Budget proposal, federal climate action, holiday travel, graffiti drones, high-speed rail
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Inslee releases future-focused budget proposal, highlights the growing costs of income inequality
Gov. Jay Inslee released a balanced budget proposal this week that protects progress on the programs and services that working families and businesses depend on — public safety, education, early learning, housing and behavioral health. Washington is among several states facing a budget shortfall and Inslee sought to hold steady or minimize reductions to priority areas.
“Rolling back our work in areas like mental health, housing and education is not something we can afford, particularly at the moment we’re finally seeing the results of years of work and investments,” Inslee said. “This is a budget that keeps us moving forward, puts working families first, and continues creating a fairer tax system.”
Earlier this month, Inslee directed a freeze on non-essential hiring and spending, a move that will result in savings while the Legislature considers spending plans. Overall, Inslee is proposing about $2.0 billion in reductions or delayed implementation of certain programs over the next four years.
To address the remaining gap, Inslee proposed a merger of the state’s LEOFF 1 and LEOFF 2 pension plans which allows a one-time shift of $1 billion to the general fund while still leaving a surplus in the combined LEOFF system. He is also proposing a new wealth tax and B&O tax changes. Over four years, the wealth tax would generate $10.3 billion and the B&O tax would raise about $2.6 billion.
Washington’s tax system is among America’s most regressive – those with the least are taxed the most. The wealth tax would impose a modest 1% tax on just 3,400 Washingtonians who have amassed more than $100 million in global wealth.
Inslee said this proposal avoids the damaging cuts lawmakers have made in the recent past. When Inslee came into office in 2013, Washington state was working its way out of the Great Recession. The Legislature reduced state spending by more than $11 billion — cuts that were necessary at the time, but led to damaging gaps in Washington’s mental health, education, higher education, and health care systems.
It took nearly a decade for Inslee and legislators to rebuild to pre-recession levels, let alone keep up with the state’s population growth. And now, possible Trump cuts to safety net programs could further strain the state’s ability to support low-income and working families.
* *Read the full story on Gov. Jay Inslee’s Medium* [ https://medium.com/wagovernor/inslee-releases-future-focused-budget-proposal-highlights-the-growing-costs-of-income-inequality-1edf54c82efa?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
* *Highlights of Gov. Inslee’s proposed 2025–27 budget* [ https://ofm.wa.gov/budget/state-budgets/gov-inslees-proposed-2025-27-budgets/highlights?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
A graph shows that the wealthiest Washingtonians enjoy the lowest taxation.
Biden Administration keeps the pedal to the metal on emissions reduction
It was a big week for national climate news. On Wednesday, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approved California’s maneuver to accelerate the transition to zero-emissions vehicles [ https://usclimatealliance.org/press-releases/statement-epa-ca-accii-waiver-grant-dec-2024/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]. And on Thursday, the Biden Administration announced new climate targets [ https://grist.org/climate/biden-just-set-a-big-new-climate-goal-can-the-u-s-achieve-it/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] that would see the U.S. slash emissions by up to 66% in 2035.
The State of California adopted its Advanced Clean Cards II (ACC II) regulations in 2022. The law supports California’s requirement that by 2035, all new passenger cars, trucks, and SUVs sold in the state will be emissions-free. Eleven other states have adopted ACC II’s regulations, including Washington. The EPA’s decision on Wednesday granted California a waiver of preemption [ https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-grants-waiver-californias-advanced-clean-cars-ii-regulations?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] from federal motor vehicle emissions standards, allowing all ACC II states to adopt these more ambitious goals.
Thursday’s announcement of updated climate targets set the nation on a course to cut emissions 66 percent by 2035 and reach net zero by 2050. When making their announcement, the White House emphasized the important role states will play in meeting national targets.
“(This) will speed our transition to clean energy and clean air and protect our communities from the worst impacts of climate change,” Gov. Jay Inslee said. “The Biden Administration has demonstrated incredible climate leadership and has super-charged state efforts with the Inflation Reduction Act. While the Trump Administration will represent a speed bump, states have already proven their ability to go further, faster than the federal government, and we’ll continue to do so.”
A collage of elements of Washington's clean energy economy
Washington is leading on clean vehicles, aviation, energy, manufacturing, transit, air, water, and more thanks to state leadership and historic investments through the state’s Climate Commitment Act and the Biden-Harris Administration’s Inflation Reduction Act.
Buckle up for holiday travel
Next Wednesday is Christmas Day and the beginning of Hannukah. Washingtonians will flock by plane, train and automobile to celebrate with family. Another 600,000 will board state ferries [ https://wsdot.wa.gov/about/news/2024/deck-hulls-over-600000-travel-state-ferry-holiday-season?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].
Safe to say that the roads will be as stuffed as grandpa after Christmas dinner.
The state Department of Transportation (WSDOT) offers a free mobile app [ https://wsdot.wa.gov/travel/mobile-app-and-social-media?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] that allows Washingtonians to check travel times, ferry schedules, pass conditions, and more. If you plan to dash through the snow over the pass, make sure to check the app and pack your tire chains.
Airports will certainly be busier than usual as well. SEA Airport offers helpful travel tips [ https://www.portseattle.org/page/traveler-updates-and-tips?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ], including recommendations to reserve a spot in the TSA security line or a spot in the parking garage.
Travel safe. Enjoy the holidays.
News you might have missed:
Anti-graffiti drones are cleaning up state highways
The state Department of Transportation has flown 21 missions this year using aerial drones to paint over graffiti [ https://mynorthwest.com/4018438/are-anti-graffiti-drones-future-keeping-wa-roads-clear-vandalism/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] along state highways this year. They’ve proven safer and more efficient than human crews in precarious, hard-to-reach areas.
Plans for regional high-speed rail get a federal boost
The Cascadia High-Speed Rail line would run between Portland, Ore. to Vancouver B.C., improving the entire region’s mobility and economic prospects. This week, the Federal Railroad Administration awarded the Washington State Department of Transportation $39.7 million in grant funding [ https://www.krem.com/article/news/local/washington-cascadia-high-speed-rail-project/293-af83f4a8-6831-4a38-a0c7-9361b8ce8531?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] to support regional planning for the project.
Washington State Broadband Office scores $16-million federal grant for digital equity
It’s the state’s goal to achieve universal broadband service, and to serve every household with reliable internet that can support their education, employment, and entertainment. The state received a $15.98 million federal grant [ https://www.commerce.wa.gov/washington-state-broadband-office-scores-16-million-federal-grant-for-digital-equity/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery#:~:text=OLYMPIA%2C%20WA%20%E2%80%94%20The%20Washington%20State,an%20event%20Monday%20in%20Seattle. ] this week from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration this week to advance its work to improve digital equity and achieve ‘internet for all’ in Washington.
Millions of Washington youth are enjoying free transit
New data from the Washington State Department of Transportation suggests that youth transit ridership has thrived in the few years. The state’s Climate Commitment Act is funding free youth transit and ferry ridership [ https://wsdot.wa.gov/about/news/2024/fare-free-transit-programs-boost-youth-ridership-public-transportation-statewide?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] statewide, helping young people get from A to B 16.5 million times last year – all for free. Visit the state’s Climate Action website for more examples of CCA funding at work [ https://climate.wa.gov/washington-climate-action-work/climate-commitment-act-projects-and-programs?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] across Washington.
A group of kids smiles with the governor next to an electric bus
Kids now ride transit for free all over Washington. They enjoyed 16.5 free rides in 2023.
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