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Permit Review Engineer (Engineer II)
- [Registrant]King County
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]King County, WA
- Posted : 2024/10/03
- Published : 2024/10/03
- Changed : 2024/10/03
- Total View : 43 persons
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In order to hire and maintain a quality workforce that reflects the diversity of the community and works well within our True North values-based organization, the Permitting Division of the Department of Local Services (DLS) is accepting applications for the position of *Permit Review Engineer (Engineer II)*.
The person in this position works under the supervision of a Product Line Manager to produce or help produce timely, accurate, quality reviews and approvals of building and land use development projects, including County-initiated comprehensive reviews of mining operations. Working in a collaborative manner, Engineers work with a higher degree of independence. They apply their engineering and project management experience to review a variety of permit types ranging from small site projects to complex commercial projects. This position may include review of ancillary permits such as conditional use permits, variances, adjustments, right-of-way use permits, boundary line adjustments, Plats, legal lot reviews and grading permits.
This position is responsible for carefully reviewing permit application plans and technical documents, working cooperatively with others in the department and other agencies, and writing technical permit, approval documents that are concise and accurate. An essential part of the job is to work in a positively solution-oriented manner with customers, their design/engineering professionals, other members of the public, and co-workers. Some presentations to the public, and other agencies may be required on a periodic basis.
*About the Department of Local Services:*
King County is the local service provider for the roughly one quarter-million people who live in the unincorporated areas of the county; collectively, these communities would be the second largest city in the state. The Department of Local Services includes a Director's Office, and the Road Services and Permitting Divisions. Together, this department provides a single executive point of accountability for delivering local services to all unincorporated areas.
* *
*To learn more about the Permitting Division please visit our website at *King County Permits [ ].
*Our commitment to Equity, Racial and Social Justice:*
The Department of Local Services is deeply dedicated to fostering equity, racial and social justice [ ] in every aspect of our work. Our commitment to “True North [ ]” values which ensures every person has the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential and forms the core of our mission and purpose. Our pledge is to cultivate, embrace, and celebrate the distinct experiences, viewpoints, and perspectives of our people, partners, and the communities we serve. Through this work, we dismantle systemic barriers, address inequities, and actively confront prejudices and biases. We acknowledge this journey is ongoing, and we remain steadfast in our efforts to create a positive impact for our employees and communities alike.
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