2025 Qualified Clinical Data Registry Resource Updates; Register for December 2024 Cost Measures Panel
- [등록자]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]Baltimore, MD
- 등록일 : 2024/12/16
- 게재일 : 2024/12/16
- 변경일 : 2024/12/16
- 총열람수 : 8 명
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- 디자인부터 인쇄까지 토탈 ・ 코디네이션을 하고 있습니다. 디자인만, 인쇄...
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* 2025 Qualified Clinical Data Registry (QCDR) Measure Specifications are Now Available [ #link_1 ]
* 2025 QCDRs and Qualified Registries Qualified Postings are Now Available [ #link_3 ]
* Register for the December 2024 Physician Cost Measures and Patient Relationship Codes (PCMP) Technical Expert Panel (TEP) Webinar [ #link_4 ]
2025 Qualified Clinical Data Registry (QCDR) Measure Specifications are Now Available
On December 13, 2024, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) posted the 2025 QCDR Measure Specifications [ https://qpp-cm-prod-content.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/3108/2025_QCDR_Measure_Specifications_PUB.xlsx ] (XLSX, 680KB) in the Quality Payment Program (QPP) Resource Library [ https://qpp.cms.gov/about/resource-library ].
Clinicians, groups, virtual groups, subgroups, and Alternative Payment Model (APM) Entities, including Medicare Shared Savings Program Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), can use this resource to search for available QCDR measures applicable to their specialty for the 2025 Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) performance period. The fourth tab of this file, “QCDR Specifications,” includes the full set of CMS-approved QCDR measures and the QCDRs that have permission to submit the QCDR measure for the 2025 MIPS performance period. QCDR measures are only available for reporting through a CMS-approved QCDR and _not_ a Qualified Registry.
For More Information
* Visit the QPP website [ https://qpp.cms.gov/ ] to check your participation status, explore measures, and review guidance on MIPS, APM Entities, including Shared Savings Program ACOs, what to report, and more.
* Go to the QPP Resource Library [ https://qpp.cms.gov/resources/resource-library ] to review new and existing QPP resources.
2025 QCDRs and Qualified Registries Qualified Postings are Now Available
On December 13, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) posted the 2025 approved Qualified Clinical Data Registries (QCDRs) and Qualified Registries Qualified Postings on the Quality Payment Program (QPP) Resource Library [ https://qpp.cms.gov/about/resource-library ]. The qualified postings assist clinicians with selecting a QCDR or Qualified Registry, which will collect and report clinical data to the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) program on their behalf. The qualified postings provide the names of approved QCDRs and Qualified Registries, including the applicable QCDR measures and MIPS quality measures, Promoting Interoperability measures and objectives, improvement activities, and MIPS Value Pathways (MVPs) they’re approved to support for the 2025 MIPS performance period.
* *2025 Qualified Registries Qualified Posting* [ https://qpp-cm-prod-content.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/3107/2025%20Qualified%20Registry%20Qualified%20Posting.xlsx ] (XLSX, 202XKB) – This is a list of Qualified Registries that have been approved to participate in reporting MIPS quality measures, Promoting Interoperability measures and objectives, improvement activities, and MVPs for the 2025 performance period. A Qualified Registry is a CMS-approved intermediary that collects clinical data from eligible clinicians, groups, virtual groups, subgroups, and/or Alternative Payment Model (APM) Entities, including Medicare Shared Savings Program Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), and submits the data to CMS on their behalf as a part of MIPS.
* *2025 QCDRs Qualified Posting* [ https://qpp-cm-prod-content.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/3106/2025%20QCDR%20Qualified%20Posting.xlsx ] (XLSX, 230KB) – This is a list of QCDRs that have been approved to participate in reporting QCDR measures and/or MIPS quality measures, Promoting Interoperability measures and objectives, improvement activities, and MVPs for the 2025 performance period. A QCDR is also a CMS-approved intermediary that collects clinical data from an eligible clinician, group, virtual group, subgroup, and/or APM Entity, including a Shared Savings Program ACO, and submits the data to CMS as a part of MIPS. A QCDR is defined as an intermediary that demonstrates clinical expertise in medicine and quality measurement development. QCDRs collect medical or clinical data on behalf of clinicians, groups, virtual groups, subgroups, Shared Savings Program ACOs, and/or APM Entities to track patients and diseases and foster improvement in the quality of care provided to patients. QCDR reporting is different from a Qualified Registry as it isn’t limited to MIPS quality measures. QCDRs may also report on approved QCDR measures.
For More Information
* Visit the QPP website [ https://qpp.cms.gov/ ] to check your participation status, explore measures, and review guidance on MIPS, APM Entities, including Shared Savings Program ACOs, what to report, and more.
* Go to the QPP Resource Library [ https://qpp.cms.gov/resources/resource-library ] to review new and existing QPP resources.
Register for the December 2024 Physician Cost Measures and Patient Relationship Codes (PCMP) Technical Expert Panel (TEP) Webinar
The Physician Cost Measures and Patient Relationship Codes (PCMP) Technical Expert Panel (TEP) is convening for a virtual meeting to discuss the following topics under the PCMP project: cost measure development prioritization, developing value measures to align with cost measures, and Patient Relationship Categories and Codes (PRCs).
*When Will This Virtual Meeting Occur?*
* Wednesday, December 18, 2024, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. ET
*How Do I Register For The Webinar?*
This meeting will be open to the public with a listen-only option, and observers are invited to listen in on the TEP’s discussion. Registration is required. Please share this message with anyone you believe may be interested.
Please click on the following link to register: Register to attend the December 2024 PCMP TEP Webinar [ https://acumenllc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_frx2cBozRCeZz_t5BLTiVw ].
*Where Can I Find More Information About the PCMP Project?*
Please see the Wave 6 Measure Development Process (PDF, 599KB) [ https://www.cms.gov/files/document/2024-02-cmft-ebcm-process.pdf ] summary located on the Cost Measures Information page [ https://www.cms.gov/medicare/quality-payment-program/cost-measures ] for details about the measure development process and activities undertaken in previous years, including past TEP meetings. If you would like to receive measure development updates, please join our mailing list [ https://survey.zohopublic.com/zs/Fbzc07 ].
*Who Should I Contact If I Have Questions?*
If you have questions about the PCMP TEP, please contact the PCMP Support Team at pcmp-tep-support@acumenllc.com.
Quality Payment Program [ https://qpp.cms.gov/resources/help-and-support ]
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