Overlook Walk, a New Iconic Landmark on Seattle’s Waterfront to Open on October 4
- [등록자]City of Seattle
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]Seattle, WA
- 등록일 : 2024/09/19
- 게재일 : 2024/09/19
- 변경일 : 2024/09/19
- 총열람수 : 64 명
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Press Release
For Immediate Release
*Contact Information*
Iris Picat
(505) 600-1227
*Images and materials available using this link [ https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/87bpelrwtsxtk44ts5xqv/AL_wVn8OOChz-Yz091FSpWw?dl=0&e=1&rlkey=mnhtg6dert6newojptzn1mfz6&st=kazhb3tk&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]. *
Overlook Walk, a New Iconic Landmark on Seattle’s Waterfront to Open on October 4
The new elevated park marks the near completion of Seattle’s multi-billion dollar Waterfront Park transformation—the largest civic project in Seattle since the 1962 World’s Fair.
*Seattle* – Mayor Harrell and the City of Seattle’s Office of the Waterfront and Civic Projects are thrilled to announce the public opening of Overlook Walk on October 4. Located where the Alaskan Way Viaduct once stood, this iconic elevated park will provide a new, direct, pedestrian connection between Pike Place Market, downtown neighborhoods and the entire 20-acre Waterfront Park. Once completed, Overlook Walk will become an iconic Seattle landmark among the likes of the Space Needle, Pike Place Market, the Great Wheel, and Climate Pledge, Lumen Field, and T-Mobile Park arenas—as a symbol of the city's identity.
“Waterfront Park, particularly Overlook Walk, will be a dynamic landmark that honors our past, highlights Seattle’s spirit of innovation, and welcomes everyone to experience the city’s natural beauty and vibrant culture. This once-in-a-generation transformation represents a powerful reconnection of space and people, as visitors, residents, workers, and families will enjoy seamless connections between downtown, Pike Place Market, and the entire Waterfront Park—the entryway to our region,” *said Mayor Bruce Harrell.* “Thanks to the ‘Space Needle Thinking’ of many visionaries over the years, this redevelopment will be a truly transformative change for Seattleites and visitors alike.”
“The transformation of Seattle’s Waterfront was envisioned and supported by many civic leaders and residents over the years to reconnect our city back to the sea, and through Overlook Walk we have accomplished just that,” *said Angela Brady, Director of the City’s Office of the Waterfront and Civic Projects.* “The completion of Overlook Walk is the result of deep partnerships and our shared vision of a greener, more accessible, and connected cityscape and community. I am so proud of our incredibly talented team for successfully delivering such a uniquely challenging project and am very appreciative of our close partnerships with Pike Place Market, the Seattle Aquarium, and Friends of Waterfront Park to help bring us this much closer to opening this iconic new space for our city.”
Construction of Overlook Walk began in earnest in summer 2022 in the footprint of the former Alaskan Way Viaduct between Pike Place Market and the Seattle Aquarium. It creates the first ever pedestrian connection between downtown and the waterfront, bridging the nearly 100 vertical foot gap between Pike Place Market and the new Park Promenade adjacent to Elliott Bay.
The park will feature 360-degree views of downtown Seattle, Lumen Field, T-Mobile Park, Elliott Bay, the Olympic mountains, and Mount Rainier. Additionally, visitors and residents will enjoy ample seating options to rest and enjoy the views and a new concessionaire space featuring local small businesses, anticipated to open in 2025.
Long known for their ability to successfully maintain and operate large civic spaces, the City’s Seattle Center will provide an expert maintenance and safety team to ensure Overlook Walk is well cared for and safe the moment it opens. Friends of Waterfront Park is the 501c3 non-profit responsible for fundraising, stewarding, and programming Waterfront Park alongside the community – today and into the future.
The City is excited to welcome the public to Overlook Walk; more details about public activation the day of opening will be shared soon.
In advance of the park opening, the Office of the Waterfront will host a media preview walk on October 2. Press interested in attending should fill out this RSVP form [ https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/8004955/Overlook-Walk-Opening-Media-RSVP?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] to receive more details.
*What People are Saying*
*Devin McComb, Pike Place Market PDA Council Chair*
“The opening of Overlook Walk is a testament to the successful collaboration between Pike Place Market and the City of Seattle. This partnership, which first brought us the MarketFront in 2017, continues to strengthen our community by providing new, accessible ways to experience Pike Place Market. We are incredibly excited to have a beautiful connection between the historic Market and the historic waterfront, enhancing both the visitor experience and our ability to support the 500 local small businesses, handmade artists and farmers that make Pike Place Market so special.”
*Bob Davidson, President and CEO, Seattle Aquarium*
"The City’s new Overlook Walk offers a more accessible path to the Seattle waterfront. By linking the historic charm of Pike Place Market with the stunning vistas of the Salish Sea, Waterfront Park, and Mount Tahoma/Rainier from the Seattle Aquarium’s Ocean Pavilion rooftop, visitors can experience firsthand why the Emerald City captivates both locals and tourists"
*Marshall Foster, Director, Seattle Center*
"Seattle Center brings a deep commitment to creating safe, welcoming and dynamic public spaces for the public to enjoy. We are proud to serve as the City’s lead department in operating the new waterfront, bringing our expertise to the operations of Overlook Walk along with the park promenade and other new public spaces. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that the Overlook Walk is well cared for, feels safe from day one, and is a place where visitors can relax, connect, and take in the incredible views of Elliot Bay, the skyline and the mountains. We are excited to help make the Overlook Walk a much-loved part of Seattle’s new Waterfront Park."
*Joy Shigaki, President and CEO, Friends of Waterfront Park*
“The opening of Overlook Walk marks a major milestone for Waterfront Park. This iconic location will offer ease and connectivity, and an extraordinary experience as you make your way from the Pike Place Market to the waterfront and back. Overlook Walk will offer stunning views of the Salish Sea, the waterfront, Mt. Rainier, and our city skyline and new spaces of natural beauty for quiet reflection. As Waterfront Park nears completion, Friends of Waterfront Park is thrilled to ensure this space will be a dynamic, inclusive public space for generations to come.”
*About Waterfront Park*
The City of Seattle’s Office of the Waterfront and Civic Projects is leading the rebuilding of Seattle’s central waterfront, a once-in-a-generation transformation that is reshaping our public spaces and strengthening our city’s identity. Twenty acres of new parks and public spaces, and significant multi-modal transportation improvements, will reconnect downtown to the waterfront and create a more accessible, green and active waterfront with a variety of spaces for people to recreate, relax and learn about the important and unique history of the Seattle area. This decades-long investment and effort will be complete and fully open to the public in 2025.
Seattle Center operates Waterfront Park through a dedicated team for park maintenance and public safety. In partnership with the City, Friends of Waterfront Park provides free public programming co-curated with the community. Friends of Waterfront Park is committed to creating an equitable and inclusive space, with a focus on disrupting patterns of exclusion and fostering a welcoming environment for everyone.
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