Things- Sonoran Desert Edition [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/lunch-n-learn-stranger-things--sonoran-desert-edition/120424/?F_d=12-04-2024 ] 12/04/2024 01:30 PM MST
Cave Creek Regional Park Join Ranger Jacque as we uncover nature?s oddities and bizarre relationships between Sonoran Desert?s famous (and infamous) characters! Desert Ecosystems Hike Winter Edition (Registration Required, Limit 15 Participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/desert-ecosystems-hike-winter-edition-registration-required-limit-15-participants-/?F_d=12-04-2024 ] 12/04/2024 10:00 AM MST
Usery Mountain Regional Park Join Ranger Shaun for a family friendly hike on a barrier free trail to see what the desert has to offer in the cooler climes of late fall. Click program title for more details. Desert 101 Hike (Registration Required, Limit 15 Participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/desert-101-hike-registration-required-limit-15-participants/120424/?F_d=12-04-2024 ] 12/04/2024 09:00 AM MST
Cave Creek Regional Park Learn all about the Sonoran Desert during this guided hike with Ranger Jacque. Click on program title for more details. Fitness Hike (Registration Required, Limit 20 participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/fitness-hike-registration-required-limit-20-participants/1204/?F_d=12-04-2024 ] 12/04/2024 08:00 AM MST
Estrella Mountain Regional Park Join Ranger Nikki on a moderately-paced hike to get a workout and enjoy sights of the Sonoran Desert. Click program title for more details. Fitness Hike: 100 Miles in 100 Days **DIFFICULT** (Registration Required, Limit 10 Participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/fitness-hike-100-miles-in-100-days-difficult-registration-required-limit-10-participants/120324/?F_d=12-03-2024 ] 12/03/2024 08:00 AM MST
Spur Cross Ranch Conservation Area Join Ranger Jacque for a morning fitness hike amidst the beautiful scenery of Spur Cross and Elephant Mountain. Click program title for more details. Quiet Walk [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/quiet-walk/120224/?F_d=12-02-2024 ] 12/02/2024 01:00 PM MST
Spur Cross Ranch Conservation Area Feel inner peace outside on this easy walk featuring a guided 4-step outdoor meditation led by Ranger Jacque. Click program title for more details. body { font-size: 1em; font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #333333; }
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View more upcoming Parks events by visiting our website [ http://www.maricopacountyparks.net ].
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This email was sent to mshinji3056@gmail.com <mshinji3056%40gmail.com> using GovDelivery. Maricopa County Parks and Recreation [ http://www.maricopacountyparks.net ] • 41835 North Castle Hot Springs Road • Morristown, AZ 85342
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