Postmark Center for the Arts: June & July 2024
- [登録者]City of Auburn
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Auburn, WA, US
- 登録日 : 2024/06/11
- 掲載日 : 2024/06/11
- 変更日 : 2024/06/11
- 総閲覧数 : 69 人
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Postmark Heading Logo
Gallery and Gift Shop Hours
*Wednesdays 12-4pm | Thursdays 12-6pm | Fridays 12-4pm
Bits & Bobs
*Bits and Bobs * [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=19711628&objectId.786619=20267892&contextId.786619=19711630&parentId.786619=19711631&localStartDate=2024-06-27T14:00&localEndDate=2024-06-27T16:00&ref=mesTP9fg96fVsgzpWYeogDb1LIv9Gk9euKPgLVmNSPg%3d ]
*Thursday, June 27th | Free*
*2:00 - 4:00 PM*
Take part in this amazing free workshop put on by "SISTAHS" artists Brenetta Ward and Debra Harris-Branham; Bits and Bobs. Work with reused, recycled, and found materials to create your own original artwork.
Ages: 13+
Instructors: Brenetta Ward & Debra Harris-Branham
Sistahs Artists
*"SISTAHS": Artist Talk [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=19711628&objectId.786619=20267903&contextId.786619=19711630&parentId.786619=19711631&localStartDate=2024-06-27T17:30&localEndDate=2024-06-27T18:30&ref=mesTP9fg96fVsgzpWYeogPDtg6VGMZcxSLdCtbxqlVA%3d ]*
*Thursday, June 27th | Free*
*5:30 - 6:30 PM*
Postmark proudly welcomes nationally recognized Auburn artist and guest curator Marita Dingus for a talk about Postmark's current show: "SISTAHS". Joined by artists Brenetta Ward and Debra Harris-Branham.
Ages: 13+
Speakers: Marita Dingus, Brenetta Ward, Debra Harris-Branham
Island Fest
*Island Fest [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=19711628&objectId.786619=20302694&contextId.786619=19711630&parentId.786619=19711631&localStartDate=2024-06-29T12:00&localEndDate=2024-06-29T15:00&ref=mesTP9fg96fVsgzpWYeogNAmjOIJhg%2bar1A5nISgx3U%3d ]*
*Saturday, June 29th | Free*
*12:00 - 3:00PM*
Join us Saturday, June 29th for ISLAND FEST presented by Arts of Love!
From 12:00 – 3:00 PM enjoy cultural performances, crafting, food, lei making, fashion, and of course, Postmark’s Arts Gallery! We hope to see you there.
Ages: ALL
Arts of Love
Vault Gallery
*Second Saturdays [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?pageid=20072804&portalid=11470638 ]
July 13 | Every Second Saturday | Free*
Join us at Postmark Center for the Arts for free, all ages, arts, performance, and crafts! Every Second Saturday of the month from 12:00-4:00 PM.
Guest Artist: Join artist Wol-Un from *1-3PM* in a hands-on workshop this upcoming #SecondSaturday! Wol-Un (월운, 月雲) is an interdisciplinary artist born in Seattle. "My practice is strongly rooted in the cultural traditions of Korean ink painting and calligraphy. By synthesizing these centuries-old techniques with contemporary methods, through the inclusion of new motifs, unconventional compositions, and modern styles of presentation, I aim to facilitate a connection between historical visual languages, narratives, and aesthetics within the modern world."
Free artmaking inspired by the SISTAHS exhibition will be available in the Postmark classrooms.
* Come create with us!*
Postmark Main Gallery
* Gallery Hours
*Wednesdays 12-4pm | Thursdays 12-6pm | Fridays 12-4pm
Saturday | 12-4pm
*"SISTAHS [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529095 ]"
*Exhibition Dates:* May 9 - July 18, 2024.
*Closing Reception:* July 18th, 5:00-6:30 PM*
"SISTAHS" celebrates Black women making art from a diverse pallet of materials, from paper, fabric, and paint to cast offs otherwise destined for landfills. Their art is rooted in traditional African and African American techniques and cultural touchstones. The art they produce is a combination of Black storytelling and appreciation of Black beauty.
"SISTAHS" is an exhibit of four Pacific Northwest artists of African descent. Brenetta Ward is a fabric artist, third-generation quilter, and oral historian. Jite Agbro is known for her colorful figurative artwork featuring layered patterns, sharp contrast, and fabric and paper collage. Debra Harris-Branham conjures the energy of her storytelling into artistic imagery. Marita Dingus is an environmental feminist and mixed-media sculptor focused on using recoverable materials.
*"Postmarked: Connecting Communities [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529095 ]"
*Exhibition Dates:* July - October *
Make a postcard and participate in Postmark’s next exhibition, “Postmarked: Connecting Communities!” Postcards are now available at Postmark Center for the Arts during open hours, and at City of Auburn special events listed below.
The purpose of this project is to bring creative communities from around the world together under one theme: "*What does community mean to you?*" This intends to capture personal definitions of community and identity from artists of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds.
Please respond to the prompt on your postcard in artwork and/or writing, stamp, and mail or hand deliver by "*Friday, June 14th to Postmark Center for the Arts, City of Auburn.*"
We look forward to the opening of this exhibition at the end of July. We will provide updates as they become available. The City of Auburn is thrilled to be partnering with you to represent the creativity of people from around the world.
*Thank you! *
Classes & Workshops
Zine Workshop
*Zine Making Workshop [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/auburnwa/activity/search/detail/8713?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true ]
**Thursday, June 13 | 5:30-7:00PM
**Ages:* 15+, Mixed*
Fee: *$16/$20 Resident/Non-Res | ""*Register Now! [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/auburnwa/activity/search/detail/8713?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true ]*""
*Instructor: *Aidyn Dervaes
"@ Postmark Center for the Arts. [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/city_hall/parks_arts_recreation/arts_and_entertainment/postmark_center_for_the_arts ]"
What is a Zine? A small handmade booklet that provides a way for folks to share art, writing, musings, and give a platform to express oneself. In this workshop learn about the history of Zine making and start your own! Materials will be provided but feel free to bring anything that inspires YOU!
free community programming
*Make & Mingle [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529092 ]
Every Wednesday | Free*
Stop by the Postmark for our Make & Mingle session! Join us for a cup of coffee with whatever art project you might be working on. A free, no-pressure environment for artists and creatives to gather... you can talk with other artists, ask for feedback or critique from on-site staff if available, bring your sketchbook to work out ideas, or just quietly draw in the gallery or work on your art!
Drop-In Painting with Amy Sie
*Drop-In Painting with Amy Sie [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=19725576&objectId.787103=19943126&contextId.787103=19725577&parentId.787103=19725578&localStartDate=2024-01-19T10:00&localEndDate=2024-01-19T12:00&ref=mesTP9fg96fVsgzpWYeogLqleUsfpO0rBNwYdFfQy9Y%3d ]
Every Friday | Free*
Amy Sie is offering Drop-In Gongbi Painting sessions at the Postmark! A free, no-pressure environment for you to start a new painting, or work on an old one. Please bring your own tools and materials. On-site help for critique/questions/advice. Intended for ages 18+.
[ http://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/auburnwa/activity/search/detail/8458?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true ]
Drop In
*Drop-In Drawing* [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=19713036 ]
*Every Friday | Free*
Come stop by for our Drop-In Drawing sessions at the Postmark! A free, no-pressure environment for artists and creatives to drop-in to draw from a still life or the gallery. Stay for whole two hours or only 10 minutes. Bring tools to either shade or color with, and your own sketchbook or drawing pad. There will be on-site help for critique/questions/advice.
Calls to Artists header
*2025 Site-Specific Art Galleries [ https://artist.callforentry.org/festivals_unique_info.php?ID=13443 ]*
Art on Main [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529278 ] and Vault Gallery [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=19742280 ] - Accepts applications from regional artists to install 3-dimensional or multi-media art installations in two site-specific gallery spaces in downtown Auburn: the Art on Main Gallery and the Vault Gallery. Both spaces provide an artist stipend to support the creation of new work and site-specific projects, or the installation of existing work for three-month exhibitions.
*Eligibility:* This is a call to artists residing in the Pacific Northwest (Washington, Oregon and Idaho).
*Deadline:* September 5, 2024
For more information or to apply, visit this link. [ https://artist.callforentry.org/festivals_unique_info.php?ID=13443 ]
*Postmark Arts & Cultural Programming Grant: [ https://auburn.services.govos.com/f/PostmarkGrant ]*
This program provides funding support for artists, arts or cultural organizations, or community members proposing ideas for free arts and cultural programs serving residents and visitors at the new Postmark Center for the Arts. We are excited about bringing local artist and community members together in a space that aims to provide opportunities for growth, creative participation, inspiration, and understanding through dynamic and multi-faceted programming.
*Eligibility:* Individuals, groups of people, neighborhood or business organizations seeking funding for an art program or cultural event at the Postmark Center for the Arts.
*Project Budget*: Grants are typically awarded from $500 - $2,000 per project.
For more information or to apply, visit this link. [ https://auburn.services.govos.com/f/PostmarkGrant ]
In Other News
*VIDEO: Historic Postmark Center in Auburn | Spellman Award [ https://vimeo.com/showcase/10918912/video/896371893 ]*
The Auburn Post Office was built in 1937, an elegant structure that served a growing community. Starting in 2016, the City of Auburn transformed the building into the Postmark Center for the Arts, a vibrant space for public music and dance programs, visual arts exhibits and classes, and other cultural gatherings.
The 2023 John D. Spellman Award for Excellence in Adaptive Reuse goes to the City of Auburn for their stunning rehabilitation of the Auburn Post Office as the Postmark Center for the Arts.
Postmark Rentals
The Postmark Center for the Arts is available as a venue for your next gala, work conference, reception, or event. Visit auburnwa.gov/postmark [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=19727603 ] for rental rates and information. Beautiful hardwood floors, a terrazzo entryway, and historic windows create a stunning setting for your next event. The space is equipped with a small catering kitchen, audio visual equipment, and a large pull-down screen. Capacity varies based on room set-up.
Postmark Gift Shop
* Gift Shop Hours
*Wednesdays 12-4pm | Thursdays 12-6pm | Fridays 12-4pm
The Postmark Center for the Arts is happy to be featuring local artists in our Gift Shop [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=19727769 ]! Come by to find a unique gift or maybe a handmade item for yourself!
Interested in having your work in the Postmark Gift Shop in the future? Make sure you sign up for the "Call to Artist [ https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/WAAUBURN/subscriber/new?topic_id=WAAUBURN_163 ]" list so you can get information about application opportunities for the Postmark Gift Shop.
Other Art Heading 2023
The City of Auburn offers a variety of cultural arts programming for performing arts [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529138 ], visual arts [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529095 ], public art [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529274 ], special events [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529890 ] and more!
Check out auburnwa.gov/arts [ http://www.auburnwa.gov/arts ] for a full list of programming.
Stay Connected!
Instagram [ https://www.instagram.com/auburn.arts/ ]
facebook [ https://www.facebook.com/auburnwa.arts/ ]
Postmark Center for the Arts
20 Auburn Ave. | Auburn, WA 98002
auburnwa.gov/postmark [ http://www.auburnwa.gov/postmark ] [ http://www.auburnwa.gov/seniors ]
City of Auburn Arts Division
253-931-3043 | auburnwa.gov/arts [ http://www.auburnwa.gov/arts ]
Auburn WA Logo [ http://www.auburnwa.gov ]
Questions for the City?
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