RELEASE: Indy DPW investing in trail network with people, conservation efforts
- [등록자]Indianapolis DPW
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]Indianapolis (Mile Square), Indiana, アメリカ合衆国
- 등록일 : 2024/09/12
- 게재일 : 2024/09/12
- 변경일 : 2024/09/12
- 총열람수 : 64 명
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NPO日本文化振興協会 なでしこ会
September 12, 2024
Indy DPW investing in trail network with people, conservation efforts
INDIANAPOLIS – On Wednesday morning, the Indianapolis Department of Public Works (Indy DPW), District 15 City-County Councilor Rena Allen and the city’s dedicated trails maintenance team visited Grassy Creek Regional Park and the Grassy Creek Regional Park Trail to highlight investments into the city’s far east side.
In Indy DPW’s 2025 budget request, the department has requested two additional full-time employees be added to the trail maintenance team. Created in 2023, the team currently consists of six full-time employees responsible for brush cutbacks, removal of debris, and litter pick-up across the city’s entire trail and greenways network. While the trail maintenance team is on the trail, all trail users are encouraged to provide the workers with adequate time and space to conduct their work. This will help ensure the safety of both trail user and DPW staff.
“Over the next five years, the City of Indianapolis will be investing $66 million to grow our trails and greenways network,” said Indy DPW Director Brandon Herget. “That investment is going to require an expansion of the AFCSME Local #725 workforce tasked with maintaining that network so that we can sustain the high level of upkeep needed.”
Indy DPW's proposed five-year stormwater capital plan calls for $1 million to be targeted each year from 2025 through 2028 for strategic land acquisition and stewardship. These funds come from the city's stormwater user fee and can only be used to acquire land to help with stormwater management and flooding mitigation. This is the first time revenue will be dedicated towards strategic land acquisition.
This year, Indy DPW used $360,000 to purchase
a parcel adjacent to Grassy Creek Regional Park for ecologic restoration and to protect the land from future development.
This new approach to strategic land acquisition for the purposes of better stormwater management, land stewardship and conservation across the county is one borne from discussions with the Indiana Forest Alliance, Indy Parks, members of the City-County Council and other stakeholders. Indy DPW believes this is an important step forward in continuing to think about our long-term approach to dealing with the real time impacts of climate change and land conservation.
“We’re excited to see investments on the city’s far east side,” said City-County Councilor Rena Allen. “This park is a gem in our community and continuing to maintain it for generations to come is a priority for my constituents.”
Final vote by the city-county council on the 2025 Indianapolis budget is set for Oct. 7, 2024.
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