가르쳐드릴게요 / 교육 / 교훈

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가격 $25/40mins or $30/1hr or $100/3 lessons/40mins
결제방법 Cash
지여 Honolulu, Hawaii
대응 가능 일정 2024년 8월 8일 ~ 
대응 가능 요일 월 화 수 목 금 토 일
시간대 8시00분~20시30분
[자격 면허]

Bachelors in Communication majoring in Public Relarions with minors in Psychology and Business Administration at the University of Texas at San Antonio.

TELF certified
TOEIC certified

[경험 스킬 툴]

7 years teaching English in Japan to elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools, universities, and private lesson which vary age groups.

Web Access No.2051047

Conversational or Business English Lessons

Choose between conversational English lessons which consist of:
1. Introductions/small talk
2. Describing people/places
3.daily routines/activities
4. Expressing opinions/preferences
5. Making plans/invitations
6. Travel/Vacation
8. Health/Well-being
9. Current news/events
10. Shopping/consumerism
11.Technology/Social media
12. Food/Dining
13. Movies/Music/entertainment
14. Holidays/celebrations
15. Cultural differences
16. Customizable to your request


Business English Communication lessons which include:
1. Business introductions/networking
2. Email/Correspondence
3. Meetings/conferences
4. Presentation/public speaking
5. Negotiation skills
6. Business vocabulary/jargon
7. Report writing/documentation
8. Customer service/client interaction
9. Marketing/sales
10. Project management
11. Financial terms/concepts
12. Business culture/etiquette
13. Entrepreneurship/startups
14. Teamwork/collaborations
15. Career development/job searching
16. Customizable to your request.

We could meet in person or via Skype/zoom.

  • [등록자]Christian_tokyo
  • [언어]English
  • [TEL]8082916014
  • [지역]Honolulu, Hawaii
  • 등록일 : 2024/08/07
  • 게재일 : 2024/08/07
  • 변경일 : 2024/08/07
  • 총열람수 : 360 명