Let's Go, Nashville! Newsletter
- [สมาชิกที่ลงทะเบียน]City of Nashville
- [ภาษา]日本語
- [แอเรีย]Nashville, TN
- วันที่ลงทะเบียน : 2024/10/25
- วันที่โพสต์ : 2024/10/25
- วันเปลี่ยนแปลง : 2024/10/25
- จำนวนรวมของการเปิดดู : 49 คน
- หากท่านต้องค้นหาร้าน โปรดดู [คู่มือแนะนำตัวเมือง]
- ニューヨークのマンハッタンにある、日本語で診療が受けられる眼科。眼科一般診療(ド...
+1 (212) 500-1148アップル眼科 / Apple Ophthalmology
- 2011年より日本の方へ車のサービスを提供!愛車の高価買取り、新車の購入交渉、中...
お車の事ならハワイで希少な、日本語と英語の完璧なバイリンガルのAloha Auto Depotのコヤマまでご連絡ください。すぐに車を売りたい方は、迷わずご連絡ください。帰国日直前の引き取り、チェックでその日にお支払も可能!新車の購入の交渉や手続き、ご要望に合わせた中古車の販売など。車の売買に関しての面倒な手続きを全て請け負います。日本の方への7年間に及ぶ、車売買の経験と実績により、あなたの要望をお...
+1 (808) 304-6444アロハオートデポ | Aloha Auto Depot
+81-90-7208-2407Salon de yufa
- 千葉県木更津を中心にお庭などお家周りのリフォームします。50年の施工実績があり綺...
創業50年現在3代目になります。 斉藤ではお客様のご要望を第一に考えお客様の満足の行くようなプランをご提案させて頂きます。 お気軽にご相談ください。・お見積り無料・ 小さい工事から大きい工事その他色々なご相談に乗ります。 皆様のご依頼を心よりお待ちしております!エクステリア・新規外構工事・お庭のリフォーム・外構工事または内装タイル工事・内装左官工事・フェンス・ウッドデッキ・ガレージ・物置・人工芝・...
- 法律に関するご質問は、弊社まで日本語でお気軽にお問い合わせください。会社法、移民...
+1 (415) 398-8508広田・工藤法律事務所
- 想像力や思考力が豊かになり自信たっぷりの子ども達に成長して欲しい!アメリカ社会の...
+1 (310) 257-8880こぐま幼稚園
- 安心のクロネコヤマト。日本へのお届け物は私達にお任せ下さい!(安心の日本語対応)...
安心のクロネコヤマト「場所に届けるんじゃない。人に届けるんだ」日本にお荷物を届けるなら安心のクロネコヤマトにお任せ下さい!大きなお荷物から小さなお荷物まで安全にお荷物をお届けいたします。サービスも全て日本語なので安心!ヤマトはここが違う!■ 完全担当制■ 全て日本語でのサービス■ 多様なオプションサービス
+1 (614) 850-7370米国 ヤマト運輸 コロンバス支店
- At Home Experience Omakase / The Quinte...
Every Dish is a Love LetterOur passions and pursuits for the highest experience in Japanese cuisine led to our founding of Tomokase. We specialize in serving memories that embrace all senses as part o...
+1 (646) 661-3260Tomokase / Omakase at Home
- ダラスに来たら有名人も立ち寄るお店!日本人シェフによる本格的なお寿司がリーズナブ...
★HAPPY HOUR★Everyday 5:00pm - 7:00pm and 9:00pm to CloseSake $2.00Domestic Beer $2.50House Wine $3.00Well $3.75Edamame $2.00日替わりランチスペシャルお寿司以外にも日本のメニューが豊富です。うどん、カレー、どんぶり、焼魚、しゃぶしゃぶ、すきやき、など日本の味をご用意しております...
+1 (972) 385-0168Mr. Sushi Japanese Restaurant
- "米国でNO.1の生殖補助医療企業に選ばれた"代理出産、配偶子提供のプロフェッシ...
+1 (949) 418-8146Angels Creation Reproductive Center Inc
- TV番組のお取り寄せサイトでも紹介されている人気の人気NO.1のスモークBBQチ...
+81-4-7093-1432GuriGuri house & wagon
+1 (503) 644-9579ポートランド日本人商工会
- 海外結婚相談所・国際結婚相談所・TJMは、幸せなご縁をグローバルにつなぐ結婚相談...
+1 (443) 470-5750海外結婚相談所・TJM(旧Kaiwa-USA)
- 日々の会計業務でお困りですか?全米の企業様向けに、記帳代行/ブックキーピング、会...
どんな小さなことでもご相談いただける、より身近な存在でありたいと願っております。お気軽にご相談ください。こんなお悩みございませんか?・会計業務に不慣れで、処理に時間がかかる・急に経理担当者が辞めてしまった・人手不足で業務が回らない ・会計/経理部門のコストを削減したい ・会計事務所の監査の対応・資料作りに苦慮している ・会計事務所に会計業務を委託しているが、経営状態の把握や会計データの利用ができて...
+1 (917) 686-1003Booksavers, Inc.
- おしゃれな雰囲気と、居酒屋メニューのベストマッチングをお楽しみください。
+1 (212) 986-2800WANO
View this email in your browser (https://mailchi.mp/nashville/icymi-update-oct25-13884734?e=228bd066b9)
NDOT builds and manages a safe, reliable public network which elevates the quality of life and prosperity in Davidson County.
** Open Streets Antioch Pike: November 3
The final Open Streets event of the year is here!
Join us and Walk Bike Nashville (https://www.walkbikenashville.org/) as we temporarily close Antioch Pike to cars from Wright Middle to Glencliff Elementary on Sunday, November 3 from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Open Streets gives everyone a chance to reconnect with their community, get active, support local businesses, and play in the streets!
Our Vision Zero (https://www.nashville.gov/departments/transportation/plans-and-programs/vision-zero) , Nashville Connector (https://www.nashville.gov/departments/transportation/plans-and-programs/transportation-demand) , and Metro Beautification (https://www.nashville.gov/departments/transportation/community-beautification) staff will be in attendance to provide information about our programs and how you can get involved. Come out and learn more about what we do!
* Learn more about Open Streets (https://www.openstreetsnashville.org/)
* Learn more about the Antioch Pike Tactical Urbanism Project. (https://publicinput.com/d4004)
** Tactical Urbanism Program: Awarded Projects
This week we announced the awardees of its first Tactical Urbanism Program project cycle.
Tactical Urbanism projects are community-led, temporary installations which aim to test modifications to roadway designs or beautify an area using low-cost materials. NDOT originally planned to support four projects for this first cycle, but due to a high number of strong applications, 14 community-led projects will soon be implemented throughout the city. Each awardee will be provided with up to $20,000 to support the installation of their respective project.
Relevant News Coverage:
* NDOT picks 14 winners for their Inaugural Tactical Urbanism Program (https://www.newschannel5.com/news/ndot-picks-14-winners-for-their-inaugural-tactical-urbanism-program) (WTVF)
* NDOT names 14 Tactical Urbanism projects as first-cycle awardees (https://www.wkrn.com/news/local-news/nashville/ndot-tactical-urbanism-awardees-oct-2024/) (WKRN)
** Nashville Streetlight Retrofit Project
Earlier this year we began to implement the Nashville Streetlight Retrofit Project (https://www.nashvillestreetlights.com/) in partnership with the Mayor's Office and Nashville Electric Service (NES). This project is an overhaul of our current system that will provide Nashvillians with brighter and safer roadways in alignment with Vision Zero (https://www.nashville.gov/departments/transportation/plans-and-programs/vision-zero) .
Conversions began in the northernmost areas of the City, with progress flowing clockwise throughout project phases. NDOT along with the Vision Zero Advisory Committee (VZAC) (https://www.nashville.gov/departments/transportation/plans-and-programs/vision-zero/advisory-committee) identified locations on the high injury network (HIN) that will be upgraded outside of the conversion schedule to improve safety on our roadways.
The following locations have been submitted to NES:
* Murfreesboro Pike from Spence Lane to Thompson Lane
* Charlotte from George L Davis Blvd to 22^nd Ave
* Murfreesboro from Bell Road to Hamilton Church Road
* Harding Place from Antioch Pike to Linbar Drive
* Nolensville Pike from Harrison Street to Alice Ave.
** Take the Vision Zero Pledge
Together we can make a difference!
Vision Zero Nashville is a Metro-wide initiative spearhead by NDOT in partnership with the Mayor's Office, community organizations, businesses, and residents. Vision Zero is achievable through collective effort and behavior change. Everyone has a role to play in creating safer roads because safety benefits everyone.
Take the Vision Zero Pledge. (https://www.nashville.gov/departments/transportation/plans-and-programs/vision-zero/vision-zero-pledge)
Potholes and Litter: By the Numbers
Potholes Filled
From 10/4/24 thru 10/17/24: 858
YTD: 33,125 (Jan 1, 2024)
Litter Collected
From 10/4/24 thru 10/17/24: 43.97 tons collected over 736.71 miles
** Join Our Team
NDOT is hiring for the following positions:
* Compliance Inspector 2-Enforcement (https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/nashville/jobs/4393515/compliance-inspector-2-ndot-enforcement)
* Engineer In Training (https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/nashville/jobs/3974921/engineer-in-training-nashville-department-of-transportation-ndot)
* Grants Coordinator (https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/nashville/jobs/4704272/grants-coordinator-prg-mgr-1) : closing 11/2/24
We are an equal opportunity employer that values diversity at all levels.
Upcoming Events (https://www.nashville.gov/departments/transportation/events)
Weekly Construction Activities Report (https://www.nashville.gov/sites/default/files/2024-10/Construction_Activities_OCT252024.pdf?ct=1729879356)
Sidewalks and Bikeways Tracker (http://mpw.nashville.gov/walknbike/)
Traffic Calming Project Tracker (https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/d5ecf3b1319647e986771823f79ebfda)
Roadway Closures (https://www.nashville.gov/departments/transportation/road-closures)
Parking in Nashville (https://www.nashville.gov/departments/transportation/traffic-and-parking/parking)
hubNashville: One Stop Shop for Metro and NDOT Issues
All NDOT requests and issues should be reported via hubNashville by:
Calling 311 (M-F from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Visiting hub.Nashville.gov (https://us10.admin.mailchimp.com/campaigns/hub.Nashville.gov) (24/7)
Downloading the hubNashville app (24/7)
** Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/NashvilleDOT)
** Twitter (https://twitter.com/NashvilleDOT)
** Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/nashvilledot/)
** Website (https://www.nashville.gov/departments/transportation)
This is an official news communication from the Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure (NDOT). You received this email because you subscribed to our eNews service or signed up to receive updates at an NDOT event.
Add ndotcommunications@nashville.gov to your address book to ensure you receive our emails in your inbox.
Have questions about our newsletter? Email
** ndotcommunications@Nashville.gov (mailto:ndotcommunications@Nashville.gov)
** Subscribe to the Let's Go, Nashville! Newsletter (https://mailchi.mp/3a72efb32189/ndotnewsletter)
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Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure . 750 S 5th St . Nashville, TN 37206-3805 . USA