The Fremont Connection, November 22, 2024 Issue
- [注册人]City of Fremont
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Fremont
- 注册日期 : 2024/11/22
- 发布日 : 2024/11/22
- 更改日期 : 2024/11/22
- 总浏览次数 : 32 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 桑尼维尔和圣马特奥唯一一家日本 NATA 认证的运动训练师和运动医学&脊骨神经学...
小池医生的诊所,小池医生是唯一一位拥有功能神经学(DACNB)和运动医学(DACBSP ®)两个学位的日本医生,也是一位获得 NATA 认证的运动训练师。在桑尼维尔和圣马刁设有诊所。如果您患有运动损伤、背痛或肩部僵硬,或有不明原因的身体问题,或希望提高运动成绩,请联系我们 ! ● 运动损伤 ● 腰痛 ● 坐骨神经痛 ● 背痛 ● 头痛 ● 肩痛 ● 颞下颌关节 ● 肩痛 肩撞击综...
+1 (408) 444-2202Health Integration Chiropractic
- ?我们采用最新的非手术温和疗法治疗各种疼痛。拥有日本和美国医疗执照的日本医生将用...
疼痛治疗从准确诊断开始。 持有日本和美国医疗执照的日本医生将用日语为您仔细检查・并进行治疗。 如果您正在遭受身体疼痛的折磨,请随时咨询我们。 * 腰痛 * 下肢痛 * 臀痛 * 尾骨痛 * 颈痛 * 鞭痛 * 脸痛 * 胸壁痛 * 肋骨痛 * 关节痛 ( 膝关节髋、肩、肘、手 ) * 肌肉疼痛 * 神经疼痛 * 带状疱疹疼痛 * 头痛 * 偏头痛 * 脊椎断裂 ...
(310) 954-9583有田治生 / Haruo Arita MD (整形・ペインクリニック)
- 寿司餐厅 Sushi Kai 供应新鲜鱼类,价格实惠。
寿司店 Sushi Kai Omakase 套餐丰盛饱满,鱼类新鲜,价格实惠。我们提供每人 85 美元的一小时 Omakase 课程,其中包括三道开胃菜、10 个饭团、一个海胆&三文鱼籽碗和一个手卷。您可以在餐厅轻松愉快的氛围中享用美食。
+1 (914) 396-7705Sushi Kai
- [面向 6 个月至 6 岁儿童 !] 尔湾的日本幼儿园。小班教学,最多 12 名...
[为 6 个月至 6 岁儿童开设的幼儿园!] 位于学校一楼,由最多 12 名日托人员组成的小团体。 幼儿园充满了家的氛围,到处都是孩子们的笑脸。 ( 0-6 岁 ) 双语、蒙台梭利教育政策,发展每个孩子的个性。
+1 (949) 433-8600おれんじ幼稚園
- 位于木更津市亚那的隐蔽式家庭沙龙。包括全油护理・传统泰式按摩、时下热门话题的草药...
位于木更津市亚那的隐蔽式家庭沙龙。全油护理 ・ 我们提供包括传统泰式按摩、备受关注的草药脱皮、TOUKAMI ( 和 PEAKIN ) 护理在内的各种身体护理。毛孔张开和粉刺、干燥・、暗淡・、松弛、慢性疲劳和对寒冷的敏感性、肩膀僵硬・、浮肿、橘皮组织、姿势・、身体变形…等。 根据每个人的问题和理想的 "美 "进行护理。我们将引导您实现理想的 "美"。我们还可以提供现场治疗。
+81-70-3355-5512Naturalist room honey.m
+1 (310) 702-3787Worldwide Realty
- 本田广场牙科诊所是一家非常明亮、预约爆满、氛围轻松的诊所。普通牙科 ・ 神经治疗...
位于小东京的本田广场牙科诊所是一家以种植牙治疗为主的美容牙科诊所。拥有 20 年临床经验的伊藤医生会用日语详细讲解治疗细节。伊藤医生有 20 年的临床经验,会用日语详细讲解治疗细节,还与日本牙科诊所合作,即使是短期停留的患者也可以放心接受治疗。 ● 普通牙科 ● 神经治疗 ● 牙周科 ● 口腔外科 ● 植牙科 ● 激光牙科 ● 牙科美容 ● 修复科 ● 麻醉科 ● 隐形牙齿矫正...
+1 (213) 687-3895Itoh DDS / ホンダプラザ歯科医院
- 语言学校,在洛杉矶、西木区和好莱坞等热门地区设有校区。我们帮助来自世界各地的留学...
美国有许多语言学校。在这些学校中,我们非常重视教育质量和价格。 英语是一种交流工具,我们希望尽可能多的留学生掌握这一工具,并在世界上发挥积极作用。因此,我们致力于为学生创造一个可以快速学习的环境,而且价格合理,一个人就可以轻松学习一门课程。 ESL 课程 ( 通用英语 ) ESL + CMAR / Conversation Management and Accent Reduction (发...
+1 (310) 887-0777Mentor Language Institute, LLC
- ! 针灸 / 骨质调理
我们作为木更津第一家私人教练工作室开业至今已有 10 年。 多亏了大家的支持,我们才能走到今天。 我们将继续按照您的意愿为您的身体提供支持。 我们为初学训练的人开设了新的初级课程。 如果您是初学者,请参加第一次试听,体验个人训练的好处。 我们期待您的到来。
- 2月4日开学 ! ・ 请注意 : 波士顿没有学校 SAPIX USA 是一所面向...
无需离开波士顿地区即可学习 SAPIX 课程 ! 提供常规在线课程、各种模拟考试和季节性课程。 请注意 : 波士顿地区没有学校。纽约学校和其他地点提供在线课程。 电话号码是纽约学校的。如有任何疑问,请联系纽约学校。 招收新生 ! 提供免费试听课程 ! 还提供冬季课程和考前课程 ! 联系我们 ・ 如需了解更多信息,请随时联系我们 ! 还提供免费学习辅导。 新学年 ・ 新学年从2...
+1 (914) 358-5337SAPIX USA
- 我们可以帮助您办理永久居留权、签证、离婚和成立公司。以良好的服务和合理的收费而享...
我们提供GREE卡、签证、离婚和公司成立等服务。 我们协助客户遍及美国、日本、亚洲、欧洲和许多其他地区 ! 我们,慧科法律解决方案,是加州注册移民顾问,洛杉矶县注册法律文件助理,这意味着我们是准备法律文件的专业人士。 我们提供法律文件准备・和申请・GREE卡(永久居留权),各种签证,公民身份,离婚申请,公司成立等。
考虑到客户的立场,我们为客户提供友好的支持。 请随时用日语... +1 (310) 400-2493WITH Legal Solutions
- 让您品尝四季美食的日本餐厅。商务娱乐、节日等庆祝活动 ・ 佛教追思会 ・ 团圆和...
本日本餐厅位于君津站前,步行 2 分钟即可到达。娱乐、庆典・、法律活动・、校友会等各种聚会均可使用。 备有包间。 可提供便利的桌椅座位或榻榻米房间式座位,请在预订时询问。 (使用包间时,请点套餐。 迷你怀石料理 2,750 日元起(含税) 套餐 4,400 日元起(含税)。 提供外卖和送餐服务,包括 Shokado 便当和寿司等。
+81-439-52-1010日本料理 和泉沢
- 提供报税、笔译、口译和医疗保险服务。提供日语、英语和西班牙语服务。还提供各类文件...
准确、迅速、礼貌,以客户为中心,找到最佳解决方案 ! 全年开放,即使在淡季也能立即响应,包括国税局信函 ! 提供旅行服务。 其他服务包括公证、翻译、医疗保险、记账和工资单 !。
- 漂流者队是圣地亚哥的一支软草棒球队。随时欢迎新成员 ! 如果你喜欢棒球,国籍 ・...
漂流者队是圣地亚哥的一支软草棒球队。我们一直在寻找新成员 ! 如果你喜欢棒球,就可以加入 ・ 国籍 ・ 年龄
不需要经验。我们每周日早上 8 点~集合并训练。欢迎家庭加入我们。球场旁边有一个公园,适合家庭娱乐。来吧,和我们一起在圣地亚哥的蓝天下!享受棒球的乐趣。 +1 (858) 334-5540サンディエゴ ドリフターズ
- Po-Tama 是唯一一家提供冲绳家庭喜爱的新鲜猪肉蛋饭团的特色餐厅。请与味噌汤...
Po-Tama 是唯一一家提供备受喜爱的冲绳 "猪肉蛋饭团"()的特色餐厅。它的饭团是用 Spam 和鸡蛋做成的。此外,任何人都可以在这些饭团中夹入来自不同文化的任何配料!,我们还提供夏威夷版本的饭团,配以味噌汤!。
+1 (808) 376-0435ポーたま
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Fremont building, lake, sign, police and fire employees, and business district. The Fremont Connection in Text with City of Fremont logo
November 22, 2024
Niles Festival of Lights [ ]
The Annual Niles Festival of Lights Parade
The holiday season is upon us! It's time for the annual Niles Festival of Lights Parade, brought to you by the Niles Main Street Association! The event will be held on Friday, November 29 beginning with the tree lighting at 6:00 pm followed by the Festival of Lights Holiday Parade at 6:30 pm.
*Additional Details* [ ]
orange traffic cones on street. In text: Special Event / Road Closure Planned. [ ]
Planned Road Closures for Niles Festival of Lights Parade on Friday, November 29
The following roads will be closed on Friday, November 29 from approximately 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm for the Niles Festival of Lights Parade.
* Niles Blvd., between “J” St. and Hillview Dr. in both directions. The intersection of Hillview will remain open for traffic
* Iron Horse Lane between “J” St and “F” St.
* “D,” “E,” “F,”, “G,” “H,” and “I” Street, between Second St and Niles Blvd.
* Iron Horse Lane between “F” St and “J” St.
* Sullivan Underpass
* Large City parking lot next to Niles Town Plaza
* Small City parking lot next to Niles Town Plaza
* J St. between Niles Blvd. and Second St. will close at the time of the tree lighting at approximately 6:00 pm and will remain closed until approximately 9:00 pm
Vehicles will not be allowed to enter Niles on Niles Blvd. (off Mission Blvd.) after 5:30 pm and Niles will only be accessible via Nursery Ave. and Niles Blvd. from the north during the parade.
The following roads will remain open:
* Nursery Ave.
* Niles Blvd. on the north-side of Hillview Dr.
* Hillview Dr.
* Second St.
Please drive carefully and plan accordingly for the closures and extra traffic.
Thanksgiving Camps [ ]
Register for Camps this Thanksgiving Break!
Thanksgiving break is right around the corner, and Recreation Services has you covered with a wide range of engaging camps for kids ages 5-16! From *November 25 to 27*, we’re offering exciting in-person camps featuring art, cooking, sports, and academic enrichment.
Registration is available online at ** [ ]. Don’t wait—secure your spot today and enjoy peace of mind knowing your child is safe, active, and inspired. For more details, visit *,* email ** or call 510-494-4300.
Happy Thanksgiving with autumn leaves
City Offices Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday
Happy Thanksgiving from the City of Fremont! City offices will be closed Thursday, November 28, and Friday, November 29 in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.
We hope everyone stays healthy and safe this holiday season!
Garbage, recycling, and composting carts set out at the curb
Thanksgiving Week Collection Schedule
During the week of Thanksgiving, Republic Services will collect garbage, recycling, and compost one day later than usual for Thursday and Friday customers. If your collection day falls on Thursday, November 28, your collection day will be Friday, November 29. If your collection day falls on Friday, November 29, your collection day will be Saturday, November 30.
Holidays at the Plaza [ ]
Holiday Magic is Coming to Downtown Fremont: Join Us On Friday, December 6!
Kick off the holiday season with Fremont's inaugural Holidays at the Plaza event on Friday, December 6, from 4:00 to 9:00 pm in Downtown Fremont! This free, family-friendly event offers a festive tree lighting ceremony, hot chocolate, a holiday market, photobooth, food trucks, and fun activities for kids. Plus, tickets are now live for the kids’ gingerbread cookie decorating activity—they’re going fast so secure your spot before they sell out! Plus, don’t miss a special visit from the Grinch! Holidays at the Plaza is the perfect way to make festive memories and celebrate the season with friends and family.
*Buy Tickets: Gingerbread Cookie Decorating* [ ]
*Event Details* [ ]
Small Business Saturday [ ]
November 30 is Small Business Saturday: Reminder To Shop Small and Locally
As Thanksgiving approaches each year, we are inundated with a flood of advertisements that extend through the holiday season. Black Friday has become a cultural phenomenon as the biggest shopping day of the year, while Cyber Monday continues to attract more attention online.
However, between these two days of frantic shopping is an important occasion that should not be overlooked: Small Business Saturday. In Fremont, small businesses are essential to our cultural identity, helping to cultivate a sense of belonging and community. By choosing to shop at these local establishments, you keep your money within the community, supporting a more sustainable and circular economy.
Fremont Police Department [ ]
FPD Announces Strategic Plan To Enhance Safety and Service
Fremont Police Department (FPD) unveiled its Strategic Plan for 2024-2027, building on the goals and objectives outlined in Police Chief Sean Washington’s 2021 Transition Plan and feedback from community members. In an effort to provide services and programs that increase efficiency, improve safety, and meet the needs of our diverse community, the plan centers on five goals:
* Mitigate the impact of crime and enhance community safety
* Enhance recruitment and retention strategies
* Provide staff support, wellness, training, mentoring and succession planning
* Work to enhance operational excellence, efficiency, and accountability
* Seek additional community engagement and communication opportunities
FPD is also pushing for national accreditation to fine-tune its operations in addition to expanding its use of digital media to stay connected with the community. With specific metrics to track progress, FPD is committed to adapting as priorities evolve and will provide annual updates to City leadership.
Over the next three years, the plan will help guide FPD in providing quality service and growing trust within our community. To view the plan and learn more about how FPD aims to achieve a safe, equitable, and effective form of policing, please visit **
Proposed Municipal Projects [!/ ]
Proposed Critical Municipal Facilities Project
The City has worked with Ava Community Energy (Ava), Fremont's electricity provider, to prepare plans and agreements for the installation of solar and battery storage systems at the following City facilities: Fire Station 1, Fire Station 9, the Fremont Family Resource Center, the Age Well Center at Lake Elizabeth, the Age Well Center at South Fremont, and the City-owned building at 37350 Joseph Street housing the Tri-City Volunteers Food Bank. The facilities would be part of a new Critical Municipal Facilities Project. The project would add resilience to municipal facilities, allowing them to operate emergency loads using solar and storage technologies during a power grid outage. It would also add clean, locally-produced power to the grid, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and providing savings on utility costs to the City. The project would be financed through a power purchase agreement between the City and Ava. The project is an implementation action of the City's updated Climate Action Plan and Hazard Mitigation Plan.
The Fremont City Council will consider approval of the project on Tuesday, December 3. The meeting will take place at 7:00 pm in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, located at 3300 Capitol Avenue. The meeting will also be held virtually via Zoom. The agenda will be available online at * [ ] *no later than Friday, November 29 at 5:00 pm. It will include a link to a staff report for more information and instructions on how to participate and provide public comment.
For questions or more information, contact Kranti Kapur, Sustainability Coordinator, at 510-494-4519 or by *email <>.*
sandbags, sand, shovel and 10 sandbags per household in text on sign [ ]
Sandbags Available for Fremont Residents and Businesses
Fremont residents and businesses may pick up a maximum of 10 sandbags per household/business at the three locations below (while supplies last). The City provides the sand and bags, but please remember to bring your own shovel.
* *City of Fremont Maintenance Yard: *42551 Osgood Rd.
* *Fire Station No. 5: *55 Hackamore Ln.
* *Fire Station No. 10: *5001 Deep Creek Rd.
Lone Tree [ ]
Lone Tree Creek Park Tree Planting
On Saturday November 9, the City’s Community Services and Maintenance Operations Departments partnered with local urban forestry nonprofit, Urban Forest Friends to plant 15 new trees in Lone Tree Creek Park. Grant funding for the trees came from CalFire. Urban Forest Friends organized the volunteers, and the City assisted with tools, aftercare, and technical advisory.
Tree species included camphor, black tupelo, gingko, and red oak. These were selected and located to maximize benefits such as shade and to enhance the character of the park. Trees do so much for our city including removing air pollution, cleaning water, reducing flooding, lowering sweltering summer temperatures, saving energy, and increasing the livability and adaptability of Fremont.
Grant funding remains for planting trees in Fremont and the City continues to explore opportunities to enhance canopy cover in public places.
If you would like to join hundreds of other residents and receive a free street tree, please contact *Fremont Urban Forestry* [ ]. The City can help you find the perfect species to reduce sidewalk damage or utility interference. All labor and materials are included as well as five-years of establishment maintenance. Hurry, as supplies are limited and requests are filled on a first-come-first-served basis.
Please also consider volunteering with *Urban Forest Friends [ ] *to help grow tree canopy and leave a lasting legacy for your community and neighborhood.
calendar and stars [ ]
Upcoming Events & Community Meetings
**November 7 Through December 14**: ** [ ]Olive Hyde Art Gallery Exhibition 'Connecting Cuts', Thursday through Sunday each week, 12:00 to 5:00 pm, Olive Hyde Art Gallery, 123 Washington Blvd.
*Thursday, November 28* [ ]*:* City offices closed in observance of Thanksgiving.
*Friday, November 29* [ ]*:* City offices closed for the day after Thanksgiving.
*Tuesday, December 3 [ ]*: City Council Meeting, at 7:00 pm, City Hall, 3300 Capitol Ave.
*Friday, December 6 [ ]*: Holidays at the Plaza from 4:00 to 9:00 pm, Downtown Event Center Plaza, 3500 Capitol Ave.
*Sunday, December 8 [ ]*: Twilight Time Holiday at the Patterson House from 4:30 to 7:30 pm, Ardenwood Historic Farm, 34600 Ardenwood Blvd.
*Monday, December 9 [ ]*: Bay Area Winter Job Fair, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, Downtown Event Center Plaza, 3500 Capitol Ave.
*Saturday, December 14 [ ]*: Open House at Nature Learning Center, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, 40224 Paseo Padre Pkwy.
*Tuesday, December 24 [ ]*: City offices closed for the day preceding Christmas.
*Wednesday, December 25 [ ]*: City offices closed for Christmas.
*Tuesday, December 31 [ ]*: City offices closed for day preceding New Year's Day.
In Case You Missed It:
Giving Hope 2024 [ ]: Join the City of Fremont's Human Services Department and make the holidays a little brighter for others in our community.
Fremont Approves Amendments to Parking Regulations [ ]
conversation bubbles, and my Fremont, my city, my voice in text [ ]
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