
  • Notification
    2025/02/11 (Tue)
    微微导航 豊川

    About the 4th Information Transmission Test 第4回情報伝達試験について

    This is an announcement from Toyokawa City Crisis Management Division.
    There will be a J-Alert Nationwide Simultaneous Information Transmission System Test to prepare for the oc...

  • Notification
    2025/02/13 (Thu)
    微微导航 豊川

    Lifestyle habits for dementia prevention (exercise) 認知症予防のため...

    This is Informatin of Energetic Life.
    This time, we will be informing you about "Lifestyle habits for dementia prevention (exercise edition)".

    Various types of ...

  • Notification
    2025/02/13 (Thu)
    微微导航 豊川

    豊川市子育て支援センター 3月の予定

    豊川市子育て支援センター 3月の予定です。

  • Notification
    2025/02/14 (Fri)
    微微导航 豊川

    Toyokawa Peace of Mind Mail [Marriage Support]

    Hello! This is Toyokawa Marriage Support Email.
    Toyokawa City will be hosting "Individual Marriage Counseling Sessions...

  • Notification
    2025/02/14 (Fri)
    微微导航 豊川

    This is Informatin of Energetic Life.
    We apologize for the sudden notice, but we would like to inform you that "Yuai no Sato Fureai Center Nukunukuyu" will b...

  • Notification
    2025/02/16 (Sun)
    微微导航 豊川

    Hello! This is the Cultural Promotion Division Sakuragaoka Museum.
    Next week, on Saturday, February 22nd, we will be holding our regular workshop, "Creative Corner: Let...

  • Notification
    2025/02/16 (Sun)
    微微导航 豊川

    This is Informatin of Energetic Life.
    Today we would like to inform you about the reopening of the bathing facility "NukuNuku-Yu" at Yuai no Sato Fureai Cent...

  • Notification
    2025/02/17 (Mon)
    微微导航 豊川

    A woman who shines no matter how old she is いくつになっても輝く女性で

    This is Informatin of Energetic Life.
    This time, we will be talking about "Being a woman who shines no matter how old you are."

    The event will promote the activ...

  • Notification
    2025/02/19 (Wed)
    微微导航 豊川

    Toyokawa Anshin Mail とよかわ安心メール

    Toyokawa City Health Center Scheduled for March 2025.

    ◎ Dental checkups for pregnant women
    [Date and time] Monday, March 10th, Monday, March 24th (reception hours 1:15pm ...

  • Notification
    2025/02/20 (Thu)
    微微导航 豊川

    ~Preventing the need for nursing care at home~ Utilizing liv...

    This is Informatin of Energetic Life.
    This time, we will inform you about "Preventing the need for nursing care at home - Utilizing energetic habits."

    With the ...

  • Notification
    2025/02/21 (Fri)
    微微导航 豊川



    ジオスペース館プラネタリウムにて、3月1日(土)に、プラネタリウム特別解説 季節の星空探訪『ガリレオが観た宇宙〜天動説から地動説へ〜』を開催します!


  • Notification
    2025/02/24 (Mon)
    微微导航 豊川

    What is diabetes? 糖尿病ってどんな病気?

    This is Informatin of Energetic Life.
    This time we will be explaining what kind of disease diabetes is.

    [What is diabetes?]
    Diabetes is a disease in which sugar (gluco...

  • Notification
    2025/02/25 (Tue)
    微微导航 豊川

    How to stock and use portable toilets and portable toilets 携...

    When a large-scale disaster occurs, your usual comfortable toilet environment can suddenly change, as you can no longer use the toilet due to a water outage and you are hit with un...

  • Notification
    2025/02/27 (Thu)
    微微导航 豊川

    Information from Toyokawa (豊川市からの情報)

    1. とよかわ桜まつり
    Toyokawa Sakura Matsuri

    From March 22 to April 6, cherry trees will be illuminated at the following places. Sakura-tunnel in Toyokawa park, the bank of Sana-g...

  • Notification
    2025/02/27 (Thu)
    微微导航 豊川

    About Saliva 唾液のはなし

    This is Informatin of Energetic Life.
    This time we'll be talking about saliva.

    Saliva plays important roles such as acting as a digestive fluid, protecting mucous me...

  • Notification
    2025/02/27 (Thu)
    微微导航 豊川

    豊川市桜ヶ丘ミュージアム 歴史ミニ企画展 歴史資料のさまざまⅥ 石器 ~石×意思~

    こんにちは!こちらは文化振興課 桜ヶ丘ミュージアムです。

    豊川市桜ヶ丘ミュージアム 歴史ミニ企画展

  • Notification
    2025/02/28 (Fri)
    微微导航 豊川



    3月5日(水曜) 10:30〜11:00

  • Notification
    2025/02/28 (Fri)
    微微导航 豊川

    This weekend, the play "The Big Mouse and the Little Mouse from the Sora Theater Company" will finally be held!

    Big Mouse only has big things, while Little Mouse o...

  • Notification
    2025/03/03 (Mon)
    微微导航 豊川

    The period for issuing bus passes for 2024 is until the end ...

    This is Informatin of Energetic Life.
    This time we will inform you about the issuance of community bus passes for the elderly.

    In Toyokawa City, we provide tickets for th...

  • Notification
    2025/03/03 (Mon)
    微微导航 豊川



    3月1日(土曜) 10:30〜11:00
