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City News: Putting the ART in pigeon pARTy
- [Registrant]City of Orlando
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]Orlando, MIA
- Posted : 2024/08/16
- Published : 2024/08/16
- Changed : 2024/08/16
- Total View : 130 persons
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News from the City of Orlando
** August 16, 2024
inflatable pigeons
Was “colorful, giant inflatable pigeons perched on the rooftops in downtown Orlando” a phrase you thought you would ever read in your life? No? Well, now you have, so you’re welcome.
If you haven’t been downtown in a while, now is a great time to visit, because these “Big City Birds ([0]=AZWBg-TJm3TiVHeaOyG3SdKV0hSzhbPypgoieQti8HZJPmTBCqeGMeCQmId1GSsGnhtpo8te2EGrsabGHRTdCee_zfopTgAyPnV5AliFzgQScA57g0pLnw-Gz-VIGO4Kz55gTYBhQjcxOifZenYfv6Rr2UkVSdfFEzeqh6saIGNkAPbkq6xeipXfgESEKGm06reAsbzEcEG1VQdc_xvzrqVfnp_nb1RrQbsuIPRAyvJyNXmdaD6PYnoETg3Nk2D82GpYWgvM9emhvzdrfKbo8FB1&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R&utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=26b09b8f33-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-26b09b8f33-80648119&mc_cid=26b09b8f33&mc_eid=UNIQID) ” are only a temporary art installation (up until October 17). As part of the DTOLive! art initiative ( , this exhibit of 16-foot-tall giant, neon pigeons is designed to bring people together downtown and bring about thought-provoking conversation around the environment and urban wildlife.
So, grab your flock and fly to DTO.
** Lifting up our community
The City of Orlando is making strides in addressing some of our community's most pressing issues using federal funding.
Through the Accelerate Orlando initiative, we're leveraging $58 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to tackle homelessness, affordable housing and digital access disparities.
This week, City Council approved funding that will help renovate and expand the Pathways Drop-in Center, which provides essential services for the unsheltered. Additionally, we approved funding for the continuation of the successful RUSH (Rapid Unsheltered Survivor Housing) program ( in partnership with the Christian Service Center. This program aims to move at least 20 homeless individuals, with a focus on families in the Parramore area, from the streets into permanent housing.
We're also helping to bridge the digital divide, by installing 12 additional "tables of connection ( " that serve as small resilience hubs, offering free Wi-Fi, shade and back-up power in neighborhoods with low internet access.
These initiatives demonstrate our commitment to creating a more inclusive and supportive community for all residents, addressing our most daunting challenges head-on with the help of federal resources.
Learn more about Accelerate Orlando (
** There might be bird 💩
We're looking for volunteers and local environmental groups to get into our lakes – literally! Keep Orlando Beautiful is looking for volunteers for a multi-day lake cleanup series starting on Saturday, September 7, through Saturday, September 28.
During last year’s inaugural event series, we removed more than one thousand pounds of litter from our local water bodies – and we are looking to beat that number this year!
The Orlando Lakes Cleanup is not just a cleanup – it is an opportunity to raise awareness about microplastics in our waterways, the importance of reducing and re-using, and the connection between our streets, lakes, and oceans. Some clean ups will highlight Orlando City Soccer players, SCUBA divers and nature walks.
Learn more at (
** Fly like an eagle to DeLand
This week, the Central Florida community celebrated the opening of a new station in Volusia County that is the northernmost stop on the 61-mile-long system.
Created to serve as an alternative to I-4 for those who commute to work, SunRail has been in operation for just over 10 years and was developed to be the backbone of a future public transit system. As that system grows, it will take more and more vehicles off Central Florida's roads.
The vision for the future system includes the Sunshine Corridor, which Mayor Dyer continues to advocate for. This corridor would connect the current SunRail route to Orlando International Airport and have stops at the convention center and near the theme parks, and also support SunRail adding evening and weekend service. We encourage you to ride the rails and use SunRail to explore our region. At the same time, you can see for yourself the importance of having multiple transit options for residents and visitors.
Check out the view from the front of the train (
** Flock to the polls
Early voting for the Primary Election is here! From August 5 - 18, cast your ballot at any early voting location from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. Primary Election Day is August 20. Find your nearest location at
And, don't forget, your election signs can be dropped-off to be recycled!
Residents can recycle their election signs at six different locations starting Wednesday, August 21, through Sunday, September 1, for the Primary Election on August 23.
City of Orlando Collection Locations:
* Orlando Solid Waste – 1028 Woods Avenue, Orlando
* Broadway Methodist Church - 406 East Amelia Street, Orlando
* First Unitarian Church of Orlando - 1901 East Robinson Street, Orlando
Learn more at (
natasha at authentic books
natasha in front of store with child
** The early bird gets the book
If you’re an avid reader, you know the feeling of getting so drawn into the story you almost feel like you’re there, experiencing the storyline firsthand. Natasha Asbell, of Authentic Books, knows this feeling well and decided to take the immersive feeling one step further by opening a business expanding your reading experiences to all five senses through book boxes.
In 2020, Natasha, a mother of three, working full time, rediscovered her love of reading when COVID-19 changed the way she and her family lived their day-to-day life. She loved the idea of bringing the books she was reading to life and sharing that experience with others, prompting her to start working with authors to create unique boxes that cater to your senses and tie back to the theme of a specific book. Within a year’s time, Natasha’s boxes were so successful, Authentic Books was recognized as the Best Book Box of 2021 and was featured in Today’s “10Best” lifestyle boxes.
This year, Natasha opened her brick-and-mortar store in the heart of Ivanhoe Village. Whether you visit Authentic Books in-store or online, you’ll have the opportunity to build your own box with everything you need to make a cozy day of reading an escape into your imagination. To visit Authentic Books, head to 1815 North Orange Avenue or visit the website at
** Things You Should Know
* Join us for the annual POW-MIA Remembrance Ceremony (
* Tell us your ideas for the Pulse Memorial (
* Submit your art for the Hispanic Heritage Month exhibit (
* What kind of classes are you looking for? (
* It’s important to Stop on Red (
* Flying? Visit the Words and Wonders exhibit at MCO (
* Get ready for Barbie at Movieola (
* Congrats to the newest Police Department recruits (
* Learn more about upcoming road changes to Magnolia Avenue and Church Street (
* Celebrate Dubsdread’s Centennial Anniversary (
** Now Hiring
Are you in the market for a new job that is meaningful and offers challenging work? Are you looking to fill your cup with work that makes your community better? Check out these positions with the City of Orlando:
* Fire Emergency Communications Specialist ( – Fire Department
* Welder ( – Solid Waste
* Maintenance Work P/T ( – Community Redevelopment Agency
* Entertainment Facilities Service Work I ( – Venues
View all jobs (
** Events
Public Board Meetings
Visit (
for more meetings and location details
* Municipal Planning Board (MPB)
August 20, 9 a.m.
* Canvas Cultural Plan Discussion Workshop 1
August 20, 1:30 p.m.
* Firefighter's Pension Board
August 21, 9 a.m.
* Pulse Memorial Advisory Committee Meeting
August 21, 4 p.m.
* Audit Board
August 22, 1 p.m.
College Park Drinks Along the Drive (
August 17
3 - 6 p.m.
College Park Main Street
Along Edgewater Drive
Audubon Park Community Market (
August 19
5 - 8 p.m.
Stardust Video & Coffee
1842 East Winter Park Road
The Milk District Designs Charrette (
August 22 - 27
6:30 p.m.
201 South Bumby Avenue
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