Aug Sustainability Newsletter
- [登録者]City of Mountain View
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Mountain View, CA
- 登録日 : 2024/08/21
- 掲載日 : 2024/08/21
- 変更日 : 2024/08/21
- 総閲覧数 : 55 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
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SHIMA Los Angeles
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- 1983年に設⽴された⾮営利団体で、ダラス補習授業校の⺟体として設⽴されました。...
+1 (972) 458-0478ダラス日本人会
- 【木更津駅東口徒歩3分!】栄養満点なスムージーが飲めるお店『Endless Sm...
日々の生活でなかなか野菜が取れない方、最近肌荒れが気になる方は美容の駆け込み寺Endless Smoothieへ!!当店のスムージーは美味しいのに低カロリーかつ栄養満点◎食材をほぼ丸ごと使っているので、食材以外の水分は約20%だけ!その日の気分や気になるお悩みに合わせてお選び下さい。
+81-438-38-4509Endless Smoothie
- "kamogawaシーサイドベース"内に fruits ju...
こだわりのスムージーを片手に海辺をお散歩しませんか? 健康食材をたっぷりと使ったフレッシュジュースでお肌に栄養を!近くの海岸をお散歩しながら飲むのも◎こだわりのフルーツは市内にある「山田青果店」で厳選されたフルーツを使用 こだわりの食材◆収穫後すぐに冷凍した鴨川産の苺◆千葉県で採れた旬のフルーツを使ったジュース◆勝浦市の豆腐を使用したスムージージュースだけでなく旬のフルーツの販売や雑貨などもござい...
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+1 (949) 642-2677Sushi Shibucho
- トーランスの居酒屋小千谷へようこそ!御家族全員が楽しめるような日本食をご用意して...
居酒屋から世界に元気を! ようこそ小千谷へ!全店ともご家族全員が楽しめるファミリー居酒屋がモットーです!刺身、寿司、麺物、丼物、一品、カレー、定食など沢山のメニューをご用意させて頂いております!そばつゆやその他料理も手作りでお客様全員が安心してお食事いただけるように心がけております。子供、家族で楽しめる料理屋です。是非一度お立ち寄りください!
+1 (310) 793-7000居酒屋 小千谷
- 日本の味付け、ハワイと日本を繋げる和創作料理を掲げて日々新しいものを造り上げてい...
Minatoku Kitchenは、日本の味付けをテーマにローカルに愛されるお店作りを掲げております。ワイキキエリアからも遠くない為、観光客の皆様も少し海外での料理で胃を休めたい時に是非ご利用して頂きたく思います。お米は魚沼産こしひかりを使用しており、おにぎり、肉巻きも大好評で地元の方にお買い求めいただいております。是非ですが現地の方、観光客の方、一度足を運んで頂きましてご利用頂ければと思います。
Minatoku Kitchen
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「毎日訪れる事ができる」そんな場所が欲しいと思っていました。スペシャルではなく、気取らなくても良い。 空間も提供するものも全てが素朴でいてそして本物で、人々の日常の一部になれるような。消費ではなく根付くものを常に創造していく。これが僕らの思想であり伝えていきたい事でもあります。
+81-4-7094-5267Earth Tree Cafe
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We Are Here For You !! 2020年9月秋元工務店がハワイから始まります。和歌山の地域の皆様から愛され25年の山下工務店のエース秋元が一生懸命皆様のお家のお悩みやupgradeなどお手伝いします。お家の事は私達にお任せ下さい!現場キャプテンを含む全員が日本人スタッフです。丁寧で繊細なスキルでご満足いただける仕上がりをお約束致します。職人の腕はテクニクスでもない、会社の規模でもな...
+1 (808) 800-7448秋元工務店 | Akimoto Construction,Inc
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小児歯科専門医(Pediatric Dental Specialist)とは、こどもの歯の治療に関して一般的な歯科の知識技術を越えた期待、要求に応えるべく、トレーニングを受けた歯科医師のことです。むし歯予防、小児歯科治療全般、咬合誘導、その他
+1 (310) 784-2777太田小児歯科医院
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+1 (310) 860-9502K Alex Kim, MD
- JCCCNC strives to meet the evolving need...
JCCCNC strives to meet the evolving needs of the Japanese American community through offering programs, affordable services and facility usage.
+1 (415) 567-5505Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California
Sustainability Newsletter Banner
"Click here [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/city-managers-office/sustainability/archives ] to read this newsletter in Spanish, Chinese, or Russian."
In this quarter's newsletter: (click section name to jump directly to the topic)
* Electrify Mountain View [ #A1 ] [ #A2 ]
* Plant-Based Eating [ #A3 ]
* Recycling and Zero Waste Events [ #A4 ]
* Transportation [ #A408 ]
* Biodiversity Strategy and Urban Forest Plan [ #A5 ]
* Water Resources for the Home and Garden [ #Water ]
Electrify Mountain View
Go Electric Advisor
Bringing home the benefits of switching to electric is easier than ever with Silicon Valley Clean Energy’s Go Electric Advisors ready to help you make your home safer, more efficient and healthier. Visit Go Electric Advisor’s website [ https://goelectric.svcleanenergy.org/ ] or call 833-243-4235 to reach an Advisor.
Heat pump water heater installed in garage
Your Water Heater
When was the last time you thought about your water heater? How old is that “gas-guzzler” anyway?
*Did you know?* Heat pump water heaters are more efficient, safer, healthier and less polluting than gas water heaters. Learning about heat pump water heaters can feel complicated, luckily Silicon Valley Clean Energy has developed the HPWH Best Practices Guide [ https://svcleanenergy.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/HPWH-Best-Practices-Guide-2024.pdf ] to walk you step-by-step through what to consider. Learn more about how a heat pump works, how to select one for your home, and how you can lower your energy bills.
Your Quiet and Eco-friendly Gardening
Spread the word to your friends and neighbors. For quiet and eco-friendly gardening, consider going electric! Electric landscape tools are now available for checkout from the Day Worker Center of Mountain View. Since the Tool Library Program’s launch this spring, over 100 hours of clean, electric gardening have been completed through this City-sponsored program. Learn more on the Tool Library website [ https://www.dayworkercentermv.org/tool-library/ ].
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Plant-Based Eating
"Our plant-based eating program focuses on promoting healthy and sustainable food choices, supporting equitable access to healthy food, and spreading awareness about the positive health and environmental impacts of a plant-based diet."
Plant-Based On-the-Go
When the weather’s right for hiking, what kind of plant-based lunches and snacks are good for the trail (or car ride, picnic, on-the-go)? Good hiking foods last out of the fridge for a few hours and are hardy enough to bounce around a bit in a backpack. For full recipes that travel well, download the PDF of recipes we cooked at our Plant-based Summer Picnic [ https://www.mountainview.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/9598 ] last June.
plant-based sandwich [ https://zerowastechef.com/2022/08/24/how-to-make-3-ingredient-gnocchi/ ]
Mix and match to your taste:
* Sliced bread or roll
* Plant-based tortilla, pita, bagel, or wrap
* Spreads, like hummus or tapenade
* Tomatoes
* Avocado
* Lettuce, sprouts, or your favorite greens
* Peppers: roasted red peppers, bell peppers, or pepperoncini
* Onion
* Cucumber
* Shredded carrots
* Pickles
* Grilled eggplant or zucchini
* Salt and pepper
* Fresh herbs like basil, cilantro, or parsley
* Or just a classic peanut butter and jelly
hand holding snackbar in front of lake view [ https://zerowastechef.com/2015/05/21/vegan-pesto/ ]
* Nut and trail mixes, add carob chips for a sweet note
* Apples, clementines/oranges, dates
* Peanut butter (with apple, banana, cracker, etc.)
* Ants on a log – celery, peanut butter, and raisins
* Fruit leathers or dried fruit
* Snack bars
* Tortilla or potato chips, popcorn, or rice cakes
* Roasted chickpeas
*Tips to Try:*
* Put lettuce between the spread and bread to keep bread crisp
* Keep wet ingredients (like sliced tomatoes) separate, and put on just before eating
* Use reusable Velcro or zip-secured bags to cut down on single-use plastic
What are your favorites? Tell us on @MVSustainability [ https://www.instagram.com/mvsustainability ] or CollaborateMV [ https://collaborate.mountainview.gov/plant-based-eating ] Remember to pack your trash for composting later!
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Recycling and Zero Waste Events
Hazardous waste items such as paint and cleaning chemicals
Hazardous Household Waste Drop-off Event
Free household hazardous waste collection event coming to Mountain View on Saturday, August 24!
Safely dispose of paint, batteries, electronics, auto fluids, used oil, garden chemicals, propane tanks, fluorescent and LED lightbulbs, aerosols and more.
Appointments are required; call 408-299-7300 or book your appointment online at HHW.org [ https://hhw.santaclaracounty.gov/home ]. To schedule online, click the blue “Make a Free Appointment” button then select Mountain View on the calendar for August 24. Upon appointment booking you will receive the specific Mountain View drop-off location.
People behind clothes rack
Citywide Garage Sale
The Citywide Garage Sale is back, and registration is open now! Find more information and register here [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/recycling-zero-waste/events/citywide-garage-sale ].
Join hundreds of residents holding garage sales at their homes September 14 - 15. This event supports the City's Zero Waste goals by keeping reusable items out of the landfill and conserving natural resources.
Sellers may choose to participate on one day or both days of the sale. The event is advertised in local and regional newspapers, social media, websites, etc. Registration closes Wednesday, September 4.
Prior to the event, the City will publish the garage sale addresses and items for sale/donation on the City’s website and on printed maps. This year, a new online map will allow participants to filter garage sales by dates open and items listed, as well as other enhanced features to help attendees plan which homes to visit for the event.
People composting outdoors [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/recycling-zero-waste/events ]
Worm Composting Workshop October 5
Find out how to build healthy soil and reduce kitchen food waste through worm composting at this FREE workshop for residents. Great for families, apartments, town houses, or anyone who produces a lot of food scraps!
The workshop will be held on Saturday, October 5 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at Heritage Park, 771 Rengstorff Avenue. The event will be held outdoors. For more information and to register, click here [ https://cesantaclara.ucanr.edu/Home_Composting_Education/ ] or call the Rotline at 408-918-4640. Walk-ins are also welcome.
A volunteer aiding residents to drop of papers for the Paper Shredding Event. [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/recycling-zero-waste/events ]
Free Confidential Paper Shredding November 2
Looking for a safe way to securely shred and recycle your confidential paperwork and documents? A free paper shredding event is available for Mountain View and Sunnyvale residents on Saturday, November 2, at the SMaRT Station (301 Carl Road, Sunnyvale) from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Learn more here [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/recycling-zero-waste/events ].
* Proof of residency is required (e.g., Driver’s License or utility bill).
* Limit of five banker-sized boxes or paper bags per household.
* Paperclips, staples, spiral notebooks, and rubber-bands are acceptable. Please refrain from disposing of heavy binders or binder clips to prevent damage to shredding equipment.
* Event line closes at 3:00 p.m. sharp. Late arrivals will be turned away.
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Drive Wise Vision Zero [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/city-manager-s-office/sustainability-and-resiliency/transportation/ebike-voucher ]
Vision Zero Marketing and Outreach Campaign
The City launched a traffic safety awareness campaign for Vision Zero in early August 2024. We hope to see an increasingly safe environment on our city streets so that more students and adults will choose to walk, roll and ride transit to school, work, and all over town. Vision Zero aims to reduce the number of traffic deaths in our city to zero. Vision Zero is an integrated set of policies, plans and programs based on the philosophy that fatal collisions are unacceptable and preventable. To learn more, visit the Vision Zero website [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/roads-and-transportation/transportation-planning/vision-zero ].
California Street “Complete Streets” Pilot Project Coming Soon
The City of Mountain View has a project to enhance safety, eliminate fatal or severe injury crashes, and increase the number of sustainable trips on California Street between Showers Drive and Shoreline Boulevard. As part of the 2024 repaving project, the City plans to install new crosswalks and sidewalk corners, and redo the lane striping on California Street. This neighborhood will first experience a Pilot Project, which will be evaluated before it becomes permanent. Once installed, some Recology customers on California Street will need to place their containers in a new location on California Street. For more information, visit the California Pilot website. [ https://collaborate.mountainview.gov/CaliforniaPilot ]
Measure B Logo
Caltrans Repaving of El Camino Real Will Begin after Labor Day
Caltrans will repave El Camino Real (SR-82) in Mountain View and Palo Alto, all lanes in both directions, beginning this Fall 2024. Construction night work will include scraping off old pavement, and repairing cracks and potholes. Caltrans will install new pavement, lane striping, high visibility crosswalks, ADA curb ramp improvements, protected bike lanes, and 3 new pedestrian crossing beacons at Bonita Avenue, Crestview Drive and Pettis Avenue. The space where on-street parking has been will be repurposed and used for the bike lane. Protected bike lanes help increase safety on our roads and can help increase the number of sustainable trips. Once installed, this will be the first time and first location where El Camino Real will be open to cyclists of all ages and abilities. This project received financial support from the voter-approved 2016 Measure B program and from the city. To learn more, visit the [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/city-projects-bids/el-camino-real-improvements ]El Camino Project website [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/city-projects-bids/el-camino-real-improvements ].
Red and White electric Caltrain
Caltrain Launches Electric Service
Caltrain will be launching their electrified service in September! The new electric fleet is quieter, accelerates and decelerates faster (reducing travel times), increases local air quality and health, and reduces climate impacts.
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Biodiversity Strategy and Urban Forest Plan
biodiversity header
The City of Mountain View has launched the community engagement process for the Biodiversity and Urban Forest Plan (Plan). The Plan will be built on science-based guidance and community needs, values, and priorities, and will be the first of its kind in the Bay Area to serve as a progressive framework that defines biodiversity requirements for landscaping and tree canopy. The Plan will also inform and influence City projects and ordinances regarding vegetation, wildlife, and habitats, and include Urban Forestry to replace the existing 2015 Community Tree Master Plan.
The success of the Plan will depend on active community engagement. Your input matters! There are many opportunities to get involved including pop-up events, community workshops, a survey, and a shared idea board. Please visit the project webpage [ https://collaborate.mountainview.gov/biodiversity ] for more information and to stay up to date. We look forward to hearing your thoughts on topics including habitat restoration and enhancement, preserving green spaces and natural resources, environmental resiliency, and increasing tree canopy!
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Water Resources for the Home and Garden
Landscape water rebates [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/water-and-sewer-services/water-conservation/landscape ]
New! Receive Design Assistance for the Landscape Rebate Program
Convert your grass to approved California-friendly landscapes and receive a rebate. Apply for the Landscape Rebate Program to get a free onsite consultation for proposed front yard lawn conversions only. The new Landscape Design Assistance Program offers rebate applicants with access to a pre-approved professional landscape designer for a two-hour consultation. Explore landscape information and resources [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/water-and-sewer-services/water-conservation/landscape ] for ideas and inspiration, and sign up for a landscape rebate [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/water-and-sewer-services/water-conservation/residential/rebates-and-programs ] today!
Leak Detection
Did you know a leaky toilet can waste up to 5 gallons of water per minute, or 300 gallons per hour? The most common home water leaks are due to worn toilet flappers and broken irrigation components. You can save water and money by performing periodic leak checks. Identify where your water meter is located and how to read it for water use investigations. Visit the website [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/water-and-sewer-services/water-conservation/residential/how-to-read-your-meter ] to view step-by-step leak check instructions [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/water-and-sewer-services/water-conservation ], or contact us for assistance.
Free Water-Efficient Gear
Mountain View residents and businesses can order free water-efficient devices directly from Valley Water’s Online Shopping Cart. Devices include low-flow showerheads, faucet aerators, garden hose nozzles, toilet leak detection tablets, and more. View a complete list of available items at the Online Shopping Cart [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/water-and-sewer-services/water-conservation/residential/rebates-and-programs ] and order today.
Water Resources [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/water-and-sewer-services/water-conservation ] | 650-903-6216 | ConserveWater@MountainView.gov
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