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Information from Toyokawa (豊川市からの情報)
- [Registrant]豊川市
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]愛知県 豊川市
- Posted : 2024/11/28
- Published : 2024/11/28
- Changed : 2024/11/28
- Total View : 59 persons
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- Mama Bear Daycare Servicesでは、0歳から4歳のお子様を...
Mama Bear Daycare Servicesでは、0歳から4歳のお子様を親御様に代わって大切にお預かりし、日々のご縁に心から感謝しています。お子様一人ひとりに感謝の気持ちを込めて、愛と温かさで包みながら成長を見守ります。ご家族やスタッフと共に、感謝の心で育む素敵な毎日をお届けしております。
+1 (424) 221-0580Mama Bear Daycare Services
- 1975年創業。鴨川で本格中華を食べるなら中国料理東洋!伝統の味を受け継ぎながら...
+81-4-7093-2345中国料理 東洋 鴨川店
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(201) 407-0055Villagewell, LLC
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+1 (310) 325-8536Education Link Bilingual pre-school
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- 海辺の創作料理店 CAMA Kitchen。TVでも紹介された、ランチ限定のハン...
海まで30秒の窯焼きピザと創作料理のお店『CAMA Kitchen』当店の魅力はシーンを選ばずどんなときにもご利用いただける空間とこだわりの食材を使用して作っているメニューの数々。テラス席ではペットと一緒にご飯を食べることが出来るので海まで散歩に来たらぜひCAMA Kitchenへお立ち寄りください♪
(04) 7096-7307CAMA Kitchen
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+1 (424) 527-7330BELLUTE beauty studio
Multicultural Child Rearing Event
On January 18 (Sat.), multicultural child rearing event is held at AEON MALL Toyokawa (3F AEON HALL).
■Photo Exhibition
From 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Photo exhibition related to parents and children in the world, sister city exchange etc.
■Difference between Japanese child rearing and that of other countries
From 11:00 am to noon
Finger play of other countries, difference between Japanese child rearing and that of other countries are introduced.
Preschool child and its guardian
About 10 couples (First come, first served.)
From December 5 (Thu.), by phone. If number of applicants does not reach the capacity, application is also accepted at the venue on the day.
■Multilingual picture book reading
From 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm
Picture book reading in English, Vietnamese etc., finger play of other countries and so on
Preschool child and its guardian
About 10 couples (First come, first served.)
From December 5 (Thu.), by phone. If number of applicants does not reach the capacity, application is also accepted at the venue on the day.
International and Civic Activity Division (Shimin Kyodo Kokusai Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2158
2. 給食費などの援助
Economic support for the expenses for school education (School lunch etc.)
Toyokawa city supports households facing financial difficulties to raise Elementary School/ Junior High School students with expenses of school lunch etc.
Types of Support:
Expenses for school lunch, school supplies, necessary items for commuting to school, school trip and so on.
Household whose income is within the standard determined by the Board of Education.
New applicant should bring applicant’s bankbook to School Education Division (Otowa Branch Office 3F). Household who has been receiving this support should reapply to the school which their children go to.
For person who moved in Toyokawa this year, the income certificate (Shotoku Shomei Sho) issued by the city hall of previous residence is required (Including the income certificate of all the residents who are 20 years of age and older in the same household.).
School Education Division (Gakko Kyoiku Ka)
Tel: 0533-88-8033
3. 児童手当を支払います
Child Allowance, Jido Teate, will be paid
The payment of Child Allowance in December will be transferred to the designated bank account on December 6 (Fri.). The payment of this month is for October to November. The notification will not be sent individually. Please check it with your bankbook etc.
Child Rearing Support Division (Kosodate Shien Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2133
4. 市遺児の育成をはかる手当を支払います
Allowance for bringing up orphans is paid (Municipal Orphan Allowance)
The allowance for bringing up orphans will be transferred to the designated bank account on December 13 (Fri.). Two months’ allowance, from November to December, will be paid. The notification will not be sent individually. Please check it with your bankbook etc.
Child Rearing Support Division (Kosodate Shien Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2133
5. 国民健康保険料などは所得から控除できます
National Health Insurance premium and other premiums can be deducted from your income
The following premiums are subject to deduction of Social Insurance Premium in the return of municipal and prefectural taxes (Shikenminzei Shinkoku) or final return of Income Tax and Special Income Tax for Reconstruction (Kakutei Shinkoku).
Premiums of National Health Insurance (Kokumin Kenko Hoken), Late-stage Medical Care Insurance for the Elderly (Koki Koreisha Iryo Hoken), Long-Term Care Insurance (Kaigo Hoken), and National Pension (Kokumin Nenkin) paid in 2024
Please confirm it with the receipt of the premiums etc. and apply.
■National Health Insurance premium, Late-stage Medical Care Insurance for the Elderly premium, Long-term Care Insurance premium
All insurance premiums are added up on a mailing card for the notification of the paid amount of ordinary collection, then will be mailed to you in the end of January 2025. (The ordinary collection is paid with payment slip or payment by account transfer.) About special collection, please check withholding tax slip, Gensen Choshu Hyo of public pension etc. (Special collection is paid by pension deduction.)
■National Pension premium
The certificate of deduction for social insurance premium (National Pension premium) will be mailed to you from Japan Pension Service (Nihon Nenkin Kiko). When you apply for final return, you need the certificate of deduction. For details, please contact Toyokawa Pension Office (Nenkin Jimusho) (Tel 0533-89-4042).
Insurance and Pension Division (Hoken Nenkin Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2118,
Elder Care and Nursing Division (Kaigo Korei Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2173
6. 休日夜間急病診療所へ受診の際は来所前に連絡を
Please contact Sudden Illness Medical Office for holiday and night before visiting
Sudden Illness Medical Office for holiday and night provides medical consultation for patient requiring urgent care at internal medicine/pediatrics with relatively less severe symptoms during holiday, night, and year-end and new year holidays etc. Since the medical office is likely to get crowded due to infectious spread etc. in winter, make sure to call and confirm the state of medical consultation before visiting. In case of disaster occurrence when evacuation is priority, the medical office may be closed.
Sudden Illness Medical Office for holiday and night (Kyujitsu Yakan Kyubyo Shinryojo)
Tel: 0533-89-0616
Screening at medical institution (One-coin cancer screening)
Until February 10 (Mon.), 2025
Person living in Toyokawa who is in the eligible age as of April 1, 2025 for respective screening (Except person who has opportunity to take medical checkup at work etc.)
Call the commissioned medical institutions listed on city website.
Interval of screening for stomach cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, and prostate cancer is 2 years (Even number age). Person with medical ticket for 40 health checkup (Yonmaru Kenshin), free coupon for cervical cancer / breast cancer screening can take the screening for free. Since making an appointment may be difficult at the end of the period, taking early screening is recommended.
■Screening/Eligible age/Self-borne expense
【Tuberculosis, lung cancer】
(1) X-ray=16 years and older: 500 yen
(2) X-ray and phlegm test=16 years and older (Phlegm test is for person aged 50 and older depending on its smoking habit.): 1,000 yen
【Stomach cancer】
(1) X-ray (Barium)= 44 years and older (Even number age): 500 yen
(2) Endoscopy (Camera)=50 years and older (Even number age): 500 yen
【Colorectal cancer】
40 years and older: 500 yen
【Breast cancer】
(1) Ultra sound (Echo)=30 years and older (Even number age) (women): 500 yen
(2) X-ray (Mammography)=40 years and older (Even number age) (women): 500 yen
【Cervical cancer】
20 years and older (Even number age) (women): 500 yen
【Prostate cancer】
Between 50 and 70 years old (Even number age) (men): 500 yen
Health Center (Hoken Center)
Tel: 0533-89-0610
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