East Lansing City Council Meeting Recap 6/11/24
- [등록자]City of East Lansing
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]East Lansing, MI, US
- 등록일 : 2024/06/13
- 게재일 : 2024/06/13
- 변경일 : 2024/06/13
- 총열람수 : 126 명
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** Thanks for reading!
The East Lansing City Council Recap is sent after regular, discussion-only and special City Council meetings. View the 2024 meeting schedule here (https://cityofeastlansing.com/DocumentCenter/View/14120/2024-City-Council-meeting-schedule-PDF) . Readers are encouraged to contact the East Lansing City Manager's Office with questions at (517) 319-6920.
The City of East Lansing occupies the ancestral, traditional and contemporary lands of the Anishinaabeg – Three Fires Confederacy of Ojibwe, Odawa and Potawatomi peoples land ceded in the 1819 Treaty of Saginaw.
** Highlights from the June 11 Meeting
The East Lansing City Council met on Tuesday, June 11 at the East Lansing Hannah Community Center (ELHCC) for a discussion only meeting. Watch the meeting from the beginning (https://youtu.be/mLkxDE2QLVk?t=600) .
During communications from Council, East Lansing Mayor Pro Tem Kerry Ebersole Singh reminded community members of Ingham County 911 Central Dispatch Director Barbara Davidson's special presentation in May (https://youtu.be/_hVFOBPwEIY?t=3334) and encouraged the community to sign up for emergency alerts from Smart911 on the Rave Alerts platform (https://www.smart911.com/smart911/ref/reg.action?pa=ingham) . Mayor Pro Tem Singh also reminded community members that applications to serve on the Charter Review Committee (https://www.cityofeastlansing.com/2444/Charter-Review-Committee) must be submitted by Saturday, June 15.
East Lansing City Manager Robert Belleman encouraged community members to become election inspectors. Read the East Lansing Public Library's blog post about becoming an election worker here (https://www.elpl.org/blogs/post/become-an-election-inspector/) .
** 6.1 MEDC & MSHDA Presentation on Affordable Housing Programs
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/mLkxDE2QLVk?t=3724) . Community Development Manager Rachel Elsinga of the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) and Director of Development Chad Benson of the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) Rental Development Division presented to Council on affordable housing programs. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/381518/Rachel%20Elsinga,%20Community%20Development%20Manager,%20.pdf?handle=9896DC9E628C4CF586AC99FF9CE2E3D5) .
** 6.2 Legislative Updates Re: Short Term Rentals, Rent Control and the Statewide Water Fund
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/mLkxDE2QLVk?t=5756) . The City's Lobbyist Maureen Watson-Bolger from McAlvey Merchant provided an update on ongoing legislative priorities related to short term rentals, the statewide water fund and rent control. East Lansing Mayor George Brookover asked the lobbyist to return on a quarterly basis to update Council on legislative issues. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/381563/Legislative%20Updates%20regarding%20short%20term%20rental.pdf?handle=20BC928BE8074D8B900F5DF44DEA3DBF) .
** 6.3 Discussion of Rental Housing Ordinance
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/mLkxDE2QLVk?t=6748) . East Lansing Councilmember Mark Meadows noted that the City is exploring how to recodify the rental housing ordinance into a single chapter and expand some definitions for the community to review. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/379561/Discussion%20of%20Rental%20Housing%20Ordinance.pdf?handle=C42347047FCD45A6B619E9BEB716BCEA) .
** 6.4 Employment Policies Update
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/mLkxDE2QLVk?t=7636) . City of East Lansing Human Resources Director Emily Kenney outlined new policies, including a whistleblower policy, social media policy, Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Policy and updates of existing policies, such as Nonunion Personnel Rules and Harassment & Discrimination Policy, among others. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/381530/Employment%20Policies%20Update.pdf?handle=913E50C03B4E4138934D4FF16C9CBECA) .
** 6.5 Discussion of Pretextual Stops from the East Lansing Independent Police Oversight Commission
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/mLkxDE2QLVk?t=8991) . The East Lansing Independent Police Oversight Commission (ELIPOC) submitted a request to Council in April to consider the issue of pretextual stops and codifying the prohibition of pretextual stops. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/381600/Discussion%20of%20Pretextual%20Stops%20Request%20from%20the.pdf?handle=E780FF1996AA45559775DF8746CF658A) .
Council adjourned at 10 p.m.
To learn more about all items discussed during the meeting, view the Agenda Packet (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/381748/) (156 pages) and the meeting synopsis (PDF) (https://www.cityofeastlansing.com/Archive.aspx?ADID=2235) .
Next Meeting: Tuesday, June 18
** Additional Information
East Lansing City Council meetings take place at the East Lansing Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Road at 7 p.m. A remote option for viewing the meetings and providing public comment is offered via the City's public meeting portal (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/Portal/) . The number to call in for public comment is posted at the top of each meeting agenda.
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