Associate Medical Examiner
- [注册人]King County
- [语言]日本語
- [区]King County, WA
- 注册日期 : 2024/11/05
- 发布日 : 2024/11/05
- 更改日期 : 2024/11/05
- 总浏览次数 : 26 人
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美国 ・ Hiromi K. Stanfield,注册会计师,在日本有20年的工作经验,拥有税务硕士学位,曾在四大税务审计公司工作,是加州注册会计师,协助个人・和小型企业・进行税务
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- 我们帮助患者建立他们想要的家庭。我们拥有会讲日语的全职员工,因此无需独自操心。
+1 (808) 545-2800Fertility Institute of Hawaii
- 为讲日语的残疾儿童的父母提供支持。
Japanese Speaking Parents Association of Children with Challenges该小组的目的是通过互相提供情感支持来支持每位家长的独立,同时了解美国法律、制度和日本围绕残疾的常识的差异。
- 拥有日本和美国执照的兽医,工作人员用日语和英语真诚地为您服务。疫苗接种、定期健康...
我们在这里为您的爱犬和猫咪的健康护理提供帮助。 我们将讨论如何为您和您的家庭动物提供最好的护理,并将非常关注您的需求。 我们的兽医在日本和美国都学习过最先进的兽医学,他们提供高水平的医疗服务。 基于最新医学证据的诊断 ・治疗 ・建议加上适合动物的温和处理。 我们还将协助您办理返回日本时的手续。 讲日语的专家工作人员随时待命,所以请随时打电话给我们。 949-502-5141(仅限日语)
+1 (949) 502-5531ソラ動物病院
- 我们深受大家的喜爱! 我们可以帮助您解决所有清洁需求,从日常清洁到大清洁和局部清...
夏威夷的好客之道 ! 我们将为您提供彻底的日式清洁服务。 请先向我们咨询您的清洁需求。我们将根据您的需求制定计划。 老年人、产前产后、同事、单身人士等,都非常喜欢我们的服务。 夏威夷度假屋、住宅、公寓、办公室、商店等的清洁。 根据客户需要,提供入住前和入住后清洁、装修后清洁、住宅定期清洁、别墅定期清洁、办公室定期清洁、灯具内部和水区(厨房、浴室、盥洗室、厕所)等小区域的特殊清洁、空调清洁...
*This position is open until filled, and applications will be reviewed on a weekly basis (at the end of each week).*
The King County Medical Examiner's Office [ ] (KCMEO) is seeking an Associate Medical Examiner. KCMEO operates under the administrative authority of Public Health - Seattle and King County and has been a National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME) accredited office since 1978. The office is located within a facility situated on the campus of Harborview Medical Center near downtown Seattle and was built to KCMEO specifications. KCMEO serves all of King County with a population of 2.27 million and geographical area of 2,131, square miles. King County and Seattle are diverse and culturally vibrant and offer an excellent array of dining, arts, and entertainment venues, and is home to several sports teams, universities, and more. The surrounding region is known for its many outdoor pursuits such as skiing, hiking, white water rafting, diving, boating and so much more.
This Associate Medical Examiner position will be filled by qualified forensic pathologists. We encourage those who began their fellowship year in 2024 to apply, with the expectation that they would take and pass their boards a few months after their fellowship ends. This is a full-time position with vacation leave and full benefits. Under the direction and supervision of the Chief Medical Examiner, there will be a total of six (6) Associate Medical Examiners and two (2) Fellows.
At this moment the office is staffed with seven (7) autopsy technicians, nineteen (19) medicolegal death investigators (the majority are ABMDI diplomats), plus a board-certified forensic anthropologist, administrative support personnel, an epidemiologist, and staff for our real time overdose surveillance program. The medicolegal death investigators respond to death scenes and collect relevant medical and other records and material that the pathologist may need to accurately process a case. The autopsy technicians are highly trained and experienced and work with the pathologists as a team.
In addition to performing complete forensic autopsies and views, pathologists testify in court and depositions, provide consultation for families, law enforcement, and attorneys, and participate in teaching medical students and residents. There is the opportunity for clinical faculty appointment in the University of Washington Department of Pathology, and pathologists are encouraged to conduct scholarly activities. KCMEO has a forensic pathology fellowship program accredited by ACGME and conducts weekly educational conferences that are accredited though the University of Washington School of Medicine for a maximum of 52 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits.
*Commitment To Equity and Social Justice*
Named after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., one of the most influential civil rights leaders in our nation's history, King County is a vibrant international community with residents that represent countries from around the world. It is a region with increasing diversity that cherishes the traditions of many cultures.
The county government has a deep commitment to equity and social justice and advancing practices, strategies, and policies that promote fairness, justice, and opportunity for all – in our workplaces and our communities. With this commitment, King County has adopted a pro-equity agenda to advance regional change and ensure that residents from all communities are incorporated into our emergency planning and public outreach efforts.
We recognize that structural racism consists of principles and practices that cause and justify an inequitable distribution of rights, opportunities, and experiences across racial groups. Since declaring Racism is a Public Health Crisis in June 2020, King County and Public Health committed to being intentionally anti-racist and accountable to Black, Indigenous and People of Color communities.
To learn more, please visit
*Work Schedule*
Typical work schedule for this position is 7:30 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday, and on Sunday morning of the weeks on call.
*Work Location*
The base location for this position is at the Ninth and Jefferson Building, located at 908 Jefferson St., 2nd Floor Seattle, WA 98104.
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