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  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Chipmunk ( chipmunk ) chipmunk

    They are small and move around so much that I barely got a shot !
    I enjoy meeting animals.

    Photo Location Mount Baldy, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2017/08/27 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Mt. Baldy

    From 3T's Trail, we could see the slopes of Mt Baldy Bawl in the distance, and
    the cloud sea wa...

    Photo Location Mount Baldy, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2016/10/16 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Mt. Baldy


    Photo Location Mount Baldy, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2018/06/17 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    The summit of Mt.

    I went hiking with my friends.
    The summit was crowded with people.

    Photo Location Mount Baldy, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2016/08/27 Device NIKONCOOLPIX S3600
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Lots of flowers

    Passing through a beautiful flower corridor, I found myself at Potato Mt.

    Photo Location Claremont, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2021/05/30 Device SONYDSC-W830
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Great view!

    We went on a weekday, so the mountain was quiet and reserved.

    Photo Location Claremont, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2021/06/11 Device SONYDSC-W830
  • Vivinavi Texas
  • Food
    Vivinavi Texas
    Myojo USA, INC.

    Photo Location Upland, California, USA
    Photo Date 2020/08/30 Device Snowcorpfoodie
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
  • Plant
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Eye-catching Yellow

    Photo Location La Verne, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2015/04/25 Device AppleiPhone 5s
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    San Gabriel Mts.

    Mt. Wilson can be seen in the rear.

    Photo Location Azusa, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2016/06/18 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)


    There are fewer wild flowers in summer, but some were still in such full bloom!

    Photo Location Azusa, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2017/08/05 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    That's 。。。。。

    I was on my way back from Mt. Islip.

    Photo Location Azusa, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2017/08/05 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Texas
  • Food
    Vivinavi Texas
    Myojo USA, INC.

    Photo Location Chino, California, USA
    Photo Date 2021/03/19 Device SnowcorpFoodie
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Islip Mt.

    There was a light dusting of yesterday's snow on top of the year-end snow.

    Photo Location サンゲーブルMts, California, USA
    Photo Date 2022/03/06 Device motorolamoto g play (2021)
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Columbine Flower

    There are many blooming by Trail.

    Photo Location Mount Baldy, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2017/08/27 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)


    I went hiking with friends from Ice House canyon Trailhead to 3T's!

    Photo Location Mount Baldy, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2016/10/16 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)


    The sea of clouds is spectacular !.

    Photo Location Mount Baldy, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2018/06/17 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Toward Victorville

    The weather was beautiful and we could see far into the distance.

    Photo Location Mount Baldy, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2016/08/27 Device NIKONCOOLPIX S3600
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    mountain (pile) of potatoes

    It seems that Potato Mt. can also be spelled Potatoe.
    The red bow tie cat in the foreground is ...

    Photo Location Claremont, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2021/05/30 Device SONYDSC-W830
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)


    It did not rain so my kitty was still in good spirits.
    The one I brought this time is a long-fa...

    Photo Location Claremont, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2021/06/11 Device SONYDSC-W830
  • Vivinavi Texas
  • Food
    Vivinavi Texas
    Myojo USA, INC.

    Photo Location Upland, California, USA
    Photo Date 2018/11/27 Device CanonCanon EOS REBEL T5
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    10,064 feet

    Beautiful snowy view of Mt. Baldy, the highest peak in LA County.
    There doesn't seem to be a lo...

    Photo Location Glendora, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2021/02/14 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Snow Plant

    It blooms under alpine conifers.

    Photo Location Azusa, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2016/06/18 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    stealing from vehicles

    Bear. I wonder if the smell of snacks is coming from inside the car
    He has yellow tags on his e...

    Photo Location Azusa, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2017/08/05 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Event / Occasion
  • 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
    Event / Occasion
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    splashing water

    Go wild and go !.

    Photo Location Azusa, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2017/02/23 Device AppleiPhone 5s
  • Vivinavi Texas
  • Food
    Vivinavi Texas
    Myojo USA, INC.

    Photo Location Chino, California, USA
    Photo Date 2021/03/31 Device SnowcorpFoodie
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Mt. Williamson

    On the way there, strong winds almost blew me off my feet, but
    it was calm at the top.

    Photo Location Pearblossom, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2016/09/25 Device NIKONCOOLPIX S3600
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
  • Animal
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Cold ~ ~

    A charming,
    husky with attractive Frank Sinatra-like eyes who looks comfortable
    cooling hi...

    Photo Location Mount Baldy, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2017/08/27 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)


    Finally, after crossing the second Telegraph peak, we are pointing to the third and final Thunder Mt...

    Photo Location Mount Baldy, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2016/10/16 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    The sky is close

    Trail is easy to walk with lots of trees.
    The sky is much closer now.

    Photo Location Mount Baldy, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2018/06/17 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Sky Lift at Mt. Baldy

    At the end of the hike, we took the lift down to take in the view below

    Photo Location Mount Baldy, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2016/08/27 Device NIKONCOOLPIX S3600
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    descending (mountain)

    After saying goodbye to the many potatoes, we descended the mountain, looking at Mt.

    Photo Location Claremont, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2021/05/30 Device SONYDSC-W830
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Fantastic feeling

    Photo Location Claremont, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2017/02/23 Device AppleiPhone 5s
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Blue Cut Fire

    Second day of wildfires. Evacuation advisory issued. The flames are closing in about 8 miles from ou...

    Photo Location Wrightwood, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2016/08/17 Device AppleiPhone 6s
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Mystic Canyon

    I was looking for Trail with an unusual name and there it was.
    It seems to be a popular place w...

    Photo Location Glendora, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2021/02/14 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    San Gabriel Mts.


    Photo Location Azusa, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2016/06/18 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Mt. Williamson

    It was the 4th of July and we had the mountain to ourselves.

    Photo Location Shidare springs, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2020/07/04 Device NIKONCOOLPIX S3600
  • Vivinavi Texas
  • Food
    Vivinavi Texas
    Myojo USA, INC.

    Photo Location Chino, California, USA
    Photo Date 2019/09/16 Device NIKON CORPORATIONNIKON D3400
  • Vivinavi Texas
  • Food
    Vivinavi Texas
    Myojo USA, INC.

    Photo Location Chino, California, USA
    Photo Date 2021/09/17 Device Unkown
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Icehouse canyon Saddle

    I went hiking with my friends to escape the heat of the city.
    The cool breeze makes you forget ...

    Photo Location Mount Baldy, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2017/08/27 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)


    From Ice House Canyon Trail, go up and down the first Peak, Timber Mt.
    to the second Peak.

    Photo Location Mount Baldy, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2016/10/16 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
  • Animal
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Hello with wild deer.

    Photo Location Mount Baldy, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2015/04/25 Device AppleiPhone 5s
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Devils' Backbone Trail

    The right hand side slopes steeply down to the bottom of the Baldy bowl.

    Photo Location Mount Baldy, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2016/08/27 Device NIKONCOOLPIX S3600
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Mt. Baldy

    At the top, the wind is fresh and the sky is very blue and clear.

    Photo Location San Bernardino, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2020/07/26 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Texas
  • Food
    Vivinavi Texas
    Myojo USA, INC.

    Photo Location Upland, California, USA
    Photo Date 2021/09/17 Device Unkown
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    A place to be alone with your thoughts.

    Photo Location Bonita, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2017/02/23 Device AppleiPhone 5s
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    San Gabrile Mts.

    I went hiking with my friends.

    Photo Location Azusa, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2016/06/18 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    I looked this way !

    I got scared and closed the window to escape.

    Photo Location Azusa, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2017/08/05 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    What tree is this ♪ ♪

    Chestnut tree ? short and looks different from chestnut leaves....

    Photo Location Azusa, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2017/08/05 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Texas
  • Food
    Vivinavi Texas
    Myojo USA, INC.

    Photo Location Chino, California, USA
    Photo Date 2019/08/11 Device NIKON CORPORATIONNIKON D3400
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Baldy in fresh snow

    Baldy as seen from Smith Mt.

    Photo Location San Gabriel Mts, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2022/11/26 Device samsungSM-A135U1