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County donates Fairways at Maui Lani lots to Na Hale O Maui for affordable housing For
- [Registrant]County of Maui
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]Maui, HI
- Posted : 2024/05/29
- Published : 2024/05/29
- Changed : 2024/05/29
- Total View : 162 persons
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The County of Maui recently donated seven Fairways at Maui Lani, Kahului, lots totaling approximately 1.4 acres to nonprofit Nā Hale O Maui for affordable housing, according to an announcement today by the County Department of Finance. The donation of the County real property closed May 22, 2024.
Fairways at Maui Lani Lots 1-7 are part of 19 total Fairways at Maui Lani lots that the County in 2022 decided to give to Nā Hale O Maui for affordable workforce housing in perpetuity. Resolution 22-24 authorized the grant and disposition of the lots and said the nonprofit would develop the lots for sale as residential homes for low- and moderate-income households in Maui County, or 80% to 140% Area Median Income.
The remaining 12 lots – lots 24-33, along with roadway lots 52-53 – are currently being used for temporary housing for Maui wildfire survivors. Once the temporary housing use is completed, the lots will be donated to Nā Hale O Maui, the County Department of Finance said.
Mayor Richard Bissen said creating housing for residents with the highest need is his top priority in the wake of last year’s wildfire disaster.
“Housing for low- to moderate-income households is more urgent than ever, and we are committed to finding housing solutions that keep Maui residents on Maui,” Mayor Bissen said. “Mahalo to Nā Hale O Maui, Maui County Council, the County Finance Department and the previous administration for solidifying this important donation that will yield housing for people who need it most.”
Nā Hale O Maui Executive Director Cassandra Abdul said the County land donation is a milestone and helps the nonprofit build a brighter future for Maui’s hardworking families. With the lots, the nonprofit will purchase and build 50 safe, secure and sanitary homes for 57 workforce households across Maui County.
“The County of Maui and Nā Hale O Maui are deeply committed to providing truly affordable housing opportunities for our dedicated workforce families,” Abdul said. “Our ongoing collaboration has reached a significant milestone with the generous donation of seven finished lots in the Fairways at Maui Lani.”
“Nā Hale O Maui is profoundly grateful for the continued support from the County of Maui,” she added. “We are excited to announce our plans to construct seven additional new homes, and 10 more house lots along with two driveway lots, following the completion of the temporary housing for Maui wildfire survivors.”
Wailuku-based nonprofit Nā Hale O Maui, whose registered business name is Housing and Land Enterprise of Maui, is a Hawaiʻi community land trust that helps create affordable housing in perpetuity for low- and moderate-income Maui residents. For information, visit
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