Celebrate Community Fun Day & Disability Awareness Day Oct. 5 At Lorenzi Park
- [注册人]City of Las Vegas
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Las Vegas
- 注册日期 : 2024/09/23
- 发布日 : 2024/09/23
- 更改日期 : 2024/09/23
- 总浏览次数 : 41 人
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News Release
*David Riggleman* | Director of Communications | 702.229.2207
* *
**Monday, Sept. 23, 2024* *| *FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE*
MEDIA CONTACT: JACE RADKE | 702.229.2205 | 702.249.3514 |
**Celebrate Community Fun Day & Disability Awareness Day
Oct. 5 At Lorenzi Park* *
"Enjoy Entertainment, Class Demonstrations, Kids’ Activities, Refreshments & More"
"Representatives From More Than 30 Organizations Will Offer Information And Assistance"
The city of Las Vegas invites the community for a fun day to celebrate together at Lorenzi Park from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 5. The city will present free entertaining performances by local groups, as well as mini-sessions from qualified sports and recreation class instructors, and fun activities for the kids – all in honor of the 75th anniversary of the city of Las Vegas forming a department to offer parks, recreation, community sports and cultural events (1949-2024). Light refreshments will be provided and food trucks will offer options available for purchase. Bring the family to discover the fun the department offers while enjoying a day together at the park, located at 3333 W. Washington Ave. Note that parking is limited, but available in several locations in the park.
Gather your friends and family to enjoy a showcase of local talent, performances from recreation and cultural centers, the Ward 5 Community Awards Ceremony and interactive activities for all ages, including a "Community Art Activation" project. There will be free seedlings for the first 200 attendees and a community planting event to help beautify the park.
And don’t miss the 33rd annual Disability Awareness Day event at the Sammy Davis Jr. Festival Plaza in Lorenzi Park (720 Twin Lakes Drive) that takes place at the same time. The event is free to the public and will feature live entertainment, door prizes, free limited parking and plenty of information and contacts. A free lunch also will be provided to the first 250 participants. October is National Disability Awareness Month.
Representatives from more than 30 organizations serving the disabled community will be present to help attendees with employment, independent living, recreational activities, financial planning, legal services, benefits counseling, adaptive equipment, transportation, housing and more. There will be opportunities to meet elected officials. American Sign Language interpreters will be available. The event is sponsored by the city of Las Vegas, the Southern Nevada Center for Independent Living and The Challenger newspaper.
“This annual event brings welcome resources to families in need,” said Ward 5 Councilman Cedric Crear. “Learn what assistance is available and network with new contacts to make life better for family members or friends with disabilities. Bring the whole family for a fun day in the park.”
For more information on participating, or to obtain a Disability Awareness Day flier, go online to [ ] or call/TDD 702-889-4216. For more information on the Community Fun Day celebration, call 702.229.PLAY (7529) or email
*Las Vegas City Council *
Mayor Carolyn G. Goodman | Mayor Pro Tem Brian Knudsen
Cedric Crear | Victoria Seaman | Olivia Diaz | Francis Allen-Palenske | Nancy E. Brune
City Manager Mike Janssen
city of las vegas nevada [ ]
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