Osaka Global E-mail Newsletter NO.50 February 28, 2024
- [สมาชิกที่ลงทะเบียน]大阪府府民文化部国際課
- [ภาษา]日本語
- [แอเรีย]大阪府府 大阪市
- วันที่ลงทะเบียน : 2024/02/27
- วันที่โพสต์ : 2024/02/27
- วันเปลี่ยนแปลง : 2024/02/27
- จำนวนรวมของการเปิดดู : 88 คน
- หากท่านต้องค้นหาร้าน โปรดดู [คู่มือแนะนำตัวเมือง]
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+1 (310) 542-1200西田指圧センター
- 【木更津市の高倉観音・坂東第三十番霊場 平野山高蔵寺】厄よけ、方位除け、水子供養...
【木更津市の高倉観音・坂東第三十番霊場 平野山高蔵寺】当寺院では、お一人様を原則にご祈祷(ご供養)を致しますので 、ご予約が必要となります。住職がお一人様づつ心をこめてご祈祷(ご供養)を致しますので、秘密厳守、更に一層のご利益が期待できます。遠方にご先祖様がいらっしゃり、法要等を行うことが出来なくて気がかりの方、ご供養いたしますのでご相談ください。
- 一人ひとりの利用者様に『本当に必要なサービス』は何かを考え、きめ細やかなケアを提...
+81-438-30-9611社会福祉法人 慈心会 木更津南清苑
- オンライン又は個室での英会話!日常生活で、お仕事で、勉強で、英語が出てこなくて困...
アメリカに住んでいるのに、なかなか英語がしゃべれるようになれない!子供の先生とのコミュニケーションが上手く取れない!仕事でもっと英語で自分の意見を発言できるようになりたい!英会話の30無料体験レッスンあり。でも、何をどう始めていいかわからないあなた生活スタイル、性格、目標に合わせた効果的な勉強法を経験豊富でバイリンガル講師が、全面サポート致します。We are here to help you s...
+1 (424) 210-6523English Park
- 田舎にあるお洒落な中古車販売店です。オートローンも完備しております。買取強化中。...
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+1 (213) 613-1415居酒屋がぜん
- 大阪から本場のラーメンをボストンで!日本で20年以上の料理経験を持つ大西シェフに...
- LAに2000年に設立された 国際結婚マッチメーキングサービスです。今年こそ結婚...
私自身がアメリカで経験した、国際結婚、国際離婚、そして国際再婚から学んだ事を踏まえて、Miwako's Asian Connctionの会員の皆様が幸せな結婚、そして幸せな人生を送れるように、きめ細やかなサポートをし続けていきたいと思っています。現在の会員数は約500人の小さな手作りのマッチメーカーです。
+1 (310) 927-8304Miwako's Asian Connection
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+81-438-20-5222アカデミアスポーツクラブ アクアかずさ
- はじめての方でも利用しやすい施設です。『赤ちゃん』から『高齢者』まで幅広い年齢層...
+81-438-36-6221スイミングスクール ビッグ・エス木更津
- 「宇宙とエネルギー」をテーマにした科学館。
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私のチームは長年Coldwell Bankerで仕事ができ幸運です。当社は最新のテクノロジー、もっとも正確な情報を提供してます。当社は単い物件の販売をするのでなく誠実にお客様を心から大切にしてきております。私のチームはお客様の将来を大切に考えたサービス、目標は不要なストレスを軽減し、作業を簡単にし、準備、取引、取引後の安心感を提供することです。取引後もお客様のお手伝いをさせていただきたいと存じます...
+1 (702) 496-7372KAORI GUERRA TEAM 不動産 / コールドウェルバンカー
- アメリカの会計事務所です。法人、個人を問わず、タックスリターン(確定申告)、アメ...
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- 木更津でタイ料理を食べるならタイの村料理289へ!【テイクアウトOK】本場の味を...
Osaka Global E-mail Newsletter NO.50 February 28, 2024
Hello Osaka Global E-mail Newsletter readers! We are sending you 17 topics this time.
Table of Contents
◆Event Information
* Osaka-Sayama City Local Museum Special Exhibition: ”Times of the 1970 Osaka Expo and Sayama New Town”
* <From March 16> Information about Osaka Prefectural Sayamaike Museum 2024 Spring Special Exhibition,
“Civil Engineering Exhibition-Carrying stones: From the “Stone Island”in the Seto Inland Sea to Osaka
* NEW! Sharing Osaka’s appeal with overseas businesses and investors
* NEW! Please utilize the Osaka Disaster Prevention app
* NEW! The ”Osaka Safe Travels” service will be soon terminated
* NEW! Calling for volunteer staff for Expo 2025 Osaka-Kansai!
* Expo 2025 Osaka-Kansai is approaching.The admission tickets are now on sale!
* Free anonymous HIV testing and counseling for foreign nationals
* The “Osaka Virtual Art Museum” has opened!
* A leaflet about preventing food poisoning for foreign nationals has been made!
* Calling for students for junior high school evening classes!
* Please keep your pets properly!
* Information and free advice about daily life in many languages for foreign residents in Osaka!
* Let’s support hardworking students! -Osaka Prefecture Global Human Resource Development Fund-
* Wahha Kamigata, the archive of kamigata comedy and performing arts that is the only of its kind in Japan!
* Please use the Osaka Labor Consultation Center!
* COVID-19 Information
◆Event Information
* Osaka-Sayama City Local Museum Special Exhibition: ”Times of the 1970 Osaka Expo and Sayama New Town”
The Osaka Prefectural Sayamaike Museum invites you to enjoy the special exhibition, ”Times of 1970 Osaka Expo and Sayama New Town,” which is currently on display at the Osaka-Sayama City Local Museum within the premises. Please come!
Period: Until March 3, 2024
Opening time: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Admission: Free
URL: https://sayamaikehaku.osakasayama.osaka.jp (Select languages)
X (former Twitter): https://twitter.com/ikehaku
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ikehaku/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@user-fh3hp7pq6x
* <From March 16> Osaka Prefectural Sayamaike Museum 2024 Spring Special Exhibition,“Civil Engineering Exhibition-Carrying stones: From the “Stone Island” in the Seto Inland Sea to Osaka
The Osaka Prefectural Sayamaike Museum is pleased to announce its 2024 Spring Special Exhibition titled “Civil Engineering Exhibition: Carrying Stones: From the ‘Stone Island’ in the Seto Inland Sea to Osaka,”
which will start on March 16. Please come!
URL: https://sayamaikehaku.osakasayama.osaka.jp
X (former Twitter): https://twitter.com/ikehaku
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ikehaku/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@user-fh3hp7pq6x
NEW! Sharing Osaka’s appeal with overseas businesses and investors
In preparation for Expo 2025 Osaka-Kansai, Osaka’s unique appeal will be shared worldwide, focusing primarily on information related to business and investment opportunities.
The first promotional video has been completed and is now available for viewing. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!
Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvFE-vxrho8&t=10s
URL: https://www.pref.osaka.lg.jp/renkei/openosaka/index.html
X (former Twitter): https://twitter.com/osakaprefPR_jp
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/osakaprefjp
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/osakaprefpr_jp
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOXIe0tX8LZ4wJc1V2_19VQ
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/global-financial-city-osaka/
NEW! Please utilize the Osaka Disaster Prevention app
Osaka Prefecture is now offering a new app providing disaster prevention information in Osaka Prefecture for your daily use.
URL: https://www.pref.osaka.lg.jp/shobobosai/odp-app/index.html(in Japanese only)
NEW! The ”Osaka Safe Travels” service will be soon terminated
Please be informed that “The Osaka Safe Travels app” has been consolidated into the “Osaka Disaster Prevention app.”
While the former services are available until Friday, March 29, 2024, they will not be offered after that date.
Thank you very much for using the Osaka Safe Travels until the present.
URL: https://www.pref.osaka.lg.jp/kanko/osakasafetravels/index.html(in Japanese only)
NEW! Calling for volunteer staff for Expo 2025 Osaka-Kansai!
Volunteer staff has been recruited! It’s a crucial element for the Expo, taking care of visitors with hospitality as the representative of the Expo! (Recruitment is until the end of April)
URL: https://www.expo2025-volunteer.com/pr/ (in Japanese only)
* Expo 2025 Osaka-Kansai is approaching.The admission tickets are now on sale!
A diverse range of discounted advance tickets are currently available. Please check out the options that suit your needs.
URL: https://www.expo2025.or.jp/en/
(in Japanese only)
X (former Twitter): https://twitter.com/expo2025japan
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/expo2025japan/
* Free anonymous HIV testing and counseling for foreign nationals
On March 3, HIV testing will be conducted with interpretation services in both Chinese and Vietnamese.
URL: http://www.smartlifeclinic.com/?post_type=info&p=2168
X (former Twitter): @chotcast
* The “Osaka Virtual Art Museum” has opened!
The Osaka Virtual Art Museum features the ”Osaka Prefecture 20th Century Art Collection,” a compilation of artworks owned by Osaka Prefecture, within a metaverse and a digital archive.
URL: https://www.enoco.jp(Select languages)
X (former Twitter): https://twitter.com/osakaVAMuseum
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/osakaVAM
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/osakavertualmuseum
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@osakaVAMuseum
* A leaflet about preventing food poisoning for foreign nationals has been made!
The leaflet shows the basic concepts of preventing food poisoning and proper hand-washing in many languages.
Please use it when providing education for foreign nationals engaged in food-related industries and raising awareness among foreign tourists.
URL: https://www.pref.osaka.lg.jp.e.agb.hp.transer.com/shokuhin/shokutyuudoku/index.html#keihatsu
* Calling for students for junior high school evening classes!
Junior high schools in eight cities within Osaka Prefecture are calling for evening class students.
Osaka residents who couldn’t graduate from junior high school or couldn’t receive a sufficient education even if they graduated from junior high school are eligible, regardless of age or nationality.
URL: https://www.pref.osaka.lg.jp/shochugakko/yakanngakkyuu/yachuannai.html
* Please keep your pets properly!
If you have a pet or pet owners around you, please consider how to keep them properly.
Point 1: Having dogs off-leash is prohibited by the ordinance. Keep them on a leash.
Point 2: You should keep cats indoors to protect them from infectious diseases and traffic accidents.
Point 3: If you keep your pets outdoors, enclose them with fences to prevent them from running away from the premises.
URL: https://www.pref.osaka.lg.jp/doaicenter/doaicenter/ (in Japanese only)
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/osaka_pref_anihamo/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@osakaprefanihamo/about
* Information and free advice about daily life in many languages for foreign residents in Osaka!
In order to support foreign residents’ ability to have safe and secure lives in Japan, the Osaka Foundation of International Exchange (OFIX) offers information and advice on a wide range of issues including daily-life-related matters in many languages (11 including Japanese).
Languages available: Chinese, English, Filipino, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Nepali,Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, and Vietnamese (in Alphabetical order)
URL: https://www.ofix.or.jp/life/english/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/osakafoundation
* Let’s support hardworking students! -Osaka Prefecture Global Human Resource Development Fund-
There is a new promotional video for the Osaka Prefecture Global Human Resource Development Fund.
The Fund supports students, especially those going above and beyond to improve their English and those wishing to study abroad! Your donation to the Fund would be highly appreciated.
Video URL: https://youtu.be/27vH6zP6gOs
Donation-related page: https://www.pref.osaka.lg.jp/kanko/kifu/index.html (in Japanese only)
* Wahha Kamigata, the archive of kamigata comedy and performing arts that is the only of its kind in Japan!
Wahha Kamigata is a Laughter-themed archive that is the only of its kind nationwide.
It was established not only to preserve and promote Kamigata Comedy and the Performing Arts, but also to provide residents of Osaka Prefecture with opportunities where they can get familiar with these things too!
This archive aims to contribute to the development and preservation of Osaka’s culture. Please come and check it out!
URL: http://wahha-kamigata.jp (Select languages)
X (former Twitter): https://twitter.com/WKamigata
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wahha.kamigata
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wahha_kamigata
* Please use the Osaka Labor Consultation Center!
Please feel free to seek support via phone, online, through face-to-face counseling, or with a chatbot!
URL: https://roudou-soudan-center.pref.osaka.lg.jp/ (in Japanese only)
Chatbot: https://embed.chatbot.digital.ricoh.com/shokorodo/app/index.html (Select languages)
* COVID-19 Information
To prevet the spread of infections, please continue to take basic infection prevention measures such as hand washing, effective ventilation, and practicing appropriate etiquette including wearing a mask when coughing based on your own decision.
(To foreign nationals)
(Consultation center for foreign nationals and foreign tourists)
Related links
* Osaka Prefectural Government:
* facebook(International Affairs Division, Osaka Prefectural Government):
* Instagram(International Affairs Division, Osaka Prefectural Government):
* Osaka Foundation of International Exchange:
* Osaka Safe Travels:
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Published by:
International Affairs Division
Department of Civic and Cultural Affairs
Osaka Prefectural Government