2024年4月9日 / Las Vegas / 演奏会・音乐会

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地址 Las Vegas
日程 2024年4月9日




The Beatles LOVE - by Cirque du Soleil

With The Beatles LOVE, Cirque du Soleil celebrates the musical legacy of The Beatles through their timeless, original recordings. Drawn from the poetry of the lyrics, the show explores the content of the songs as interpreted by innovative performances from a cast of 60 international artists. A youthful, raw energy is channeled through aerial performance, extreme sports and urban freestyle dance.
With The Beatles LOVE, Cirque du Soleil celebrates the musical legacy of The Beatles through their timeless, original recordings. Drawn from the poetry of the lyrics, the show explores the content of the songs as interpreted by innovative performances from a cast of 60 international artists. A youthful, raw energy is channeled through aerial performance, extreme sports and urban freestyle dance.
  • [注册人]Las Vegas
  • [语言]日本語
  • 注册日期 : 2023/12/05
  • 发布日 : 2023/12/05
  • 更改日期 : 2023/12/05
  • 总浏览次数 : 241 人