Culver City Welcomes Micheaux Film Festival to Culver Theater
- [登録者]City of Culver City
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Culver City, CA
- 登録日 : 2024/10/21
- 掲載日 : 2024/10/21
- 変更日 : 2024/10/21
- 総閲覧数 : 52 人
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Culver City [ http://www.culvercity.org/ ] Micheaux Film Festival October 21 to 27 Poster The Culver Theater Buy Tickets Now at Micheaux Film Festival website [ https://www.micheauxfilmfest.com/ ]
The Micheaux Film Festival Returns to Culver City October 21st-27th
The festival, launched by Courtney L. Branch and Noel Braham to honor the legendary Oscar Micheaux, celebrates its sixth anniversary this year. The festival's theme is Champions, a celebration of “the resilience and determination of filmmakers who overcome countless obstacles to bring their visions to life.”
Everything kicks off at 6 PM on Monday, October 21st at the Culver Theater. Throughout the week, organizers have scheduled exclusive movie screenings, panel discussions, and opportunities to meet with filmmakers. You can find ticket packages available on the Micheaux Film Festival website. [ https://www.micheauxfilmfest.com/ ]
"We started this festival in 2018 with one goal in mind – to help, inspire, educate, and entertain the unseen and unheard," stated Noel Braham and Courtney L. Branch, founders of the festival. "As Emmy-nominated creators our aim is to shift the spotlight from our own purpose and illuminate others who need a platform to showcase their unique art and connect with other like-minded creatives."
Stay up to day on the week's festivities on the Micheaux Film Festival's Instagram page. [ https://www.instagram.com/micheauxfilmfest/ ]
*About The Micheaux Film Festival *
Oscar Micheaux was a pioneering filmmaker who broke Hollywood barriers in the early 20th century. Through cinema, he illuminated the Black experience, challenging societal norms and empowering communities. In his honor, the Micheaux Film Festival was established, symbolizing creativity, innovation, diversity, and inclusion. Since its inception in 2018, the festival has become a hub of cultural expression, embracing filmmakers from diverse backgrounds and showcasing narratives that reflect the human condition. The festival promotes inclusivity and emerging talent across various genres and styles, serving as a catalyst for change and inspiring new filmmakers to explore and innovate in storytelling. It attracts a mix of industry professionals, film lovers, and cultural experts, fostering discussions that advance the art. Each year, as films light up the screen, Oscar Micheaux's spirit is felt, affirming the festival’s role in celebrating contemporary cinema and honoring the legacy of a true film visionary.
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