UPDATE: Admiral Way North and South Bridges Seismic Project Updates
- [注册人]City of Seattle
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Seattle, WA
- 注册日期 : 2024/12/19
- 发布日 : 2024/12/19
- 更改日期 : 2024/12/19
- 总浏览次数 : 26 人
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为了给顾客提供最高水平的治疗,她亲自体验了来自印度、东南亚国家、南美和北美的各种民族文化,并利用从这些经历中获得的知识为顾客提供精致的沙龙体验。有多种菜单可供选择,您可以根据自己的情况选择最适合自己的菜单。 瑜伽课程 ・ 矿泥头部肌肉水疗 ・ 有机指甲花护理 ・ 发酵野菜蒸生物蒸气 ・ 头皮清洁&水疗 ・ 耳冠护理
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+1 (310) 885-5630米国 ヤマト運輸
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Admiral Way North and South Bridges Seismic Project Updates
Construction updates: December 19, 2024
UPDATE: The work we originally had planned for December 19-20 will not occur. *The new date for the traffic shift will occur on Tuesday, December 31, 2024 *
We’ll be transitioning into our third phase of traffic control on December 19. The two center lanes on Admiral Way SW will be closed during this phase, with one lane in each direction open for people driving. As part of this transition, *the temporary crosswalk at Admiral Way SW and **39th Ave SW **will be removed*. As a reminder, the segment of Fairmount Ave SW beneath the bridge is closed to people walking, biking, rolling, and driving for the duration of construction to ensure their safety and allow our crews to work as efficiently as possible. We anticipate that construction will last approximately until June 2025. Construction schedules are subject to change and depend on factors such as weather and availability of crews and materials.
Crews are continuing to drill and epoxy in anchor dowels and are beginning to repair cracks on the piers. They’ll be removing paint from the bridge’s steel truss members and will continue retrofitting this component with gusset plates in the coming weeks. Work will be *paused for the week of Christmas** (December 23 through December 27)* and will resume on December 30.
We will continue to provide updates on construction activities on our project webpage [ ] and via these email updates. Please feel free to share this email with your neighbors and encourage them to sign up for our email updates [ ] to stay informed on the project.
*What to expect during construction*
We understand our closure of Fairmount Ave N for the duration of construction and ongoing lane closures impact everyone who uses the bridge and Fairmount Ave N. We are actively working to ensure our traffic control plan runs smoothly and impacts community members traveling as little as possible.
In addition to the full closure of Fairmount Ave N below the bridge and ongoing lane closures you can expect:
* Work in the public right-of-way near your home or business
* Temporary on-street parking restrictions, with "no park" signs placed 72 hours in advance
* Staged construction equipment and materials as well as noise, dust, and vibrations in the work area
* Typical weekday work hours of 7 AM – 5 PM, Monday through Friday
*Thank you! *
Thank you for your interest in the Admiral Way North and South Bridge Seismic project and for your patience during construction.
Matthew Howard
Communications and Outreach Lead
Admiral Way North and South Bridge Seismic Project
"You are receiving this email because you have expressed interest in receiving updates on the Admiral Way North and South Bridge Seismic project."
*Seattle Department of Transportation*
700 5th Avenue
Suite 3800
Seattle, WA 98104
*Phone: 206-684-7623*
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