MDM Provider Data Mart Production Issue Notification
- [등록자]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]Baltimore, MD
- 등록일 : 2024/10/10
- 게재일 : 2024/10/10
- 변경일 : 2024/10/10
- 총열람수 : 70 명
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*This is a follow-up notification to the notification sent on Oct 7, 2024 regarding the MDM PMI/SPP and NPI Profile provider data products accessed via MDM’s BDM in IDRSF, One PI, CCW, CDR, and Downstream Systems:____*
*__ *__
The PECOS data issue which prevented the updates to the Entity Identifiers (MDM_PRVDR_ENT_ID) in the MDM Provider Lean Index (MDD_MDM_PRVDR_ID_IDX) has been resolved. The PECOS data in the MDM PMI/SPP and NPI Profile provider data products has been successfully updated as of Oct 10, 2024 8:00am.
Please contact the MDM Team at MDMTeam@cms.hhs.gov and mdmsupport@npss-inc.com should this cause you any issues.
__ __
Thanks for your patience,____
The MDM Team
This notification is for Master Data Management (MDM) users who access the MDM ID-Resolved PMI/SPP and NPI Profile provider data products in MDM’s BDM in IDRSF, One PI, CCW, CDR, and Downstream Systems:
Issue: While loading PECOS data into MDM, we identified an issue with certain fields having no values in the PECOS UGE extract. This has caused the MDM process to fail and the inability to load the PECOS data into the MDM PMI/SPP and NPI Profile tables.
Solution: The MDM Team is working closely with the PECOS Team to quickly resolve this issue in the UGE file. Once resolved, and the PECOS team regenerates the UGE, we will commence reloading and refreshing the PECOS data in the MDM PMI/SPP and NPI Profile tables.
Impact: Please refrain from using PECOS data in the MDM provider data products until we send out a follow-up notification indicating the MDM PMI/SPP and NPI Profile tables have been refreshed.
Please contact the MDM Team at MDMTeam@cms.hhs.gov and mdmsupport@npss-inc.com should this cause you any issues.
Thank you,
The MDM Team
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