2023年8月31日~2024年8月30日 / Seoul / 其他

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住所 Seoul
日程 2023年8月31日~2024年8月30日



Web Access No.1371953

Kwon Jin Kyu's Forever Home

In commemorating Kwon Jin Kyu's 50th anniversary, Seoul Museum of Art's Nam Seoul Museum is launching the "Kwon Jin Kyu's Forever Home" exhibition in 2023. Having received the Kwon Jin Kyu collection in 2021, the Seoul Museum of Art has transformed five exhibition rooms on the 1st floor of Nam Seoul Museum into a permanent exhibition space dedicated to Kwon JinKyu's valuable works and materials.
In commemorating Kwon Jin Kyu's 50th anniversary, Seoul Museum of Art's Nam Seoul Museum is launching the "Kwon Jin Kyu's Forever Home" exhibition in 2023. Having received the Kwon Jin Kyu collection in 2021, the Seoul Museum of Art has transformed five exhibition rooms on the 1st floor of Nam Seoul Museum into a permanent exhibition space dedicated to Kwon JinKyu's valuable works and materials.

This exhibition succinctly presents Kwon Jin Kyu's entire artistic realm, where he continuously observes and studies the subjects around him, capturing only their essence to manifest an enduring soul and eternity that never fades away.

Kwon Jin Kyu (1922–1973) navigated through the Japanese colonial era and post-liberation during the severed diplomatic ties between Korea and Japan. Despite the challenges, he engaged as a sculptor, shuttling between the two countries. He established a unique artistic realm. For him, true art was incessantly observing and studying the subjects around him, capturing only their essence. He pursued not realism or beauty but an enduring soul, an eternity that never fades away. Seoul Museum of Art's Nam Seoul Museum aims to be both a perpetual resting place for his works and a nurturing ground for new research.

Please explore his works in the exhibition inspired by the architectural structures, wooden furniture, shelves, and more from Tokyo Musashino Art University, where Kwon Jin Kyu dedicated himself to his work and the Seoul studio.
  • [登録者]Seoul
  • [言語]日本語
  • 登録日 : 2023/09/26
  • 掲載日 : 2023/09/26
  • 変更日 : 2023/09/26
  • 総閲覧数 : 636 人