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Utility Line Worker (AKA Journey Lineman)
- [Registrant]King County
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]King County, WA
- Posted : 2024/11/05
- Published : 2024/11/05
- Changed : 2024/11/05
- Total View : 21 persons
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*Learn how Metro connects you with what matters* [ ]
* This position is open to all King County employees and the general public. *
*King County Metro Transit’s Facilities Division* is hiring for multiple *Utility Line Worker* positions. Utility Line Workers are equivalent to the industry-standard Journey Lineman position. At King County, we use this gender-neutral job title in alignment with our commitment to our Equity & Social Justice values [ ]. Utility Line Workers perform journey-level, skilled work in the *construction, maintenance, and repair of the high-voltage trolley overhead and underground electrical systems*, which are energized during maintenance activities.
These positions may be required to lead others within the same trade, as well as those working as material workers and/or helpers, on a temporary basis for specific projects or job assignments. These positions directly support the County's interest in ensuring our customers have access to reliable transportation throughout King County.
*_Why Work for Metro?_*
**Generous Healthcare Benefits* *Annual Clothing, Equipment, Boot Allowances**
**Paid Vacation, Sick, Holiday Leave* *Work-Life Balance* *Pension Plan**
As the only jurisdiction in the world named after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., one of the most influential civil rights leaders in our nation's history, King County is a vibrant, diverse community with residents that represent countries from around the world. We are committed to making King County a welcoming community where every person can thrive. We value diversity, inclusion, and belonging in our workplace and workforce, and we encourage people of all backgrounds and identities to apply.
This recruitment will immediately fill up to *two **(2) Career Service* positions, and may also be used to establish an eligibility pool to fill future Career Service vacancies in this classification and division. Eligibility pools remain valid for 12 months upon creation, or until the pool is exhausted, at the discretion of the hiring authority.
This position is open to current King County employees and the general public, although current members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), Local 77, who are fully qualified to be dispatched for Lineman jobs, who apply within the initial five (5) working days of this posting will be given first consideration.
*Required Application Materials: *
* *An online King County application,* updated with accurate contact information, _and relevant work history going back 10 years (or more, if necessary)_, with all duties, dates of employment, and reasons for leaving explained clearly.
* *Completed supplemental questions*
* *One of the following *(must be presented prior to offer of employment if not attached to application materials)*:*
* *C**ertificate of Completion* of a recognized Line Worker apprenticeship program encompassing high-voltage utility line work
* Copy of a *current Line Worker union card*.
*Note*: A cover letter/letter of interest and/or a resume are highly encouraged, but not required. Other uploaded documentation will not be reviewed.
This posting will remain open until all positions are filled. Initial application review will be conducted 14 days following the posting date of this announcement, or on or after November 20, 2024. Applications received after that date will be reviewed on a weekly basis. Interviews will be scheduled with selected candidates beginning the week of November 25, 2024, and ongoing thereafter until positions are filled.
*Want to make sure your application materials are as competitive as possible?*
We highly recommend visiting the Career Support Services website for tips and examples on how to make your application materials most effective: *Career Support Services - King County* [ ].
Applicants who are unable to apply online should follow the instructions at Application FAQ’s- King County. [ ]
*For more information regarding this recruitment, please contact:*
Erica Minshull, Talent Advisor for King County Metro Transit or 206-477-6059
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