Election Day, open enrollment, Tribal clean energy, Halloween
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Election Day is nearly here. Register, vote, and then track your ballot at VoteWA.gov
Next Tuesday, Nov. 5, is Election Day. You can drop your ballot into a ballot box or make sure it’s postmarked by 8:00 p.m. on Nov. 5.
You can find voting or ballot drop locations and track your ballot at VoteWA.gov [ https://voter.votewa.gov/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]. You may also request ballot updates by text message by texting “VOTE” to 868392.
It’s not too late to register to vote. You may register in-person at your county elections office through Election Day.
Election security is top-of-mind. After a Vancouver, Wash. ballot drop box was damaged [ https://www.axios.com/2024/10/28/ballot-boxes-fires-oregon-washington-ballots?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] by an arsonist, Gov. Jay Inslee pledged [ https://x.com/GovInslee/status/1851111769047245067?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ], “Our state and local election teams are fully dedicated to making sure every person’s vote is counted fairly and accurately.” The incident is under FBI investigation, and the Clark County Auditor has begun a substantial outreach campaign to encourage voters who may have had their ballot damaged to request a replacement.
Inslee also authorized some Washington National Guard [ https://governor.wa.gov/news/2024/inslee-activates-some-washington-national-guard-members-support-public-safety-activities-related?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] members to be on standby to support local law enforcement agencies or Washington State Patrol if needed to ensure a safe, free and fair election.
Washington Health Benefit Exchange open enrollment begins
The open enrollment period for Washington Healthplanfinder [ https://www.wahbexchange.org/open-enrollment-begins-today-on-washington-healthplanfinder/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] has begun. Now through Jan. 15, 2025, uninsured Washingtonians may shop the marketplace for health and dental plans for themselves or their families.
For the first time, Washington’s first-in-the-nation public option plan is available statewide [ https://www.wahbexchange.org/cascade-select-will-be-available-across-washington-in-2025/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]. Cascade Select plans were the most affordable plan available in 31 of the 37 counties they were offered last year.
Some lower- and middle-income households may qualify for plans with premiums as low as $10 a month. Customers who receive both federal tax credits and Cascade Care Savings, a subsidized plan for households earning up to 250% of the federal poverty level, pay about $70 per month on average.
As a result of Washington’s sustained efforts to build a competitive insurance marketplace and support lower-income residents, the state’s uninsured rate has fallen from 14% to just 5% today.
“Access to reliable and affordable health care is something every family in Washington needs, and it’s something every family deserves,” said Gov. Jay Inslee in 2019 [ https://medium.com/wagovernor/inslee-health-care-leaders-patients-kick-off-nations-first-public-option-health-care-effort-be6907a93a54?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] after the passage of Washington’s public option. “It builds on the work we’ve done to expand and protect health care under the Affordable Care Act. This is one way our state is ensuring affordable care for more people.”
Commerce helps Cowlitz Tribe accelerate clean energy investments
Two seated men shake hands while a group applauds behind them.
State and Cowlitz Tribe leaders announced closer clean energy collaboration on Wednesday and signed a related memorandum of understanding.
On top of a Cowlitz Tribal utility garage in Longview, a solar panel collected a joule of energy from the sun, then sent it through an EV charger into a Ford F-150 Lightning. The truck then sent that joule to a PA system, amplifying an exciting announcement Wednesday from the governor and the state Department of Commerce.
“This is the first time I’ve ever given a speech powered by an electric truck,” said Gov. Jay Inslee. “That’s pretty cool, and I think it’s pretty cool how we’re helping the Cowlitz Tribe reduce their emissions, get people around, and ditch expensive diesel.”
The Cowlitz Indian Tribe and the state Department of Commerce signed a memorandum of understanding Wednesday [ https://www.columbian.com/news/2024/oct/30/state-invests-more-than-8m-in-cowlitz-indian-tribe-clean-energy-projects-it-pledges-to-continue-efforts-for-generations/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] to further accelerate the Tribe’s extraordinary efforts to embrace clean energy. Thanks to Commerce grants and the Climate Commitment Act, the Tribe is well underway to electrify its fleet.
Their new electric utility trucks can provide emergency power and recharge at the garage even during a regional outage thanks to rooftop solar. Their new electric transit vans are outfitted with wheelchair lifts and ample seating to help locals and Tribal members get around for free. A pending solar array at their Tribal health center could help the lights on during a disaster.
Ten percent of all Climate Commitment Act revenues support self-directed clean energy and climate resilience investments by Tribes. The Quileute Tribe is moving its village out of a dangerous floodplain. The Suquamish and Swinomish Tribes have purchased electric boats. And the Nisqually Tribe is moving to power its wastewater treatment plant with solar energy.
Inslees hoop it up for Halloween at the Governor’s Mansion
Gov. Jay Inslee and First Spouse Trudi Inslee pose for a photo with trick-or-treaters on Halloween
Gov. Jay Inslee and First Spouse Trudi Inslee hosted Halloween festivities at the Governor’s Mansion in Olympia, suiting up as Seattle Supersonics. The Inslees handed out the treats while Sonics mascot Squatch and Seattle Storm mascot Doppler performed the tricks for local trick-or-treaters.
News you might have missed:
Biden, Inslee issue statements condemning Indian boarding schools
Earlier this week, President Joe Biden formally apologized for the government's history of forcibly assimilating Native American and Indigenous children through federally run boarding schools. The policy lasted from 1819 through the 1970s and harmed thousands of children in Washington state. Gov. Jay Inslee applauded the President's action [ https://governor.wa.gov/news/2024/inslee-statement-president-bidens-apology-indian-boarding-school-system?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ], calling the practice one of "our nation's darkest stains."
“Washington state will do its part to uplift the efforts of those who are carrying forward Tribal languages, cultures and knowledge to current and future generations,” added Inslee.
A new committee will prepare a report in 2025 on the impacts of these boarding schools, making Washington one of the first states to study and address these historical harms.
New ferry schedule announced for San Juan Islands
Washington State Ferries announced new sailing schedules [ https://komonews.com/news/local/wsf-sailing-washington-state-ferries-ferry-schedule-delays-frustration-san-juan-islands-cancelations-boat?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ], revised for the first time in years, to help ensure that boats and passengers experience fewer delays and canceled sailings. The scheduling changes followed extensive community engagement and are part of WSF's ongoing efforts to make traveling across the Puget Sound is safe, pleasant and timely.
Commerce awards $40 million to support equitable economic development
The state Department of Commerce Friday announced $39.8 million in grants [ https://www.commerce.wa.gov/commerce-awards-nearly-40-million-to-support-equitable-economic-development/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] to 19 community-based organizations through the agency’s Community Reinvestment Project (CRP). The program invests in communities disproportionately harmed by the sustained war on drugs, funding workforce development, small business resilience, and more.
“Access to capital opens doors to economic opportunity and generational wealth-building, but many communities face historic and systemic barriers,” said Commerce Director Mike Fong. “We are proud to stand with community partners throughout the state who are promoting equitable access to financial resources that help individuals, families and businesses get ahead and grow.”
Reminder! Daylight Savings ends Sunday
Clocks “fall back” an hour [ https://www.king5.com/article/news/nation-world/when-do-clocks-fall-back-2024-daylight-saving-time/507-0f0d38a7-bf9f-4a5e-91a8-1f6a45e425f1?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 3.
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