City News: This Isn’t Your Mom’s Home Ec Class
- [등록자]City of Orlando
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]Orlando, MIA
- 등록일 : 2024/09/20
- 게재일 : 2024/09/20
- 변경일 : 2024/09/20
- 총열람수 : 107 명
- 가게를 검색하고 싶을 땐 <타운가이드>
- 호르몬 × 사케를 맛볼 수 있는 가게 '숯불구이 ・ 와나' 호르몬이라고 ...
호르몬 × 사케를 맛볼 수 있는 가게 '숯불구이 ・ 와나' 호르몬이라고 하면 맥주나 사와를 주문하는 사람이 많지만, 사케도 잘 어울린다. 각 테이블에는 덕트가 설치되어 있어 눈앞에 있는 나나리에서 구워 먹으면서 한잔. 시치나와이기 때문에 맛볼 수 있는 맛을 만끽할 수 있다.
- San Jose의 전통 있는 정통 이자카야입니다. 메뉴가 다양하고 일본인...
메뉴가 풍부하고 초밥도 맛있는 이자카야 《IZAKA-YA》라는 이름의 이자카야입니다. 베이 지역에서는 드물게 밤 11시까지 영업하고 있습니다. 맛있는 일식이 먹고 싶을 때, 일본 이자카야의 분위기가 그리울 때, 부담 없이 방문해 주세요. 직원 일동은 여러분을 기다리고 있습니다!
+1 (408) 452-8751Izaka-ya
- 당신만의 스타일을 위해, 두피와 모발의 건강을 위해, 본원에서는 트렌드를...
당신만의 스타일을 위해, 두피와 모발의 건강을 위해, 본점에서는 트렌드를 반영하면서 사용하는 컬러와 파마제까지 신경을 써서 힐링의 공간을 제공하고 있습니다. 일본의 의료용 가발 회사와의 제휴가 시작되어 부분, 전체 가발이 필요한 분들에게 전달해 드립니다. 부담없이 상담해 주십시오. 가게 안은 하와이안 스타일의 아늑한 분위기입니다. 편안한 공간에서 헤어...
+1 (408) 921-4354Pono Hair Salon
- 일본어 가이드 투어로 가이드북에 실리지 않은 에피소드를 들으며 감동적인 ...
1945년 9월 2일 도쿄만에 정박 중인 전함 미주리호에서 항복문서 조인식을 가짐으로써 제2차 세계대전이 공식적으로 종결되었다. 현재 전함 미주리는 1941년 12월 7일 진주만 공격으로 침몰한 전함 애리조나와 함께 2차 세계대전의 시작과 끝을 상징하는 형태로 마주보고 진주만에 정박해 있다. 전함 미주리호는 세계에서 가장 마지막까지 현역으로 활약한 미국 전...
(808) 455-1600Battleship Missouri Memorial
- 하와이 ・ 카파후루가 줄을 서는 인기 돈가스집입니다. 전화 주문 테이크아...
하와이에서 본격적인 돈가스를 드실 수 있습니다 ! 테이크아웃도 가능합니다 ☆ 이제부터는 기다릴 필요 없이 갓 만든 돈가스를 드실 수 있습니다 ! 돈카츠 타마후지는 홋카이도 삿포로시에서 창업을 시작하여 올해로 개업한지 100주년을 맞이했습니다. ⧏33⧐ year ⧏35⧐ 년 ⧏34⧐ ・ ・ ・ 그 생각에서 해외 1호점으로 하와이 호놀룰루시에 '타마...
+1 (808) 922-1212とんかつ玉藤
- 공항픽업, 시찰 ・ 관광투어 등 다양한 픽업 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다....
SUV, 스프린터 밴 등 이용 인원과 용도에 따라 최적의 차종을 선택할 수 있습니다.
+1 (800) 794-0994AM World Express
- 재택 간호가 필요하십니까 ? 일본어와 영어를 구사하는 케어기버가 귀하의 ...
서비스 내용 * 식사 준비, 간병, 쇼핑, 가사 보조, 집안 안전 확인, 동행 등의 서비스 * 목욕 보조, 보행 보조, 청결 보조, 옷 갈아입히기 등의 개인 서비스
헌신적인 직원 * 각 직원은 주정부에 등록하고, 지문 인증, 건강검진, 투베르쿨린 검사를 마친 상태입니다. 서비스 지역, 시간 * 사우스베이를 중심으로 로스앤젤레스 카... +1 (310) 782-7979HOPE International Homecare, Inc.
- 日本語と英語の両語で保育。地球視野でもって考えられる子どもを育てます。
+1 (310) 325-8536Education Link Bilingual pre-school
- 메디케어 플래닝 서비스를 일본어로 제공합니다. 플랜의 검토, 변경을 원하...
65세부터 시작되는 메디케어에 대해 고민이 있으신가요? ? 하와이 시니어 여러분께 메디케어에 대한 설명과 플랜 신청을 일본어로 도와드리며, 65세가 되기 전에 연락주세요. 미국 메디케어 보험이 어렵다, 제대로 가입할 수 있을지 불안하다, 부모님의 메디케어 보험을 재검토하고 싶다 등 메디케어에 대한 고민을 해결해 드립니다. 다년간의 경험과 실적을 바탕으로 ...
+1 (808) 265-9097保険ヘルスケアエージェント (メディケアプランニング)中島久夫 | IOH (Insurance Options Hawaii)
- 미국에서도 안심하고 인쇄할 수 있는 일본어 지원
누구나 원하는 인쇄물을 주문할 수 있습니다. 명함이나 봉투가 금방 없어지는데 쉽게 인쇄할 수 없을까 … . 브로셔나 전단지를 업체에 주문하고 싶은데 어려울 것 같아 … . 이런 고민을 가지고 있는 고객님들도 이제 안심하세요. 간단한 인터넷 주문으로 고품질의 제품을 받아보실 수 있습니다.
- 하와이 첫 상륙 ! 한국 NO.1 프라이드치킨 전문점] 한류 드라마 '사...
하와이 첫 상륙 ! 한국 NO.1 프라이드치킨 전문점] 한류 드라마 '사랑의 불시착'에 등장해 화제가 된 bb.q = Best of the Best Quality의 프라이드치킨을 맛보세요 ! 치킨 윙/통닭
샌드위치 떡볶이 플레이트 런치 플레이트 런치 +1 (808) 888-3532bb.q CHICKEN - Hawaii
- 미국 LA 토랜스에 위치한 일본계 종합 내과 및 소화기내과 병원.
저희 병원은 2001년 LA 교외의 토랜스에서 일본어로 진료를 받을 수 있도록 설립되었으며, 일본어로 진료를 받을 수 있는 일반 내과 내과 ( 1차 진료, 가정의학과, 내과 ) & 소화기내과 ( 소화기내과 ) 병원입니다. 예약부터 상담, 진료, 검사까지 모두 일본어로 가능하니 부담 없이 전화해 주세요. 필요한 경우, 신뢰할 수 있는 병원을 소개해 드립니다....
+1 (310) 534-8200大里メディカルクリニック
- 매일 아침 매장에서 직접 만드는 수제면. 한길만 걸어온 30년의 장인정신...
30년 경력의 일본인 오너의 일본식 환대와 정성을 찾는 현지 고객들이 많이 찾는 편안한 분위기의 가게입니다. 대부분의 일본인이 좋아하는 쫄깃쫄깃한 츄카소바를 먼저 맛보시기 바랍니다. 직접 만든 점보 만두도 추천 ‼︎ 도쿄 도내에 4곳의 매장을 두고 1994년부터 이어져 온 원조 도쿄 돈코츠 라멘 가게의 해외 1호점. 일본인 오너의 일본식 환대와 정...
+1 (310) 448-8886VENICE RAMEN
- 최고의 송영 서비스, 전세 서비스를 합리적인 가격으로 제공해 드리고 있습...
저희 타운가이드를 찾아주셔서 감사합니다. 최고의 서비스를 합리적인 가격으로 제공하고 있습니다. 요금체계는 계절에 따라 달라지므로 견적문의는 이메일 또는 전화로 문의해 주시기 바랍니다. 웹사이트 www.sblag.com 도 참조하시기 바랍니다. 당사는 팁이 포함된 요금으로 ! 안심하고 이용하실 수 있습니다.
+1 (310) 508-9272Akihira Enterprise Limousine Service
News from the City of Orlando
** September 20, 2024
Life skills are important, but they can be kind of like a Swiss Army knife – handy to have, but sometimes a bit of a puzzle to figure out. While school may teach some variations of cooking, sewing or shop, we’re here to help you learn some other practical skills that can make life just a little easier.
** Know when to trash’em and when to recycle’em
Our landfills are chock full of things that shouldn’t be there. And a lot of those things can actually be reused or recycled! On October 12, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at Orlando Festival Park, join Keep Orlando Beautiful for their FREE curbside drop-off textile and electronic recycling event.
Instead of festival goers, the park will be filled with pallets of old televisions, outdated computers and unwanted clothes, shoes and bedding. And it’s all part of the effort to make Orlando the most sustainable city in the southeast.
Some items accepted include:
* Computers
* Laptops
* Mobile devices
* Monitors
* Telephones
* Flat screen televisions
* Office equipment
* Clothes and shoes
* Bedding and curtains
* Stuffed animals
* Printers
Get a full list of acceptable items at orlando.gov (https://www.orlando.gov/Our-Government/Departments-Offices/Public-Works/Streets-and-Stormwater-Division/Keep-Orlando-Beautiful/Electronic-Waste-and-Textile-Recycling-Event?utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=3afe2c8399-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-3afe2c8399-80648119&mc_cid=3afe2c8399&mc_eid=UNIQID)
** Tinkering isn’t a pastime, it’s a necessity
Speaking of reuseable wares, how many times have you thrown something out simply because it broke? In partnership with other local municipalities, we’re hosting Fix It! Don’t Pitch It, a unique community event. Individuals are encouraged to bring common household items, such as electronics, bicycles, jewelry and more, that are in need of minor repairs to be fixed by one of our volunteer fixers from the community. The next Fix It! Don’t Pitch It event is September 28 (https://www.ocfl.net/Environment/FixItDontPitchIt.aspx?utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=3afe2c8399-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-3afe2c8399-80648119&mc_cid=3afe2c8399&mc_eid=UNIQID) with Orange County.
But before we can fix it all here in the city (our events will start in November), we need some help! Have a knack for repairing broken items? Volunteer your time and skills to help bring new life to items by diverting them from the landfill. Sign Up through Orlando Cares to become a volunteer at one of the upcoming Fix It! Don't Pitch It events.
Sign up to be a fixer at volunteer.orlando.gov (https://volunteer.orlando.gov/custom/501/opp_details/3136?utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=3afe2c8399-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-3afe2c8399-80648119&mc_cid=3afe2c8399&mc_eid=UNIQID)
** Become a new plant parent at the McQuigg Plant Swap
Looking to expand your plant collection? Join us on September 30 to swap extra plants you have for different varieties and meet fellow plant enthusiasts. This plant swap is from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.at McQuigg Urban Farm, 716 West Jefferson Street. There will also be a propagation demo from a plant expert at 11 a.m.
Register now (https://www.orlando.gov/Events/McQuigg-Urban-Farm-Plant-Swap?utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=3afe2c8399-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-3afe2c8399-80648119&mc_cid=3afe2c8399&mc_eid=UNIQID)
** Get lessons on urban farming
The McQuigg Urban Farm is the place to be for urban farmers! Join us on October 17 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. for the fall session of the Food and Livability Lesson Series. This free event will showcase how to grow food in urban gardens and hydroponic systems while exploring apiary management. There will be fresh produce and hands-on activities to take a deeper dive into gardening techniques. Space is limited, free to attend, so reserve your spot today!
Whether you are an avid gardener or just starting out, these lessons are tailored for anyone with a passion of learning new techniques.
Have any single use plastic containers or sauce jars? Bring them to the event and we will re-use them for our gleaned produce.
Register for this session (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/food-and-livability-lesson-fall-session-tickets-999558395067?aff=ebdssbdestsearch&utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=3afe2c8399-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-3afe2c8399-80648119&mc_cid=3afe2c8399&mc_eid=UNIQID)
** Lake clean ups are good for everyone
We're looking for volunteers and local environmental groups to join Keep Orlando Beautiful, and the Orlando City Soccer Organization, on Wednesday, September 24, from 3 to 5 p.m. to help us clean up Lake Lorna Doone as part of the Orlando Lakes Cleanup event series.
The Orlando Lakes Cleanup is not just a cleanup – it is an opportunity to raise awareness about microplastics in our waterways, the importance of reducing and re-using, and the connection between our streets, lakes, and oceans. Free reusables like metal straws, bags, and bottles are provided to all attendees so they can further their waste reduction actions after the cleanup.
Visit orlando.gov/KOB to sign up (https://www.orlando.gov/Events/Orlando-Lakes-Clean-Up-Lake-Lorna-Doone?utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=3afe2c8399-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-3afe2c8399-80648119&mc_cid=3afe2c8399&mc_eid=UNIQID)
** You have to start somewhere
We're proud and honored to congratulate local biz, Kismet Technologies, for winning the Regional Finals of the Startup World Cup, hosted at the Orlando Science Center.
Kismet Technologies is a homegrown company that is revolutionizing the way we approach disinfectants in our modern-day world. With a PhD in Material Science and Engineering from UCF, Dr. Christina Drake invented a new way to synthesize specific nanoparticles that could effectively eradicate most viruses and bacteria. And as a mom, it was important for her product to not only be effective, but as safe as water. The result was her NanoRAD technology – a self-disinfecting, transparent coating that is applied to everyday surfaces and will continue to self-disinfect for months at a time.
Kismet Technologies is advancing on to participate in the Grand Finale of the Startup World Cup in San Francisco, where they will compete for a $1,000,000 investment prize.
The Startup World Cup is a global conference and competition designed to foster innovation and entrepreneurship by bringing together startups, venture capitalists, entrepreneurs and top-tier technology CEOs from around the world.
** 40 years of small business support
As we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the City of Orlando's Minority Business Enterprises Division (MBE), we're shining a light on one of the success stories behind our most impactful program - the Minority Women and Business Enterprises (MWBE) program. This initiative ensures equal contracting opportunities for incredible businesses like Mims Construction, led by owner Lynn Mims.
Founded 35 years ago, Mims Construction is now one of Florida's leading construction firms. In the early 2000s, Lynn remembers attending community meetings and workshops in anticipation of the launch of the City of Orlando’s new MWBE certification program. More than a decade later, Lynn and Mims Construction remains an MWBE certified company.
Over the years, Mims Construction has contributed significantly to Orlando's growth, completing projects in education, airports, and infrastructure, allowing Lynn to witness how her projects directly impact our community. Beyond her business achievements, she's also passionate about giving back. Mims Construction offers in-house apprenticeship and job training programs, providing opportunities for students and individuals with a criminal history.
Lynn's success is a testament to the effectiveness of the MWBE program and the resilience of women entrepreneurs. As we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the MBE, we're grateful for the more than 500 businesses that have been empowered by this initiative.
To learn more about the MWBE program and how it's supporting businesses like Mims Construction, visit orlando.gov/MWBE. For more information on Mims Construction, check out mimsconstruction.com.
** Things You Should Know
* Get your tickets for Leu Gardens’ Happy Frights Haunting Nights (https://www.leugardens.org/happy-frights-haunting-nights-september-27-october-31/?utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=3afe2c8399-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-3afe2c8399-80648119&mc_cid=3afe2c8399&mc_eid=UNIQID)
* Celebrate Hispanic Heritage with us (https://www.orlandoweekly.com/arts/orlandos-hispanic-heritage-month-art-exhibit-now-open-through-november-37812750?utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=3afe2c8399-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-3afe2c8399-80648119&mc_cid=3afe2c8399&mc_eid=UNIQID)
* Those storms are popping up all over the place, make sure you’re prepared (https://www.orlando.gov/Our-Government/Departments-Offices/Public-Works/Solid-Waste/Hurricane-Preparedness?utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=3afe2c8399-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-3afe2c8399-80648119&mc_cid=3afe2c8399&mc_eid=UNIQID)
* RSVP to join us at Boards and Brews to learn more about Citizen Advisory Boards (https://www.orlando.gov/Events/Boards-and-Brews?utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=3afe2c8399-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-3afe2c8399-80648119&mc_cid=3afe2c8399&mc_eid=UNIQID)
* Do you know your voter registration status? (https://www.ocfelections.com/?utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=3afe2c8399-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-3afe2c8399-80648119&mc_cid=3afe2c8399&mc_eid=UNIQID)
* Register now for the Veterans Day Parade (https://www.orlando.gov/Events/2024-Veterans-Day-Parade?utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=3afe2c8399-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-3afe2c8399-80648119&mc_cid=3afe2c8399&mc_eid=UNIQID)
* The next Pulse Memorial Advisory Committee meetings are next week (https://www.pulseorlando.org/Events/Pulse-Memorial-Advisory-Committee-Meetings?utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=3afe2c8399-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-3afe2c8399-80648119&mc_cid=3afe2c8399&mc_eid=UNIQID)
* Get your blood pressure checked and learn CPR on World Heart Day (https://www.orlando.gov/Events/World-Heart-Day-2024?utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=3afe2c8399-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-3afe2c8399-80648119&mc_cid=3afe2c8399&mc_eid=UNIQID)
** Now Hiring
Are you in the market for a new job that is meaningful and offers challenging work? Are you looking to fill your cup with work that makes your community better? Check out these positions with the City of Orlando:
* Event Parking Specialist (https://cityoforlando.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/CityofOrlandoCareers/job/Orlando---FL/Event-Parking-Specialist_R532934?utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=3afe2c8399-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-3afe2c8399-80648119&mc_cid=3afe2c8399&mc_eid=UNIQID) – Parking
* Tennis Centre Manager (https://cityoforlando.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/CityofOrlandoCareers/job/Orlando---FL/Tennis-Centre-Manager_R532493?xCF_LRV_Job_Posting_Job_Req_Business_Unit_Extended=aa7c6c3e503d10636ab3da7ff778392b&utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=3afe2c8399-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-3afe2c8399-80648119&mc_cid=3afe2c8399&mc_eid=UNIQID) – Recreation
* Seasonal Zamboni Driver (https://cityoforlando.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/CityofOrlandoCareers/job/Kia-Center/Seasonal-Zamboni-Driver_R533009?xCF_LRV_Job_Posting_Job_Req_Business_Unit_Extended=aa7c6c3e503d10636ab3e796fad83934&utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=3afe2c8399-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-3afe2c8399-80648119&mc_cid=3afe2c8399&mc_eid=UNIQID) – Orlando Venues
* Maintenance Worker- 3rd Shift (https://cityoforlando.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/CityofOrlandoCareers/job/Orlando---FL/Maintenance-Worker--3rd-Shift_R532966?xCF_LRV_Job_Posting_Job_Req_Business_Unit_Extended=aa7c6c3e503d10636ab39d4c1ad03904&utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=3afe2c8399-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-3afe2c8399-80648119&mc_cid=3afe2c8399&mc_eid=UNIQID) – Community Redevelopment
View all jobs (https://cityoforlando.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/CityofOrlandoCareers/?utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=3afe2c8399-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-3afe2c8399-80648119&mc_cid=3afe2c8399&mc_eid=UNIQID)
** Events
Public Board Meetings
Visit orlando.gov/publicmeetings (https://www.orlando.gov/Our-Government/Public-Meetings?utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=3afe2c8399-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-3afe2c8399-80648119&mc_cid=3afe2c8399&mc_eid=UNIQID)
for more meetings and location details
* City Council Meeting and Agenda Review
September 23, 1 p.m.
* City Council Budget Hearing #2
September 23, 5:01 p.m.
* 1st Committee Meeting for RQS24-0365
September 24, 1 p.m.
* Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA)
September 24, 2 p.m.
* 3rd Advisory Committee Meeting RFP24-0215
September 24, 3 p.m.
* Mayor's Committee on Livability & Healthy Aging
September 25, 9 a.m.
* Downtown Development Board/CRA Advisory Board Meeting
September 25, 3 p.m.
* Pulse Memorial Advisory Committee Meeting
September 25, 4 p.m.
* Mayor Dyer and Commissioner Gray Meeting
September 26, 11:30 a.m.
* Pulse Memorial Advisory Committee Meeting
September 26, 4 p.m.
* Civil Service Board
September 26, 6 p.m.
Hispanic Heritage Month Art Exhibit (http://orlando.gov/hispanicheritage?utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=3afe2c8399-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-3afe2c8399-80648119&mc_cid=3afe2c8399&mc_eid=UNIQID)
September 17 - November 3
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
City Hall - Terrace Gallery
400 South Orange Avenue
Miles To Go Run/Walk (https://runsignup.com/Race/FL/Orlando/5KMilesToGo?utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=3afe2c8399-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-3afe2c8399-80648119&mc_cid=3afe2c8399&mc_eid=UNIQID)
September 21
8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Bill Frederick Park
3401 South Hiawassee Road
OFD Station 3 Open House (https://www.orlando.gov/Events/OFD-Station-3-Open-House?utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=3afe2c8399-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-3afe2c8399-80648119&mc_cid=3afe2c8399&mc_eid=UNIQID)
September 21
11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Fire Station 3
2406 North Elizabeth Avenue
African Heritage Festival (https://www.orlando.gov/Events/The-African-Heritage-Festival?utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=3afe2c8399-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-3afe2c8399-80648119&mc_cid=3afe2c8399&mc_eid=UNIQID)
September 21
12 - 8 p.m.
Luminary Green Park
437 North Terry Avenue
Baldwin Park Community Market (https://www.orlando.gov/Events/Baldwin-Park-Community-Market-SeptOct?utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=3afe2c8399-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-3afe2c8399-80648119&mc_cid=3afe2c8399&mc_eid=UNIQID)
September 21
5:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Harbor Park
4982 New Broad Street
Orlando Farmers Market (https://www.orlando.gov/Events/Downtown-Orlando-Farmers-Market?utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=3afe2c8399-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-3afe2c8399-80648119&mc_cid=3afe2c8399&mc_eid=UNIQID)
September 22
10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Lake Eola Park
20 North Eola Drive
Audubon Park Community Market (https://audubonmarket.com/?utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=3afe2c8399-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-3afe2c8399-80648119&mc_cid=3afe2c8399&mc_eid=UNIQID)
September 23
5 - 8 p.m.
Stardust Video & Coffee
1842 East Winter Park Road
Fall Vegetable Gardening, In-Person Class (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fall-vegetable-gardening-in-person-class-tickets-939685724297?aff=ebdsoporgprofile&utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=3afe2c8399-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-3afe2c8399-80648119&mc_cid=3afe2c8399&mc_eid=UNIQID)
September 26
10 - 11:30 a.m.
UF IFAS Extension Orange County
6021 South Conway Road
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** Link (https://www.instagram.com/thecitybeautiful/?utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=3afe2c8399-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-3afe2c8399-80648119&mc_cid=3afe2c8399&mc_eid=UNIQID)
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